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Let us ask BDA/BBMP?

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Our long term goal at Praja is to do more than blogs and discussions. For that, we first have to grow into a larger community of like minded concerned residents of this city. While we are not there yet, how about we try this experiment on the subject of alternate routes from Bannerghatta Road to Hosur Road.

What we need is a good connection somewhere between NICE Peripheral Road and Outer Ring Road. For a start, how about we post a suggestion cum question to BDA/BBMP, and do it this way:

- frame one short and precise paragraph on this - find email id or sarkaari website where we could post this - at least 20-30 of us will post this exact query

Then, let us see what we hear back. If 20-30 of us do this exact thing one same day, good chances that we will get replies.

Going down the route of trying to uncover illegal occupation etc is like getting into a conflict with BDA/BBMP guys. That way, we won't see them cooperate. We want an alternate route, thats it. So let us try different ways of reaching those who can do something about it and hear out their answers or excuses.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Please reply with your comments on who to write to or if you would participate in this simple exercise. If you have contacts (like some big guy in BDA, or that area's MLA), even better.


s_yajaman's picture


I found this address - Let's see how serious he is about responding. Why don't we send it directly to him? The other thing that I would like to raise is pedestrian overpasses/skywalks. There was some plan to put 20 or 30 more. Can we take this up too? Srivathsa

Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

tsubba's picture


sri, on skywalks, instead of making people climb up and down stairs/elevators can they make already powered vehicles go up and down ramps? grade separator only that peds cross road at grade while vehicles go under the grade. ie a street level bridge for peds underwhich vehicles pass.
Sailor's picture

Action Items

Good Idea to focus on "actual improvement" rather than only blogs & discussions. Couple of suggestions: 1. Have a Group heading such as Action Items similar to Active Forum Topics that will only contain such activities. 2. Multiple queries of a similar nature can irritate the authorities (I deal with these on multiple public involvement projects and their credibility is doubted), whereas a few well thought out ones can actually elicit a response. 3. Suggest addressing more than one topic - keeping every subject unique - so that aleast a few may start bearing results - success is always a boost to further achievement. 4. One topic that I can think of readily - marking and information of speed bumps - particularly noted on Inbound Bellary Road near Hebbal - I am sure many more can be found. Just some thoughts.
tsubba's picture

speed bumps

interesting suggestions. can you elaborate on your speed bumps idea? perhaps as a separate discussion? it is interesting because it helps us understand the rationale behind these. the design specs, the eligibility criteria and so on... ofcourse, in general this discussion can also shed light on the standards and specs they use in these matters. as i understand IRC standards are just naam ke vaasthe. i believe some where on the ORR there is a test track for rumble strips. perhaps they serve similar purpose and yet are not as fatal as speed breaking bumps. what sort of projects do you deal with?
bangalorean's picture

Perfectly fine

Yes, this approach should be very good .... This is the first complaint, donot know how much time they are going to take to answer it....
tsubba's picture

complaint or suggestion?

lets do this. what are we going to approach them with? a complaint or a suggestion? i am leaning towards complaint because that would make them answer. if we make a suggestion then they will say ok thanks we heard it and that would be the end of it. atleast there should be a complaint + suggestion part to it. i am thinking it should roughly should go like this.. BNG rd is getting constrained, so many people going south 29 main are necessarily take a deviation to BNG rd adding to congestion, why is it that this road was not connected all the way upto vijaya bank. making a road along madivala lake would ease a lot of congestion on BNG rd. what say?
Visitor's picture

Pls post some address where we can collective post the queries

Pls post the web site address where we can collectively post, the query. Lets see the repsonse..... Cheers!!! comment guidelines

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