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BWSSB - tracking and interaction

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There is a need for Bangalore citizens to get deeper into BWSSB to know their initiatives and operations. There have been several posts on the need for this tracking and interaction project, but unfortunately, not many had expressed interest. Regardless, and especially after seeing water issue topping the election survey, let the few of us get started with this.

  • Objective - Track BWSSB's initatives and overall performance at ongoing basis. Pace will depend on the level of support this project gets.
  • Methods - Mix of following
    • Direct meeting with BWSSB to know and highlight their successes, failures or frustrations
    • RTI to BWSSB and others for things that don't get answered
    • Sharing and highlighting articles from mainstream media, and NGOs in water space to spread awareness
  • Contacts

Will shortly have an internal meeting, or a meeting with BWSSB to kick this off.


citizenbangalore's picture

Cauvery Project

Any news on the ongoing projects?they seem to have been awarded to contractors.Been months now.any progresson site? whos monitorirng the construction.


Citizen Bangalore

Naveen's picture

Past consumption patterns will soon be outdated


Hi All,

I don't think that the standards or norms for consumption patterns for various resources, as envisaged by past experiences (or even those calculated scientifically) will continue to remain as benchmarks for the future.

The world's human population, the number of households & vehicles have already crossed levels that make previous consumption levels unsustainable.

No doubt water may not be in the same league as other more finite resources (due to possibilities for increases in supply with desalination plants), but due to excessive strain on other needs such as power, infrastructure for building & pumping water, etc., water will also become a scarce & expensive resource & efforts to bring down consumption levels will soon demand more attention.

An example to reduce per-capita consumption is to recycle water & use filtered water for washing, etc. as a standrad & on a much larger scale, than it is presently. The practice of using running water for various activities also needs more attention. Spring-loaded taps & faucets will soon have to be made mandatory.

From looking up & gauging nations or individuals based on high consumption levels, I think we are soon going to see a world that respects & craves for reduced levels of consumption, & the new benchmarks are going to be set out after successful experiences with such belt-tightening.

Water will be no exception to this rule of the future.

n's picture

At zenrainman - hope you were joking

lpcd – liters <u>per capita</u> per day. Why 135? Why not 125? Or, 70? 135 is above-average of what? What is the basis? Any in-depth studies? Incomprehensible usage gradations exist – why should a person in a town use less water? Maybe, because townspeople need to be less healthy? ;-) Washers (washing machines) use more water; let’s go back to hand-washing to conserve water since authorities and standards won’t adapt – ad nauseum.
I was talking more about needing to fix sanitation (read-though, understand, research, take time and respond – what say?) Feet let down that somebody with water background would post such (will be really disappointing if (s)he is also a Civil engineer); RKCHARI also talked about conserving. I agree on conservation but not if the consumption is scientifically inadequate or less than world medians. Some water ;-) for thought – wiki article (wiki is not be all end all but good resource), WHO (who WHO?), reports etc. Why do I even bother? ;-/


idontspam's picture

Per capita is a wrong measure

Per capita is a wrong measure 


zenrainman's picture

Reducing consumption

 Per capita is a wrong measure . Take a look at your water bill, if it is more than 135 lpcd then we are above average. Its alright to say fix the system while we consume what we can is it? or do we treat water as a scarce ecological resource.

I'm talking about taking personal responsibility for our behaviour. Be the change that you want from the world or continue complaining for the rest of time to come :) The choice i ours.

RKCHARI's picture

Consuming Less Water

I am in total agreement with Zenrainman when he suggests we look at reducing our daily water consumption by 20%. I think it is the fundamenbtal duty of every inhabitant of this earth to cnsume judiciously what is definitely a finite quantum in terms of availability. If other country citizens consume more, that too needs to be condemned.

Reducing consumption really does not mean we have to cut corners by stingy behaviour. At present there is so much wasteage in small acts of ommission such as running the tap when brushing or shaving etc all of which can be easily avoided and considerable savings achieved.

