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Public Transport

Little known facts about London Bus Services

London Buses is the subsidiary of Transport for London (TfL) that manages bus services within Greater London, UK.

21st century’s dinosaurs

What amazes me is they never seem to learn, even as our industry gets ready like its mighty US counterparts to go out with a begging bowl to the government for a bailout. This is possibly because they never listen. Today, even with the credit-tsunami, industry leaders and their sycophants in the finance world are all saying, "we never saw this coming". The reason is simple.

Commuter rail to E-City may happen soon!

Commuter RailPublic Transport

I was at a BCIC meeting this week wherein Devesh had invited Mr Arvind Jadhav (GoK's principal secretary for infrastructure development) over for a talk. Mr Jadhav mentioned some exciting plans, we should hear them soon in mainstream media. Commuter Rail Service was one of them, looks like things are moving, and we may get one or two services pretty soon! Here is a summary of CRS stuff that Mr Jadhav mentioned:

Bangalore Traffic - problems & solutions

EnvironmentTrafficPublic Transport

Presentations linked here were made by Mr Dasrathi (CEO of Cadem, Bangalore, and a member of Hasiru Usiru), who, even with being in his mid-forties, uses a bicycle for over 75% of the trips he makes, including client visits. He has stated that anyone may use these presentations in any way - view online, download, distribute, put them in blogs, whatever, as long as the message spreads.

Expert panel on Delhi BRT

Refer "Experts for BRTS". It may seem strange coming from me (support for continuing)  but - here we have a classic situatoin where basics were never looked at, some sort of bus way created and everyone expected a miracle.

City of flyovers

Worth a read (got this from the sustrans email group)-


Marketing project on BMTC - a survey

Public Transport

Thampan sent in this request for help with a survey he is doing for his project on BMTC at IIM-B. Posting the link to the survey and the note on his behalf. He says thanks to all Praja contributors for the amazing information his team found here:

Survey on BMTC & Public transport

We are doing a survey on public transport usage among the working population of bangalore foucssing on BMTC as part of a project study to increase the market share of BMTC ( in the transportation pie). Would be greatly helpful if Praja members could take part in the survey. Please click on the below link to take part in the survey.

Dreaming BRTS!

There's a million reasons why this might not work in Bangalore, and there's one reason why it might... hope!

Sure it's going to take adaptations to our conditions, and the political will, and better road discipline but as some interviewed in the videos below say...all we need is that one small step. The bad part (in Bangalore), is that we're already behind on the scene... Dilli, Pune, Indore already have their BRTS up and running (our reservations notwithstanding), the good part is that we can learn from them and make changes. Here's to dreaming though!

India Road Transport Service Efficiency Study

Public Transport

Though rather dated (November 1, 2005), the study by the World Bank recommending privatisation of Inter-City Bus Services, is gaining greater currency by the day. As such, even if the jury is out on whether privatisation can work in cities, the argument in support of the same, as far as Inter-City Bus Services is concerned, is too persuasive to be ignored any longer. comment guidelines

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