As most of us are aware, the track record of suburban railways in the larger Indian cities has been pathetic. Other than Mumbai, there is'nt a single example where such a service has successfully attracted commuters & helped reduce road congestion. Most of them have been total failures.
The Delhi circular rail has been a complete failure & is used more for goods trains. Patronization levels are extremely poor, not to mention their Metro, which has also not fared well, thus far.
Chennai MRTS has been a total flop, but since they have already invested so much, there is no going back & other phases continue to be built, with a hope that revival might be around the corner once connectivity improves with the newer phases.
Hyderabad MMTS was losing about 1 crore each month. Currently, patronage levels are on the rise, probably due to high road congestion levels & also since many may be finding it a useful alternative to reach the newer technology clusters.
Kolkata's extensive suburban rail system includes a circular railway as well as a dedicated rail to connect to the airport. The circular & airport rail services are said to carry passengers numbering in single digits, sometimes. The Kolkata Metro has also not been successful, but all continue to run, since they have been installed.
Thus, investments estimated to cost hugely have tended to be put forward, without considering long-term implications of operating costs, passenger volumes & revenues. Given this abysmal record on cost, construction period lengths & poor traffic, the question is should we be investing in Commuter rail for Bangalore at all ?
To start with, the service would be handicapped with severe route restrictions, confined to only the existing track routes. Unless connectivity with Metro or faster bus services are provided from stations, this service may also end up in the same way.
One can understand why SWR has been so hesitant to get involved with this.
Wrong approach
Holistic planning
Dont know why but...
CRS & Transport Systems - User is Foremost
customization Vs alternative
transportation - Tiers of service
Commuter Rail - The targetted users
Commuter Rail - for SubUrbanites
Frequency and Infrastructure issues
station catchment design again
I distinctly remember reading and hearing that Hyderabad MMTS didn't do as well as expected because it didn't integrate well with local bus services.
See, as will be the case with Metro, Commuter Rail has a probem of reach and catchment area. Size of a station's catchment area depends on the connectivity to the station.
Lets say I commute to ITPL from Hebbal. Even if there is a train from Hebbal station to Whitefield, it won't be as exciting unless I can get from home to Hebbal station in 5-10 minutes, and then from Whitefield station to ITPL in 10m, and with not much hassle at both ends.
So, the only thing I would read into failures of other Commuter Rail Systems, and success of Mumbai system is this - integration with bus. If you leave it just to South Western Railway, it is bound to fail because they can't do much to extend the reach of their stations. Look at them, they can't get BMTC buses to come in to City station (because of Autorickshaw mafia or whatever) and one has to walk good 150 meters to get to the bus stand.
Refer to the post on PIL - a central transportation authority is what we need. Only then will we be able to capitalize and make the most of all existing transportation assets in the city. We have good enough roads, good enough rail tracks, and good enough last mile vehicles (read autos). We just need to integrate them better.
It all looks so simple to me, that I think with some serious support and backing, we can solve a lot of Bangalore's transportation woes in 2 years or so, even before Metro arrives. I am not kidding.
duplicated IDS'es point
Sorry, I didn't realize that I merely repeated what idontspam has alraedy stated in a comment above.
Commuter rail would greatly
Sorry - I realised I didnt
Whitefield commute in existing trains
One problem is there are plenty of UP trains in the morning towards Whitefield, but, no down trains in the evening from Whitefield to Bangalore. Existiing train timings which can be used.
RS - This was about Commuter Rail
The discussion above was about Commuter rail for Bangalore. Poor record/s with suburban railway systems in many cities was mentioned to highlight financial risks. Metro was also mentioned since it is relevant.
The Kolkata Metro is popular for many, no doubt, but it still does not have the anticipated ridership levels after so many years in service. This is one of the reasons why the second line (Datnagar to Rajarhat - passing under the Hoogly river) has been put on hold.
Similarly, while Delhi Metro may be a boon to residents in Dwarka, it is still not seeing the projected ridership levels.