Reducing consumption in short means reducing wasteful consumption and being mindful of using this most precious gift which all of us take so much for granted.


n's picture

Why reduce water consumption

when the per capita consumption is one of the lowest? How about learning to effectively manage and sustain water and sewerage systems? Cities with far higher populations (New York City) and/or density (Tokyo?) than Bengaluru have far higher gross and per capita consumptions yet do not ask their citizens to reduce consumption. First, facilities need to be provided for sanitary treatment and discharge rather than asking people to adjust lifestyles to suit the square peg.

zenrainman's picture

Dr Venkatram

 How about taking individual responsibility and reducing water demand, recycling water and using Ecosan:)

Will people here take a look at their last monthly water bill and tell us how much litres per capita per day they are consuming? Can they then reduce it by 20 % over the next 2 months ?

Would be enough to make up for T.G Halli water loss 

sanjayv's picture


 Dear n, Please feel free to add to the gyan.  Happy to have any help.

n's picture

More water woes?

Dr R Venkataraman has some dire predictions on the water supply situation - his antecendents seem to check out (though he may have vested interests in getting funds allocated by seeming alarmist - but this is for a good cause so better to take at face value and start doing something about it). Have been saying the same thing.
At sanjayv (regarding bwssb gyan) - will try to get to the gyan and make sure the structure stays the same (similar to additions on the sustainable transportation but with formatting and linking to match your good efforts - let me know if you disagree)

sanjayv's picture

A BWSSB contact

From the BWSSB website.  The gentleman listed second - Mr. Syed Ahmed was who had come to the IISc brainstorming session last Saturday.  From his statements, came across as a fairly open person. He may be one person to call (even though he is very new to BWSSB).  I'll call and try to set somethng up for October with him.  In the meantime, can we brainstorm about a focussed list of areas we want to pursue with BWSSB.  One big item that I am interested in is their plans to upgrade the Sewage network and treatment.

Name Designation Place of Working Telephone No-Office
P.B. Ramamurthy Chairman Cauvery Bhavan 22945100
Syed Ajaz Ahamed CAO & Secretary Cauvery Bhavan 22945102

tsubba's picture

thank you.

thanks sanjay.

paging ERR sir. please note these links.


sanjayv's picture

BWSSB information treasure trove!

Here is a link to some detailed documentation (project reports from the AUSaid program) for the geeks to read and digest.  There is an ENORMOUS amount of information.  Enjoy!

I have been slowly plodding through over the past couple of weeks. Information is from circa 2001-2002.  But this should be quite comprehensive up to that point.

If there is sufficient interest, we can fork this out as a separate thread and discuss the report threadbare.

n's picture

More on sustainability

At the risk of incurring silkboard's "wrath" (who is always trying to stay on topic) here are my thoughts st(r)aying off-topic.

At zenrainman: On sustainability - why not separate the regulator from the provider? In our example, let BWSSB do the heavy investing, fixing charges (with public hearings), water distribution, sewerage collection and treatment. Or, water purification, distribution, sewerage collection/transportation and treatment can be "quadri"furcated (similar to electricity generation, T&D). An umbrella regulator can look after all types of conservation (including mandating and preserving wetlands, water retention/detention and so on, similar to EPA in the US), regulating hazardous waste (industrial, medical etc.), deciding and enforcing penalties etc. KSPCB is ideally suited to do that. Why create another govt. dept. (BUWMI) and multiply inefficiencies? Of course, experts need to be hired (not shocked at lack of hydrologists at BWSSB - like mentioned previously they go on milking the Cauvery, get foreign loan and most likely foreign equipment) and "teeth", independence provided for professional operation. Social obligations can be taken care of by a Social Dept. in govt. that provides subsidy cards (or coupons) that can be presented at any store, utility providers etc. to get products or services at subsidised rates. In other words, institutional, legal and ecological taken care of by KSPCB, social and financial by an umbrella govt. dept. (for all social needs) and technical by BWSSB. Just an alternative proposal - not trying to offend or argue.


silkboard's picture

wrote to BWSSB email ids

Regardless - I want to know BWSSB more. Seasoned water activists like zenrainman sir know so much, the need is to spread around this understanding, not amongst everyone, but to start with amongst those who are little more aware (like those who hang out on these forums).

