While we continue to expect more from BMTC here on Praja, good things are being announced by the government. CM kicked off work for a TTMC at Kengeri, and while doing that, he announced (quoting TOI) a bus station in every locality and a depot every 5 km, in the next few years. Thats sweet, but sheltered bus stands with clear display of bus information would be sweeter.
Good news there as well though, as BMTC has picked Keltron for supplying GPS enabled Passenger Information Systems, 80 of these will come up on Airport volvo routes on pilot basis. The promise is to show real time bus information at bus stands. Refer this news article..
At the same event, Mr Pasha, MD, BMTC made another good sounding promise (quote, TOI again) "We plan to convert our fleet to CNG-fuelled buses in 2-3 years". Thats a big promise to keep Mr Pasha. Let us remind you that all the city autos are yet to convert to CNG.
BTW, in case you didn't know, BMTC buses (I am guessing most, if not all) run on bio-diesel, they use a mix of jatropha to meet emission standards. Thats probably the reason we don't see BMTC buses emit as much soot and smoke as lorries and autos do.
Another interesting announcement from BMTC recently has been regarding low floor buses. Looks like it is all set to go for Tata Marco Polo buses. As per the recent news articles, these cost 52-55 lakh each, though I distinctly remember reading a number like 32-35 lakhs few months ago (perhaps non A/c). Volvo's come for Rs 72 lakh apiece. Friends say the Marco Polos in use at Delhi are pretty good, so lets see how these compare with Volvo. It is not clear though if BMTC is going to give up on Volvo altogether or if its going to run a mixed fleet of both low floor brands.
Now, after the good announcements, a round up of things we would like to hear but we haven't. Nothing in the news recently that suggests that BMTC is working on getting its routing system right. No announcements regarding plans to integrate with Metro (hey. its only two years away, thats not a lot of time). No announcements regarding the 150 odd bus shelters/bays that BBMP is supposedly doing for BMTC, though I do notice that a few new bus stands have shown up on Airport Volvo routes.
The pace of announcements seems to be good, so we should expect more. And yeah, we would be watching after things you announce. For matters of governance and administration in our city, we know that well begun is certainly not half done :)
Marcopolo buses to be launched on Nov 1st
good to see GPS enabled buses
Depot every 5KM?
GPS as a saviour
they care a damn!
BMTC and their kingdom
depots every 5 kms?
User Interaction Designer
Bus bay on the balance sheet
Bus Bays:
User Interaction Designer
Bus Bays
Bus bays - Plain talk?
build more buy more
Let me put our BMTC / BBMP bus related frustrations in simplest way possible. What we see is a trend is to build more and buy more. If that ever changes to make the best use of what it already has (lots of buses, lots of waiting customers, goodwill by way of being a 'profitable' body) then we'd all be happy residents of this city.
With the monopoly over bus operations in the city, and freedom from paying road taxes, BMTC should make twice the amount of profit it makes today. Let me get hold of their annual report and budgets and we can prove this point with facts.
The misconception that BMTC and government has is that only way they can keep getting their cuts is by building and buying more. A healthy and efficient operation has large maintenance contracts as well. Efficiency would alos require buying stuff, just that it will be software and data collection systems as opposed to buses and Big Bazaars. There will be enough money moving around in the "let us optimize" approach as well (for all to be happy). Once everyone understands this, "build more buy more" will stop.
It seems like there is a bus
They need something like this
__________/ \__________
( not sure if this will show up correctly but what I mean is a cut in the road so the bus can cut in and then drive out - so only half of its width is on the road. Of course this will work only if (1) the bus drivers cooperate (2) people cooperate and dont come on the road...
And the bus stops should not block the footpath as they often do.
Lets be realistic
Bus Bays - ASJ is Quite Correct
I was going to say the same thing. The demand for bus bays that are inset & for pedestrians to also stay away from the street is from the car lobbies who want to move their cars past bus stops without hindrance.
Whilst it is true that buses stop well outside, in fact sometimes in the middle of the roads, one must also understand that it is difficult for them to 'park' the buses too close to the kerb, as the drivers would be merely stopping buses for pickup & drop off, & not docking the vehicle there for long.
The provsion of such bays on some roads (such as Hosur road, before Forum mall, & on ORR) has not proved useful since with extremely high growths & excessive traffic, the situation has remained fluid & bus stops have also been moved back & forth. In some cases, bus bays have been taken over for 'idle parking' by cars, autos, even trucks.
Thus, all are to be blamed for this unsatisfactory state of affairs.
Where bus bays are of a more permanent & secure nature, such as those at various end terminals, or on Richmond road, near Mayo hall, buses do stop within the well designed bays or lanes, as private vehicles are kept away by making necessary arrangements (requiring more road width).
I observed yesterday that traffic cops were trying to strictly enforce similar controls on Richmond road, near Bishop Cottons Boys School & have put up barricades to separate the bus lane in way of the bus stop.
Car owners must also remember that buses transport many times more people than their car can do. Thus, per capital energy consumption & pollution is far lower from the bus, as also per capital space consumption on the roads.
Respect Buses
Volvo 500N route Story
they responded to you???
Vasanth - If they responded to you readily, why don't you lead a team to interact with them on a regular basis, and see if you can get them to implement the many suggestions thrown up by PRAJA members?
Simultaneously, I'll lead a team demanding competition.
Essentially, what we need is multi-pronged approaches towards improving the services in this most vital infrastructure sector.
Muralidhar Rao
bus bays
Bus Bays - Make us agree with you
Marco Polo buses launched
User Interaction Designer
How about when bus not around?
Work on Bus Bays on Outer Ring Road
Ofcourse Bus Bays are for the benefit of Cars.
ssheragu, I am willing to bet a small amount of money that you rarely, if ever, use walking as a mode of getting from point A to point B (as opposed to evening exercise in local park).
Bus bays have been hacking away at what remains of our pavements. Just one example is the Guttahalli Bus stop, between Cauvery theatre and BDA junction. They first narrowed the pavement for the magic box bridge. What little remained is now gone due to the bus bay. That too on a road that has 3 lanes in either direction. What was the need? Is it really that big a deal if the car that happens to be behind a bus has to stop for 10 seconds while a bus unloads passengers, in the rare case that he is not able to maneuver into the adjacent lane and over take.
This disaster is being replicated all over the city.
BBMP's new motto should be - for the happiness of the world's cars. Which can be translated into Sanskrit to sound something impressive.