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- BBMP and Road Widening
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- Maharajah's 13 acre donation to Bangalore
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Access roads may be the real problem..
I have lived for many years in a area -ISRO layout which is probably one of the most peaceful/quiet/serene residential areas in bangalore . A few factors which has helped it to remain so is good planning - wide road, enough lung spaces , and also as pointed above shops have only come up in one road near bus stand. However, I believe traffic congestion is still a real possibility because the situation in our colony is no different from other residential layouts of past like Jayanagar.
I believe commercialization is driven by simple economics of demand. A shopkeeper will open a shop only if there are enough customers. As in the case in my colony, the shops have opened up near bus stand because that is where the maximum number of people can be found. So, this residential-commercial segregation happens quite naturally. Now, the interesting question is how this balance is broken.
Most of the times what happens is that new colonies spring up and they don’t have any access roads to important corridors independently. .So, they start using the roads of the existing colonies. Suddenly, traffic starts entering these colonies from many ends. More traffic ->more visibility->more commercialization.
So, in finding answers to this problem we need to first think of how to make people use fewer roads to get to arterial roads/corridor roads. By forcibly marking some land as commercial and some not would just not work in our country. People will find ways to circumvent the laws. The best way is to make some areas not attractive for commercialization!
Moi Blog -> kelarappakeli.blogspot.com/
Choice of development model
this is the policy adopted in Canada
I have noticed this type of development in in the American continent, but most of Europe follow a mixed model where high street is allowed even in residential areas but only along the main road. There is a mix of both models. In the suburbs where large town houses exist, I have seen the American model. Bangalore city inside the ORR need optimization based on density.
Here is complete layout where I live. It was built completely from wasteland very recently. They have avoided a shopping complex and have allowed shops all along the road which runs the Tram. More than 4 kms.This has ensured people can take the tram to do their shopping. But there is adequate street and underground parking near the stations as well. People from all over come to study this layout for its environment friendly practices.
Noida has the type of layout you see in America, sectors with shopping in the center. It will be good to do a poll on how it has worked out. I liked the quiet but thought it encouraged driving as providing radial public transport can be expensive.
traffic congestion
I am not saying that one road having shops for essentials like medicine, vegetables, milk etc. is a must; even fact I would definitely prefer shopping complexes (many in number) for each residential area catering to the essential needs of the public; this is the policy adopted in Canada where shops allalomg the length of the streets are seen only on downtown area; near residential areas you have only SAFEWAY, BAY DAY etc. catering to the essential requirements of the public;
also the problems due to lack of segregation of residential and commercial areas is aggravated by lack of parking space;
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Mixed use is not new
One road can be identified which will house only shops for essentials like vegetables, medicine, etc.
This is the idea behind mixed use that was mentioned in the BDA masterplan. To allow for sub arterial streets & collector streets to have stores. It will be interesting to know if there is a formal classification (local, collector, sub-arterial, arterial) of roads maintained in a database at the BBMP and how the policy of mixed use is being applied. All these measures need high level of integrity (read no gimbla) and accountability (read punishment for incidents) from the E/AE/AEE etc for the area.
More importantly the chaos is not because of the shops themselves but lack of planned parking. For each street, parking has to be identified on the street/side street before granting approval.
It also requires decentralization in administration so active consultations with the residents of the area can be done by the approving authority at ward level.
traffic congestion
The main reason for traffic congestion in Bangalore or for that matter any place in the world is lack of strict segregation of areas into residential areas and commmercial areas; rather areas may be segregated to start with but later beacuse of lack of strict implementation of segregation, they become chaotic; take for example Indirangar; twenty years back when it started as a purely residential colony, there were only houses and living in Indirangar was a pleasure; but down the years, there is rampant commercialsation with shops, hotels, hospitals etc. mushrooming on every road along with residential houses; thus every road or street has become a traffic mess;
in contrast one can seen DRDO Complex in CV Raman Nagar adjacent to Indiranagar; though there are about 1000 houses in this small colony, there is no traffic jam even one a single day, as all the shops have been located in a shopping complex within the center of DRDO Complex;
if this practice is followed everywhere, then there will not be any traffic jams in residential areas and living (sleeping, studying, enjoying) will be excellent and everyone can have a good family life;
I would suggest that typically for any residential area, for every 10 roads, one road can be identified which will house only shops for essentials like vegetables, medicine, etc. (this road should be wide enough to accommodate the traffic and have lot of parking space on either side); alternately, for every residential area, not one but many shopping complexes can be constructed which will have wide & huge parking spaces and will house all the shops
if this suggestion, is implemented, then most of the traffic problems will be solved
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
I dont know where to put this.... somebody might find use as example
The approach officials took in Stockholm in their efforts to alleviate traffic congestion. Previously, certain crowded cities had tried to reduce traffic and pollution by instituting variable taxes on cars entering busy districts during peak times. The taxes were highly controversial, so it’s not surprising that before Stockholm instituted a congestion-pricing tax, some 80% of its residents told pollsters they disapproved of the idea.
In 2006 the city government ran a small-scale seven-month trial in one neighborhood, during which officials measured traffic and pollution levels and tested various taxation schemes. The residents of the district were surprised by the effect the program had on their daily lives: Their streets were less busy, it was easier to get places on time, and the air was noticeably fresher. Data backed up these observations, and positive reports about the pilot program abounded. Public opinion flipped, and congestion pricing for the whole city passed in a referendum by 52% to 45%. Since being fully deployed, the program has cut traffic by as much as 50% and air pollution by 14%.
source harvardbusiness.org, Nov 09