Institutions and systems gets fixed when people want it. Right now, awareness and mindshare about water issues is pretty low - who would really care about something which costs peanuts (Rs 20 for a 100 liters?). 5 days an year of water issues hogging headlines (when a child dies in a drain, the annual ritual) is not enough.

idontspam's picture

Right man for the right job

 Question is how do we build the right institutions with the right people

How indeed. I have complained and people have proposed. Ultimately it is about the people in these bodies. So if you do end up building a great institution in BWSSB and realize the dicks and harrys in BBMP or some gram panchyat approved a layout flushing everything down the stormwater drain for a penny in his swiss bank account.

sanjayv's picture

Questions @ zenrainman

 Institutional- We need a Bangalore Urban water management institution:  

I totally agree that water management has to be institutionalized under a single organization with all the suitable expertise built in.  How would such an organization like this be positioned? From a local governance perspective, should this organization be answerable to the city and to an elected body of corporators? How does this body have all the necessary expertise? Thirdly, how to institutionalize something so that this is implemented all across Karnataka? Obviously, suitable legislation is required.  Somebody must have done this study already, right?

Social- we need a defined pro-poor policy , debated and discussed with milestones:

Agree, absolutely.  Water and sanitation is a basic right and there are too many people without proper access

Legal- A framework for managing groundwater , rainwater and wastewater as well as water quality as legally enforceable mandate

Again, agree. I do not know the details, but we have laws for ground water, rain water and waste water.  How do the currently existing water, groundwater and pollution laws limited in terms of enforcement?


zenrainman's picture

 Every family in Bangalore

 Every family in Bangalore which consumes 25,000 litres of water every month gets a subsidy of Rs 399/-  

This family pays Rs 25 as Sanitary cess and gets a subsidy of Rs 600/- every month (since this is the cost of treating sewage after collection and conveyance). So every family connected to the BWSSB gets Rs 1000/- a month as subsidy. 

A poor family in a slum pays Rs 1 per 10 litres pot or Rs 100 a kilolitre. The richer ones pay Rs 6 or Rs 9 a kilo-litre. To use a Sulabh Shouchalaya you pay Rs 2 per use or Rs 10 per family or Rs 300/- per month. The rich pay Rs 25 for their shit to defile all the water bodies around.

This is the 'socialism' we have been practising for 62 years :)

Unless we as a society say that the poor get their share of water we will have 'illegal' connections and patronage politics. therefore we need 'social sustainability'. 

Institutionally if we do not have the right framework all work will stay temporary to be done over and over again. Technology is the last of the issues and there are many to choose from. Question is how do we build the right institutions with the right people (BWSSB has not a single hydro-geologist for example)  AND empower them as well as hold them accountable we will be nowhere.

The financial sustainability points have been made and I would suggest that each property owner should be taxed for the 'stormwater' contributed to be managed by institutions.

Ecologically water has to be recognised as a temporaly 'finite' good and both catchment management as well as pollution mangement should be done by the BUWMI NOT the Pollution Control Board. This is the way forward.

To merely dream that some technology or the other can exist in vacum and present a miracle solution is to day dream.

This engagement is long drawn and takes time. ABide is hard at work on this as is the BWSSB, given political and power constraints. 

Shall keep you updated on what is happening because all these recommendations will come in public domain for discussion and inputs before they are finalised.  