Whitefield Commuter Rail Station
The station for Whitefield along existing CRS tracks is inconvenient for many, though it may be useful for some. The distance from ITPL, Hoody & the commercial hubs near Brookefield is a disadvantage.
Whitefield CRS
Rail bandwidth for CRS
CRS - As it is Now
IDS - Noted.
I was referring to train timings posted by Vasnth. As of now, it is inconvenient for many, as I said. However, once Metro provides inter-connectivity with CRS, & frequent, convenient bus options are in place to ferry people from Whitefiled CRS station to the activity centers mentioned, it might change things for the better, no doubt.
For this to be accomplished, BMTC, SWR & BMRC must work together. That was my point - trust this is clearer now.
CRS - Certainly not Out
I dont think CRS is out, but it is not in either, the way it is today. The city could benefit a lot if it is planned, operated & managed in an efficient manner, with close co-operation with other transport modes. What I have been trying to emphasize is that if CRS is taken up & operated in the traditional, vintage 'Indian Railways' style, then it is bound to bleed the exchequer, as it has been doing in other cities.
Track additions are already underway by SWR, as enumerated above. I dont think it will be practical for Metro to run along CRS tracks, even if modification of tracks to suit the gauge is possible since except for a few nodes, most of the track routes pass along unimportant areas, even within the city. The lines that could be considered for what you say are :
1) Deepanjalinagar to City station.
2) City Stn to Byappanahalli (via Cant Raliway Stn).
3) City Stn to Yeshwantpur.
4) Yeswantapur to Byappanahalli (via Hebbal).
Most of these will be connected by Metro Ph-1 itself, passing through many of the important activity centers. As such, it may not be worthwhile to explore this option.
As Vasanth has rightly assessed, the CRS service is more suitable for out-of-towners, who will arrive & disembark at some convenient station & transfer to either the Metro or a bus, provided such options are made available.
CRS - Does not pass thro' Nodes
CRS tracks generally do not pass thro' important /convenient nodes within the city that attract intra-city commuters in large nos - I do not know much about route-4, though. Current usage patterns are not the only indication. Some intra-city commutes may be taking place, but the nos are likely to be small - most commutes are probably as vasanth had summarized - people arriving from outside the city.
Compared to CRS tracks, the Metro alignment/s have been planned well & tries to connect as many important nodes as possible to make it convenient for intra-city commuters - this improves ridership greatly. The CRS track alignments were laid a long time ago to primarily serve inter-city train travel needs.
For example, the CRS from Deepanjalinagar towards City Rly Stn passes through Bapujinagar, Guddadahalli & Binnypet, all poorly connected by road & not having any important nodes that people might regularly visit. The Metro connecting the same points is aligned to pass through Vijayanagar, Hosahalli, Toll Gate & Magadi Rd - all points that attract very large no. of daily commuters with many offices, commercial establishments & residences.
Routes 1 & 4 will also be connected by Metro via Majestic interchange.
Timings got staggered - Sorry for that
Whitefield station and other thoughts on CRS
A couple of points:
The existing station at Whitefield is very well connected by BMTC. It is just about 100 m from the Kadugodi bus terminus and there is a bus leaving almost every 10 minutes to ITPL, Varthur etc.
The CRS from Yesvantpur to Whitefield via hebbal would be a great idea. It would greatly benefit commuters between the north and the east. The line is essentially a peripheral line, but there would also be interchanges with the Metro at Baiyyappanahalli and Yesvantpur.
However, there is one major constraint : The line between Yesvantpur and Baiyyappanahalli is a single line. To enable CRS, this MUST be doubled and automatic signalling provided (automatic signalling enables more trains to be run at shorter intervals). If this is carried out, I feel that running of EMU's on this route will be a hit.
