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Public Transport

Restrictions on the movement of private buses

"...Minister for transport R Ashok on Sunday said the government is considering imposing restrictions on the movement of private buses at national highways in the State...." Deccan Herald.

For more read on:

Walk to reclaim Bengaluru: 9th Nov 2008, Sunday, Lalbagh West Gate

9 Nov 2008 11:00
9 Nov 2008 12:00
Metro RailPublic Transport
Hasiru Usiru, a network of community organisations, residents associations, project affected communities, voluntary organisations and individuals concerned about protecting equitable access to public spaces such as roads and parks in Bengaluru, invite you to participate in a Walk to Reclaim Bengaluru on November 9th 2008, at 11 am at Lalbagh West Gate.

Commuter Rail - Will it really help ?

Commuter RailPublic Transport

As most of us are aware, the track record of suburban railways in the larger Indian cities has been pathetic. Other than Mumbai, there is'nt a single example where such a service has successfully attracted commuters & helped reduce road congestion. Most of them have been total failures.

Integrating HSRL and Metro- A thought?

I'm not sure where the High Speed Rail Link to BIAL stands now (Is it still on?). If not, the forum below might be redundant. But if it is and the present alignment stands, integrating the two could be straightforward:

BMTC - good things announced

BusPublic Transport

While we continue to expect more from BMTC here on Praja, good things are being announced by the government. CM kicked off work for a TTMC at Kengeri, and while doing that, he announced (quoting TOI) a bus station in every locality and a depot every 5 km, in the next few years. Thats sweet, but sheltered bus stands with clear display of bus information would be sweeter.

Tampered auto rickshaw meters

Living in Madras for many years i was used to the bargaining, quarreling with drivers over the fare, since the concept of meters dont exist there. One just fixes a rate to travel from one place to another. And it used to be a very pleasant experience when i moved to Bangalore 10 years ago. Drivers would agree to travel to any place (atleast 90%), have perfect meters, and even give back change.

Bangalore bus system

Bus transport system is synonymous with BMTC in Bangalore. Though BMTC claims to be the best city bus system in the country, and rightly so, many feel that it can do better, and play a significant role in decongesting the traffic conditions in city.

CTTP Review – Further Comments & Inputs

Public Transport

Hi Suhas, went through your assessment of the CTTP & the discussions that followed – various comments & many relevant, valid points have surfaced.

There are a few issues I would like to fill in :

Bangalore Transportation: Research and Reports

A lot of research and study work has been done to analyze Bangalore's transportation situation and requirements. The most recent and popular one was a Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study (CTTS) done by RITES. This study produced a report-cum-plan in 2007 which is referred to as Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Plan, or CTTP-2007.

Bangalore Public Transport

From having a single state wide bus operator serving the city in early ninties, public transportation scenario in Bangalore has come a long long way. The city boasts of having the best city bus transport corporation (BMTC), it will get is first Metro rail by end of 2010, and there is talk of monorail and bus rapid transport system (BRTS) as well. comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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