As regards rainwater harvesting, the rules and regulations are yet to be drafted and unless that is done it does not become mandatory. One has been on that issue for the last 15 years...the time frame required for institutional changes in INDIA :)   

So prajgale onwards then as we make haste set things rolling right when they have been allowed to go kaput for a long, long time.

RKCHARI's picture

Web Site for viewing


Kindly view the Company web site at .

You can go to the link Information Resource and read each and every paper published therein. The information is pretty voluminous, so I dont think it would be possible to create a new post etc.

Hope this helps.




RKCHARI's picture

My Take

First of the 6 sustainable level suggestion appears to be logical. However, the greater emphasis should be on coordinated planning and policy making. Implementing agencies can be different. In fact it might be better to have different implementing agencies so that all ills of the city is not blamed  on just one amalgamous agency.

I wonder whether being pro-poor is because we feel guilty and are not able to alleviate their lot or whether there is a genuine concern that urban slum dwellers too get a fair deal. The tilt in any case should not be to the exclusion of one or the other section of society. Have we not had enough of socialistic leanings for the past 62 years since independence? How about some concern for the middle and upper middle class citizens? Are they not Indians and citizens of this city?

Legal frame work is essential so that planning and policy that the agencies adhere to are in sync with overall objective of equitable distribution of facilities and services. But this should not become reason for the agencies to play a blame game. RWH has been made mandatory in March 2009. Who is ensuring it is happening?

Why financial subsidies in the first place? We all pay taxes, CentralGovernment gives loans to State Governments and if we all learn to utilise our natural wealth optimally, why should we need subsidy in the first place? I understand BWSSB supplies water at Rs. 16 per kilo litre while it costs them Rs. 42 per kilo litre. Why should the 26 rupee gap be subsidised?

Open and transparent technical decision is welcome, but stake holders must be willing to look at advancements in technology fairly and squarely instead of sweeping it under the carpet.

Of course ecological level of sustainability must be the corner stone of all civic services. However, I think one more dimension of ecological sustainability should be zero or minimal maintenance requirements. What is the use off desilting Lakes and open drains every year? When technology exists for a maintenance free solution, are stake holders afraid of losing their annual contract?

I wonder oh, I wonder!


tech's picture

uploading content - rkchari

Best thing would be to upload the docs to your company website, and point over to those documents in a comment or new post here on Praja.

If you don't have a website, we can build one for you for a nominal charge - all money could go to the Society that runs this community :)

If the docs are not that huge - create a new post, and when writing the blog post, look for "attachments" section, and upload stuff that is more educating than pure marketing.

Remember that this site is moderated democratically. A set of moderators can vote to unpublish content that they think is "unfit". The moment more than a certain # of moderators say "this is not fit", the content (blog post or comment) goes away.

zenrainman's picture

Managing waters

 We need sustainability at 6 levels

Institutional- We need a Bangalore Urban water management institution , amalgamAting the BWSSB and LDA as well as bringing stormwater and groundwater in the purview of the BUWMI

Social- we need a defined pro-poor policy , debated and discussed with milestones

Legal- A framework for managing groundwater , rainwater and wastewater as well as water quality as legally enforceable mandate

Financial- Targetted subsidies and removal of all misdirected subsidies

Technical- an open transparent and communicated decisions on all projects

Ecological- Looking at water holistically 

RKCHARI's picture

Flo Products & LEED Points


Yes all products being promoted by me amongst the authorities here in Bangalore are Flo products. Meaning they are modular and hence can be seamlessly put together allowing flow of water without any effects of clogging etc.

If all products provided by us are used, one can garner up to 23 LEED points. I have the break up, but it is somewhat lengthy with explanations etc.

I may have been somewhat over euphoric after meeting Dr. Ravindra and Mr. Sivakumar. Their comments and interest is yet to be guaged in practical terms!




RKCHARI's picture

Not Blog Savvy!


Can someone give me step by step instructions to upload a host of technical papers I can provide on water management which includes papers on infiltration Vs drainage, lake cleaning, RWH, pervious pavers and ecological roads etc?

