Big Idea for Transportation in Bangalore - Plan for Non Motorized Transportation in Bangalore
When people refer to Bangalore, they immediately visualise the chaotic traffic scenario. A lot of concern has been expressed over the years on the congestion issue with government launching several schemes to improve its traffic (Building several Roads, Flyovers etc) but alas no solution!!
Bangalore has approximately 6.8 million trips daily. Urban sprawl in years has increased the trip lengths, which has resulted in decreasing mode share of public transportation and increase in private automobiles. The problem is not insufficient roads as made out by the authorities but the priority given to improve vehicular flow rather than improving people movements. The transportation share is nearly 20% of the Bangalore's landuse which simulates international practice. Than why so much congestion?
As per my estimate Bangalore loses out nearly 208 million Rs per day due to congestion (A very Conservative Estimate).
The root cause for congestion can be known from the fact that the 88% of total vehicles constitute only two wheelers and four wheelers, which contribute only 39% of total Trips.
It is very surprising to know that nearly 25% of trips are made in range of 1-5 km. Nearly 40% of those trips are made by motorised share (Cars/Bikes). We need to eliminate those trips by using non motorised transportation such as by walking, cycling etc.
Provide Pedestrian Facilities.
Bangalore lacks good pedestrian facilities. Pedestrians have to compete with vehicles, hawkers and encroachment to gain space. It is fact that nearly 40% of people killed in accidents in Bangalore are pedestrians. Improving footpaths are very economical way of sustainable transportation, which we often neglect. The pedestrian crossings are very rare to find in Bangalore roads. In fact you may find more number of flyovers in Bangalore than grade separated pedestrian facilities. Authorities need to improve footpaths/ provide pedestrian facilities at war footing.
Provide Cycling Facilities
Cycling as a mode of transport is virtually non-existent in Bangalore (less than 2%). Bangalore has nearly 477853 cycles. Such a large number of cycles does not transform into trips on roads basically due to lack of facilities (less than 15% operational trips). If proper facilities such as cycle tracks are provided by the authorities than the mode share has the potential to improve in Bangalore. It can also be developed as a feeder to public transportation by providing small parking facilities near prominent bus stops. Internationally the City-Bike System is the new big thing. It involves provision of city bikes with proper infrastructure (monthly-annually-fees) with several parking lots provided by the private party. It is considered to be the best option to demotorise thus having a sustainable city.
Stats From CTTP
City-Bike System - The New Big Thing
hobson's choice
how to get the bosses to move their a - - es is the challenge