"Safe Passage" is about collecting 2.00 lacs signatures representing to emphasize need for safe pedestrian crossing at K.R.Puram Railway, Benniganahalli and ITI Colony gate. Why Signature Campaign?
As we know the gatherings once dispersed the existence of such emphasis also disappears in thin air. Signature Campaign will be in existence all the time for ever. The leaders representation will make the things happen. I am inviting leaders to take this on along with me and be a cause for this Safe Passage of innumerable lives who will reach home safely thanking every good soul who have stood for the cause.
The focus will be children reaching schools, Senior citizens move independently to cross the road and People reaching the work place with ease and peace.
I will work out more plan for action and in the process invite more from the community for us to take this forward.
[PS: promoted comment to a post, some formatting to add an image, but content all intact {blr_editor}]
Details Needed !
Get started, support should come
First step is the hardest. We can get started with a meeting to plan this campaign.
I was thinking of suggesting to go meet BBMP to have this location included in the skywalk list. I only see one skywalk in this area ("K.R. Pura Bus Stand in front of BBMP Office"), where exactly is this?
BBMP has to provide land for skywalks, not sure if they own land on both sides of ORR near the foot of the cable bridge near the station.
Collecting of Signatures
Rgd plan and drawing
Go for a staggered crossing
Keep it simple, here is a schema representation of a staggered crossing - ASJ
Nice suggestion Doc !
Seen it in UK a lot
Staggered crossings
Staggered crossings are indeed very useful especially in areas with high vehicle traffic. As you rightly point out, they are very widely used in UK.
Here is a representation of them from UK's DVLA website.
For other types of crossings refer to rules 18 onwards on the ' Offical Highwaycode' here.
These are a common place in UK
Wheel chair friendly too
We would like to meet
Ckannan, ssheragu, psaram42 - meeting date?
We assume that you would be meeting to plan more on 'Safe pedestrian' project with sharp focus on Benniganahalli area.
Ckannan, Anantharam, Srinath, you should now be able to post the "event" yourself. This is how:
Let us know in case you face any difficulty, can post the vent on your behalf.
Dr ASJ - more on pedestrian refuges
In Bangalore, we have the ultimate road widening project a.k.a one-ways. Many roads in the CBD are one-way and have 4 lanes. As there is no concept of lane discipline one might have to navigate 8 lanes of traffic. Do you have any ideas on how a good pedestrian refuge system can be built so that people don't have to navigate 4 lanes at one shot? My own thinking was to have pedestrian refuge cum lane markers every 250 m or so on these one ways. Traffic also gets streamlined in the process.
On pedestrian operated signals - I don't think you quite know what you are up against in our cities. We used to have one on Residency Road in Bangalore. My wife pressed it and the light turned green for her. But... not one vehicle stopped. This in Bangalore. We probably need railway crossing type things.
So while I generally agree that we should not have to spend money on such things, we have reached the "last resort" situation.
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.
Crossing residency road
Raised pedestrian crossings
These have cropped up all over. Residency Road, K.H. (Double) Road, etc etc. I don't see them working.
a. In Bangalore the general behaviour is - if the car in front slows down, he is probably an idiot with no ambition in life. I need to overtake him by swinging left or right.
b. Vehicles don't slow down enough in any case. They are still doing 15-20 kmph. No 60 or 70 year-old is going to take a chance
c. Nothing to forewarn drivers that one is approaching. In Singapore all non-signal pedestrian crossings have blinking lamps that are visible from a fair distance and you know you need to slow down.
What we need to do is to put refuges on these raised crossings so that (a) is eliminated. Put some signage so that I know one is approaching.
Somewhere in our psyche is the thought that pedestrians are losers and need to be treated with utter contempt.
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.
Paradigm shift - need of the hour
I think we have a challenge which is a mixed bag. While driver training is an issue, so is law enforcement and significantly the way our roads are planned with regards layouts etc.
I don't think we have consumed all options to consider last resort methods. The police have not been firm enough, breach a red light - lose your license - it should be as simple as that (its mother of all offences).
Coming to refuges - We need them all over, different types for different layouts.
On narrow residential roads something as simple as - No zebra's needed, typically a residential setting hence flow of vehicles is intermittent.
Busier but narrow roads - two options here:
1) Zebra crossing without signals - This one has a refuge as well for added safety (but can be without as well)
2) But because generally most drivers in India are unaware that the Indian roules stipulate pedestrians have ROW at the zebra, they will not follow above, hence we need traffic lights - The image below has no refuge, but roads as narrow as the below can also have refuges (this splits the stoppage time and reduces the time the vehicles are left standing).
