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Public Transport

Bengaluru Mono Rail - proposal details

Metro RailPublic Transport

There is a proposal for runing Mono Rail in Bangalore by SCOMI-Geodesic consortium which is proposed to be awarded using the swiss-challenge method. As per initial high level information sent to Praja the consortium is proposing to build monorail along the three corridors.

HOHO off to a slow start

BusPublic Transport

Saw this in this morning's DH.  Not surprised that it is off to a slow start.

Bengaluru: Traffic congestion

1. Overview

2. History

3. Data

4. Solutions

5. Examples

6. References

External Links (related work)

This consolidation is a set of links to related work available on the web.

> Two PowerPoint presentations by Das GV on AuthorStream:

Metro Phase 1 extension approved

Metro RailPublic Transport

Noticed one Bangalore Metro news - phase one extension was approved. From Deccan Herald:

BMTC Big 10 and HOHO service: work in progess?

BusPublic Transport

BMTC is prepping 140 buses ready for ABIDe's Big 10 proposal in addition to suggesting Volvos be used for the HOHO service. Does this mean that BMTC will remove/reduce current bus services operating on the 'Big 10' ?

London bus lane in action - snap shot

This is part of my usual journey from Hammersmith to Hounslow. I managed to track 4 of the 8 miles on foot up to Chiswick (by then it the light was getting poor) - here are some snap shots put together as a slide show.

Sustainability - Making cities to be of one-hour wide functionality

Public Transport

Speech by Mr. Peter Newman is a must read for all City Adminisrators and Town planners. Please do spend time reading. Its dense but insightful.

Bangalore in the Pangs of Development!

Development is good for any city and country. And if you just glace around in any major road today, you will see the un-missable sign of development in our beloved Bangalore. Guess what!? It is the new and new buildings being raised in every major street / road in the city that is expanding at a pace so rapid, that you and I can only imagine.

DRM's presentation (regarding Commuter Rail etc)

Commuter RailPublic Transport

The following interesting points arose from the presentation made by the DRM (Divisional Rly Manager, Mr Akhil Agarwal), and the discussions that followed: comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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