I am afraid some of them are likely to be Company specific and to that extent I might have to be excused if it seems as if I am 'promoting' my Company.




tsubba's picture


folks thanks for this discussion. chari sir, if you are sharing papers, i would also like to access to them.

many moons ago, i had read that certain type of plants can do a fair bit of filtration. they may be a resoanble solution for the distributed filtering.  i think in the long run it is crucial that the catchements of the 3 major valley in blr are either naturally or artificially recreated.



sanjayv's picture

Missed the sarcasm

 @n: Sorry, I missed the tone and gave an earnest response.  Agree that the gyan section does not raise technical questions.  However, it is going to take me a lot of time to get to the point of getting comfortable with the subject to start posing analysis and questions there.  If you feel you have questions and analysis  to contribute and have time to spare, please feel free to edit or add to the gyan.  Only one request -> I am trying to keep this gyan section such that every piece of infomation is properly referenced and double checked.  Please try to maintain that.  Thanks.

n's picture

Clarification on BWSSB

At sanjayv - The statement "what is the role of BWSSB? Just to build more phases at Cauvery?" was sarcastic/rhetorical venting out of the frustration at lack of long-term planning at BWSSB. Long time ago when we visited Torekadinahalli, I was (and am) impressed with the water purification process. In hindsight, BWSSB should not rely completely on Cauvery - the water supply can and should be (refer my earlier post) from different sustainable sources and the sewerage part (in BWSSB's acronym) needs to be well-managed. My question is, why is the BWSSB letting other departments "take over" its functions of managing water supply and sewerage? No funds? Lazy? Lack of planning? Gyan is a good step but does not raise questions on the technical aspects.

At RKCHARI - was going to suggest meeting decision-makers (politicians - water resources minister, CM) and providing good (fancy) graphical presentations but you beat me to it. Now, some politician may claim that they have a revolutionary and permanent solution (your solution) to the annual tamasha. ;-) Godspeed on speedy implementation. It is regrettable that it takes the ultimate price for authorities to be open to ideas and think long-term. Now, if only there were an economical solution to open sewerage drains getting backed up due to rainwater inflow, encroachments ...

Added: Didn't realize the products were "Flo" ones - they are well advertised. Just curious - do all them meet all EPA standards? Any LEED ratings (some technical Q&As here)? 

RKCHARI's picture

SWD Vs SW Infiltration

Hi Sanjayv,

Would be delighted to share some of the case studies and documented recommendations with you. We need to meet up at your earliest convenience. Let me know when & where.

In the meantime, maybe you might want to look at the link related to "Resource Information" in the web site

BTW, I met Dr. A Ravindra earlier this afternoon. As you may be aware he is presently the Advisor to CM on Infrastructure Projects. He was effusive in his interest in our technology and has agreed to take up the matter with the Commissioner BBMP right away. I also received similar enthusiastic response from Mr. Sivakumar K.M., the Administrator of BBMP. Commissioner Meena was not in office. All of them felt our proposal deserved a hearing and maybe actively considered. I got the impression they almost clung to my proposal as it had come on a day when they were all grappling with the Vijay tragedy and the public aftermath.




sanjayv's picture

rainwater infiltration

Okay Chari sir.  I would like to see a few papers sometime.  Maybe we could exchange some of these papers at some point (when we meet in person, perhaps). 

RKCHARI's picture

Infiltration in preference to open drains


There are any number of scientific papers and proven studies available with me regarding SWDs with infiltration technology as a method of ensuring 0% runoff compared to open drains carrying water from point A to Lakes etc. Even Dr. T.V. Ramachandra of IISc confirms our technology is the inly sensible way forward.

Even as I write this Channel 9 on TV is full of news about yet another child having fallen into an open drain.Is that fact alone not enough to do away with such archaic systems as open drains?