But the above can be with a refuge if the road is 2 + 2 lane as shown below:
A Staggered refuge has to be considered for roads 15 meters or more wide (most certainly on a roads with grade separators/dividers (aka dual carriage way) - we have discussed this with images above already.
Coming to oneways with 8 lanes - please refer to Cariappa discussion, I am copy & pasting my thoughts here -
Now here are some steps I am likely to take -
The above applies to any wide one way, where the traffic on right want to move left and vice versa, to do this across two lanes is tough enough, our planners expect drivers to do it across 6 lanes!! Once you strategically insert traffic lights and pedestrian refuges as means of managinf flow and direction, the problems will be solved.
PS, I have not gone in to triangular refuges above to avoid confusion, the basic premise is same.
My Best Wishes !
Dr. ASJ, I beg to differ !
Dr. Asj, I agree with you on the suggestion for staggered PedXings on a one-way with multi-lanes. This is certainly a good and doable option.
But I beg to differ you on your suggestion for the Residency Road flyover (Gen Carriappa) flyer. From the photo, and the adjacent neighborhood I knew off, it looks to me that the ramp from fly over is feeding into the road that leads to Double Road Junction. This particular stretch is not very long and not more than 1/2 KM. Prajagale, pls correct me if I am wrong on this.
Your suggestion to put the Ped Xing right at the ramp exit, seems not right. Instead I would suggest that, you provide 2 PedXings with synchronized traffic lights.
One below the flyover, just at the entrance of this road/Residency Junction. This will also give you the space for the refuge for Staggered pedxings. This would leave the flyover traffic to join the road without any traffic light. Pls see the Pink Marking for this suggestion.
2nd one at the entrance of the Double Road. That way people have ample PedXings on this road.
I agree withh you on all other suggestions, specially removing the Iron-Railings.
I beg to concur with you 100%.
My suggestions can't be accurate, they are more a way of pointing out that TDM is a science and there are principles which need looking at. I probably have the least first hand knowledge of the road.
But what you suggest is very much what I suggest, except you are a step ahead in the game.
I beg to concur with you 100%.
Ultimately these things need site visits and some on paper or on PC modelling to ensure that the signals and pedestrian refuges are placed at the right spot.
Meeting on 2nd Oct
Pedestrian refuge
Safe passage Meeting
Drivers training
Safe Passage - Any Progress
Is there any further progress with this ?
I agree with your last post - the standard road crossings will work well where the nos. are controlled. This particular spot has too many pedestrians & also a continuous, non-stop stream of vehicles - drove past here a few days ago & observed the same.
A wide subway across for pedestrians, using precast elements (magic box) would be needed.
I feel that pedestrian conveniences are far more important than vehicle movements. Efforts so far have only been to build flyovers & magic boxes to offer conveninces for vehicle movements. How about the thought of keeping all facilities closer to ground level for pedestrians so as not to inconvenience them too much & get the vehicles to move up or down more ? This will obviously incur more expenses, but such expenses are atleast, being spent on more worthwhile causes.
What can be done here is to elevate the road slightly - say, abt 6 feet, with a subway positioned only a few steps down from ground level. This way, the length of the ramps on each side of the underpass will be short & expenses could be minimized. This may be worth it as the no. of pedestrians crossing here is too high.
Meeting on the 14th Dec
Road level crossings not the solution
The solution lies in constructing a skywalk or subway(with escalators) across the entire length of the road, which will provide a safe passage to pedestrians and at the same time ensure unhindered flow of vehicles. Simultaneously the median must be barricaded with barbed wire to discourage jaywalkers.
Manish, Nagarbhavi.
Here atleast one should stay on the ground.
From the photo of Dr ASJ's comment in this blog (30,Sept 2008) there is no space for a skywalksubstructure.
Utilities and boundary walls have to be relocated. And still u may have the residents of first floor and the future pedestrians on a eyeball and nose distance to each other.
Why not have the pedestrians to cross under the flyover? U have a ready made pedestrian refuge, with safety come snow or rain.
Long time - I was out of action
There is a raised pedestrian crossing at Tin Factory/Benniganahalli junction. But then this is just a fixing methodlogy followed. There is not transformation of vows in that locations. We could see hoards of pedestrains still crossing the road adventurously. The traffic movement is still the same. On any working day from 8:00am to 11:00am average time to from Benniganahalli bridge to crosss K.R.Puram Railway station, it takes min 30 Min. We should arrange a meeting with all praja members and brain strom the same and offer our suggestion to trafic police and BDA including the railways.