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Bus transport system is synonymous with BMTC in Bangalore. Though BMTC claims to be the best city bus system in the country, and rightly so, many feel that it can do better, and play a significant role in decongesting the traffic conditions in city.
- BMTC Routing
- Ask Me service - Query on BMTC routes
- BMTC - Interactive Maps Project
- BMTC route allottment - sheet attached
- Case Study: Taking the Bus
- Routes introduced after February 2010
- The Big10 routing concept
- BIG10, KSOL, KSBL - Route Details
- BMTC - S1 Route (Vijayanagar to Vijayanagar)
- BMTC Big 10 and HOHO service: work in progess?
- Bellary Road Big 10
- Big10 - 5 things to build upon BMTC's direction-based rework
- Big10 concept - Circle Routes are here?
- Extend or overlap BIG 10 services
- HOHO off to a slow start
- My experiment with the Sarjapura road Big10
- Tried office commute using Big10 - a report
- BMTC and Corruption
- BMTC and monopoly - opening up Local Bus Transport in Bangalore
- BPS Concept Paper
- First and Last Mile connects for BMTC
- Feeder Routes as 'Branded' Service
- BMTC's encouraging mini bus talk - good going Mr Parwez
- Feeder Bus Service - Malleswaram Example
- Minibuses for better area coverage
- No bus connecvitity from Kaggadasapura, Vignana Nagar to HAL airport Road!!
- Shuttle suggestions based on our experiences
- Feeder Bus Routes for Areas East of Suranjandas Rd
- Information Available on BMTC
- Vajra/Volvos doing well