Regarding RKM giving instructions, he did have an Assistant Engineer of BBMP in the same room when he was shooting instructions to the contractors, but the poor  Assistant Engineer was eloquently in his silence!

No, in fact when I asked RKM whether any rainfall pattern was considered when designing 2 metre deep pits at 100 metre intervals, he categorically said no such study had been conducted. He was more concerned about getting the job finished (I would suspect by hook or crook) than any scientific approach being followed.

In fact I was so agitated that I came back to my office and wrote off a two page appeal telling him what he was doing was a sure prescription for disaster. Have not received a word in reply till date.

I am now trying to contact the authorities to say that we can actually provide a 100% guaranteed solution for something like one third the budgetted amount of Rs. 6,600 crores. And we are even willing to invest in our own products and services to remodel the entire 835 Kms of SWDs before claiming a naiya paisa from BBMP. It could even be on a BOT basis, if BBMP wants proof of the infiltration technology being workable.

I wish Prajagals will suggest ways of getting one's voice heard in the corridors of power. Any suggestion?


sanjayv's picture


 Interesting.  I wonder how the Deccan Herald printed that a DPR existed and also furrther wonder how a price was quoted without a detailed survey which should mean that a DPR also would result?

I still have mixed feelings about percolation concept that you support versus impervious channels.  With our existing lake system, I am okay as long as things are done scientifically and the water ultimately recharges the ground water (some runoff is also preferable). But that aside, how is it that Mr. RKM is involved in giving instructions to contractors on redoing the SWD.  It would be much more comforting if qualified folks designed these based on numbers with a scientific basis (for example, rainfall data for the past 30 years, open channel flow rate, slope of the channel, water percolation rate into soil etc.  I wonder if all this was actually done?

Bangalore's sewer system is famous for having sections driven by gravity flow that have a negative slope - in other words, slope is opposite to the intended direction of travel of sewage.  Would it be too far fetched to imagine that SWD's also have a similar story?


RKCHARI's picture


I have checked with BBMP. No such DPR is ready / available as on date.

Remodelling SWD is really so simple and if done correctly, it can solve water logging problem for ever!

Mr. R.K.Mishra whom I met recently was actually giving instructions to two contractors for re-doing SWD on the 13.5 Km stretch from Kundanahalli to Adugodi on the old Airport Road. They were awarded contracts based on re-doing the traditional concrete channel system whereby water is taken from point "A" to point "B" - God only knows where that leads to(!) strengthening imperviousness throughout, with some pits at regular intervals allegedly meant for infiltration!!

I am afraid the Rs. 6000 crores earmarked for redoing 835 Kms of SWDs will be a total waste of tax payer's money.



sanjayv's picture



Yes, you are right.  The BBMP is responsible for all storm water drains.  Thanks for bringing the article about the 6600crore (!!) storm water drain remodeling project to our attention.  Apparently there is a DPR which we must get a hold of through RTI. They have not been able to "remodel" the SWD in the existing BMP areas.  Now they want to add more on their plate to eat more money.

The BWSSB's charter is very simple. Supply safe, good quality  water to the consumers within the area they are charged to serve. Remove sewage safely (without mixing with rain water) and dispose it off after appropriate treatment. You can read more in the gyan section here. In fact, the BWSSB was formed at the time of Cauvery Phase I, when the funding organization (World Bank) put it as a requirement.  Before that, the state government ran the headworks and the BMO distributed water.

It is not clear who is responsible for lakes.  A plethora of organizations are. Right now, the BBMP, BDA and LDA are responsible for the "repair" of one lake or the other.




psaram42's picture

Let us try to get an appointment for Praja on a week end.

 I will try calling the PA to chairman, BWSSB on Monday for a possible Praja appointment preferably on a Saturday. Sanjay I will try and join you in your trip to Cauvery Bhavan. Kindly Let me know your plan. 

sanjayv's picture

appointment preferred

Thanks Naveen.  You had posted about this earlier too.  I was planning to go there just to buy a copy of their financial statement, if possible, if the appointment does not work out.  Thanks for the warning.

