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Public Transport

Policies Affecting Competition in Passenger Road Transportation Sector

BusPublic Transport

The NCAER study of state policies affecting competition in Passenger Road Transportation Sector, commissioned by the Competition Commission of India in March 14,2007, recommends major role for private players.

Use of Public Transport picks up in the US

Americans rode subways, buses and commuter railroads in record numbers in the third quarter of this year, even as gas prices dropped and unemployment rose.

Mysore Bangalore Rail Double line Project

Public Transport

Whatever happened to the gallopping project of Double line between Bangalore and Mysore? The latest roadblock is the monument concerning Tippusultan Gun carriage which is rumoured to come very close to the tracks and hence the doubling rail track goes back to the back burner or freezer if you ask me!

Delhi BRT - much to learn

Much to learn from this experience -


appoint volunteers and issue complimentary passes on "turn "basis to have fair reporting about the traffic in the routes of BMTC

private bus operators had tested it and found it working well to have their private reporters on traffic, suggestions for improvement, involving the public in actions etc. for this you can issue complimentary passes to volunteers on turn basis and can try if it works our at bangalore. narayanan

why cant the bus passes be issued in any day of the month

i use to get salaries not on the first day or within the ist week. depending upon the circumstances it may be even on 10th.nobody can be blamed after aal the profitability and cash flow of the company will decide such matters.but as for the pass is concerned can BMTC consider issuing bus passes on any date of the moth ,valid for the next 30 days. narayanan

Draft PIL



The City’s inhabitants have been subject to unscientific methods of traffic control & regulation that are relentlessly being pursued by the responsible authorities. This has seriously jeopardized pedestrian safety & movement on the streets.

Healthy Bangaloreans might go extinct by 2020

Public HealthPedestrian InfrastructurePublic Transport

 MYSORE: Bangalore will not have any healthy people left in 15 years if the government fails to arrest soaring pollution levels in both urban and rural levels. This grim warning came from Vision Group 2020, a panel comprising of eminent personalities from the state, constituted for making Karnataka a developed state.

Mumbai to get India's First Monorail - by 2011

Come November 29 Mumbaikars' dream of smooth commuting will get a major boost with the laying of the foundation stone for India's first Monorail project at the metropolis. Details below in the link.. http://timesofindia.india...

Infrastructure Projects - Victim of Political Battle

During Delhi Elections, BJP has announced that it is going to scrap the BRT project that Congress started. How ethical and unscientific is this to scrap an infrastructure project just for political rivalry. comment guidelines

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