I have provided a list of stations and conectivity issues (if any) below:
Station (KM) (Connectivity issues)
Yesvantpur (0) (No issues, well-connected)
Lottegollahalli (2) (needs to be connected to the ORR at BEL Circle - about 200 m road is needed; also to new BEL Road)
Hebbal (8) (reasonably connected, station is being upgraded, bus stops nearby; perhaps a couple of subways would be in order)
Banaswadi (14) (Horrendous connectivity, located in the middle of a congested neighbouhood - little scope for improvement)
Baiyyappanahalli (17) (Connectivity OK at present, Metro will improve it)
Krishnarajapuram (19) (No issues, well-connected)
Whitefield (29) (No issues, well-connected)
Perhaps, in order to reduce congestion, SWR should expand Yesvantpur, Baiyyappanahalli and Whitefield stations and yards.
Manish, Nagarbhavi.
Problem is with Byappanahalli - Whitefield route
Manish, the route between Byappanahalli - KR Puram - Whitefield is a busy route although double track and electrified. This is one bottleneck.
Yeshwantpur - Byappanahalli is possible and even SBC - Malleshwaram - Yeshwantpur - Byappanahalli is also possible since the Tumkur route is not as busy as the Chennai route. Again Byappanahalli station is busy station. DMU has to be used since line is not electrified.
State Government with Railways involvement can search options for converting BYPL - Whitefield to 4 tracks / 3 tracks to achieve this.
So, it is going to finally happen?
As per this article by 2011, -> http://www.bangaloremirror.com/index.aspx?page=article§id=10&contentid=20091110200911100013358283b599b85§xslt=
Railways are apparently waiting for electrification of tracks and board approval.Hope both will proceed quickly. There are also 3 routes being suggested.
Bangalore City
Bangalore East
Bangalore City
Bangalore City
Bangalore East
Bangalore City
Kadugodi (Whitefield)
I think the whitefield route can be extended upto marathalli/bellandur.
Moi Blog -> kelarappakeli.blogspot.com/
Namma railu is also required..
If you look at the unplanned growth in Bangalore, we need all modes of transportation. Metro/mono and HSRL will take care of the middle/upper middle and above class of people. for other section of society we really need commuter rail facilitiy , which connects various parts of Bangalore.. from North - south and fom east to west
1. Chikballapur to Electronic city (or beyond) via Hebbal / yeshwantpur /SBC / KR Puram
2.Ramnagar to Bangarpet via SBC/ Cant
3. Nelamangala to Anekal via Bannerghatta
If these routes are covered I feel most part of the Bangalore is covered.
yelahanka baiyappanahalli rail doubling affected.
Yelahanka Channasandra line had been completely doubled, and it seemed that it would openafter, say 6 months or so (after testing). But however, a tunnel construction near yelahanka has damaged the railway lines. The new line is now dangling, and trains crawl at the other line. Wud take atleast 6 months to repair.
Perhaps this is the shortest route from yel to chanasandra. Hope the service is restored soon.
Thanks for the inputs
Also Lottegolhallai - Yelahanak too is progressing for completion except GKVK bridge is now half the way for road widening.
Also ORR at MES road, flyover is nearing completion. This should helpSWR to speed up more train between Yesavntpur - Chikabanavar and Lottegolhalli - Chikbanavara of Yesvantpur bypass.
Also Electrification upto Chikbanavar and Yelahanka - Guntakal line, shifting of Tumkur godshed yard to Kayatasandra, Expansion of Bangalore city station with 3.5 acers of Binny Mill land, more pit lines at Yesvantpur and Baiyyappanahallai, Expansion of Yelahanka station, many more railway level crossings thru ROB / RUB.
Also doubling and Electrification of Bangalore - Mysore line, Nelamanagala - Solur of Hassan nearing completion.
MEMU maintenance shed at Banaswadi to start.
With entry to Karnataka Capital from out side is tolled thru Toll Highway, Suburban Rail / Commuter Rail will give big relief for citizens who wants to use public Transport.
Now will Railways or GOK has any more execuses for not doing this Suburban Rail for Bangalore.