Naveen's picture


PSA /Sanjay,

I had tried to meet the concerned official for information about Cauvery 4th stage about a year & a half ago & had ended up waiting almost 2 hours, though the official was in. When I asked again, I was told to come again another day. I then asked for an appointment with date /time & they simply stated that the saheb was busy for some days. So, I returned & had never gone back.

I suggest you get an appointment, on behalf of praja before you go since without appointment, they may not meet you.

sanjayv's picture

I will try to contact also

 PSA sir,

I will try to separately arrange a meeting also.  If a meeting with the PRO or chairman does not materialize shortly, let us try the RTI route to get information. We should also get a copy of the BWSSB's annual financial statement and budget which they are supposed to have copies available for sale for the general public at a nominal rate. A visit to Cauvery bhawan may be in order to get whatever info is available.


PS: If the meeting turns out to be a working day, it becomes very difficult for me to go.  You may have to go without me then.

psaram42's picture

Have sent an email

 I have sent an e'mail to to day requesting for a meeting date

silkboard's picture

Not much progress

Not much progress for obvious reasons - we are short on helping hands for this one.

n's picture

Any progress?

Was curious to know if any meeting had occured. BWSSB website has more (recent?) information and has the chariman's contact listed. Information on ongoing works and tenders are also up. If a meeting is arranged, I have a couple of questions:

1) Why aren't lake waters purified and used for water supply? Related Q. - why aren't mini sewage treatment plants built at selected lakes especially where the distance to transport water for non-potable purposes is high? Collectively, the plants might end up costing less than building huge ones and paying for transporting higher distances. Developed countries often use large lakes (natural or man-made) and build treatment plants in their vicinity.

2) How are storm/rain water drains sustainable? Isn't it better to allow percolation at all locations than flow to a low point that may have blockages due to eoncroachment and lead to the annual flooding?

Edited: A newspaper article referred to BBMP remodelling SWDs so Q. 2 is misplaced here and should be redirected at BBMP (need to brush up on all of BBMPs areas/mandates). May be RKCHARI can try harder to explain long-term benefits (vis-a-vis low maintenance, sharing of costs by PPP? fancy graphics? etc.) to BBMP. BBMP should have short- medium- and long-term visions, trading off the cost of the annual flooding tamasha vs. higher initial cost.

2nd edit: Huh? Both questions are misplaced here. It seems that BBMP is in charge of lake maintenance. Really confused - what is the role of BWSSB? Just to build more phases at Cauvery? How about LDA? It seemed for a while that LDA was the nodal agency to coordinate lake-related issues. I give up.

Rithesh's picture

Called the Chaiman's Office

Mr P.B. Ramamurthy is out of station and he is expected to be back on Monday. I talked to his PA - Mr Raghunandan. He requested me to call back on Monday to fix up a meeting.

Mr Ramamurthy's email id is chairman [at] bwssb [dot] org.

silkboard's picture

Wrote to them, Rithesh - can you call

No email address available on website, so I wrote to webmaster at

Rithesh, let us call them today to fix our first meeting, long due. Let us try reach two people. You call

Mr P.B. Ramamurthy, Chairman, Cauvery Bhavan, Phone 22945100

And I will call:

Mr P.B.Nayak, Project Director, Cauvery Bhavan, Phone 22945252

Let us touch base in the evening to check if got their time for this Saturday.

silkboard's picture

Will ask them for a meeting

Lets get started via a meeting. I am going to write to them today, will ask for a meeting next week, or weekend.

zenrainman's picture

Count me in

Will be happy to be part of this group
Naveen's picture

I am Open

I'm interested in BWSSB matters, since I had made a start earlier, but could not go any further due to various obstacles - if required, I can also participate. comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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