I was completely taken aback when I saw stumps of the tall silver oaks in front of HAL engine div today morning..
Did some checking and found that
Publish Date: 22-Sep-2010
Document Sale Starts: 28-Sep-2010
Due Date: 04-Oct-2010
Interesting thing is that the tender due date is 4th Oct and tree cutting has already finished!
Amazing speed for the wrong reasons!!
Uprooted trees: To what use?
Not at all to condone the uprooting of the beautiful (majestic) silver oaks on this road...
What do the authorities do with the trees they fell? If they CANNOT proceed without felling the trees, could they atleast uproot them and transplant them in other parts of the city?
Growing any of these trees takes 20-30 years before they become majestic, provide their rich cover and look beautiful...why do we lose any that are already grown ????
Road widening encourages more vehicles to come on the roads
I think those working for sutainable transportation need to say loud and clear that road widening, building flyovers and grade separators is counter productive as latent demand unleashes many more vehicles to come on the roads. So such infrastructure in fact INCREASES congestion on the roads instead of decreasing it.
The answer is to discourage personal vehicles and improve the facilities for walking cycling and public transport (even if it means carving out bus lanes on exisiting roads).
Right Sujit, welcome to Praja
I assume you are the well known Sujit P from Pune, welcome sir to Praja.
Almost everyone here agrees with you.
On flyover front, things have become better recently in Bangalore in the sense that random flyovers have stopped showing up (Tagore circle underpass may be last such waste of money). Thinking has changed to focusing on select corridors. Even that exercise (speeding up select radial corridors via widening here and there), was started partly with the idea to support the new radial bus routes. But from what we can see, the focus has gradually shifted back from Buses. We are trying to bring that back by a project here (named Bus Priority System).
But despite effective protests and requests (from HU, others) road widening ideas continue to prosper without any serious efforts to maximize usage of available road width. Road width usage efficiency can be increased by 25-30% via simple measures to mark clear lanes, move pedestrians to pavements, and control road side parking.
How is the scene in Pune on this?
This road needed a hard median and 2 more signals
Srinidhi - I did complain about increased congestion on this road, but certainly did not ask for widening. A hard median, 2 more signals, and improvement to the chaotic BEML junction could have fixed the jams which have increased recently on this road (new office building in BTP?) and have made commuters complain.
Not to mention, local shuttles from Old Airport road and Old Madras road to Bagmane tech park during morning and evening could also take 15-20% commute/autorickshaw traffic out of Suranjan Das road.
Even though the road is bit narrow (2-3 lanes mostly), I would try the above measures first and only then think of widening.
Junction improvements first..
yes SB, the only congestion that we see on this road is the BEML gate and the turn into Bagmane tech park..and this is also at certain times of the day and not through the day..
As with the case with most other roads marked for widening in blr, junction improvement can do lot of good..and should be tried first before the widening plans..
I bet there has been no good study on the traffic density on any roads marked for widening in blr..its high time these are done!
And btw, I am no great fan of relocating trees..cos its expensive and more than half the trees dont survive
..and BBMP scams..
But with all this, cant help if the drive force for road widening is something totally different..as pointed here by CAG
Irregularities to the tune of crores of rupees have surfaced in the work code orders with the CAG stating in his latest report to the government that the BBMP paid at least Rs 4,000 crore in excess for the work codes between 2008 and 2010.
And wasnt it BSY who was coming on media frequently that we dont need elections for BBMP and babu's and engineers are enough for the upkeep of this city..do we see his finger in the pie too or a full hand?
I feel its his face in the pie itself!!
Suranjandas rd - widening
Is the road being widened along it's entire length ? There isn't any indication as far as I can see. The link above states "Hal Premises" (only ?)
I know that some 2-3 yrs ago, HAL had published a tender in TOI calling for widening, but nothing happened then.
Raod Widening and Congestion
Even in the US (country that would love to moves in cars even from one bedroom to another) REALITY is catching up with "science fiction". Came across a report "CEOs from Cities" called "Driven Apart: How Sprawl Is Lengthening Our Commutes and Why Misleading Mobility Measures Are Making Things Worse"
Athough they are still beating about the bush and not owning up that the automobile is the core problem, they are asking the question "Are we building new roads and highways based on incorrect data?"
I guess the situation in Pune is simlar to Bangalore and what is worse - many road users (not just the policy/decision makers) continue to be under the illusion that "once the flyover comes up the trffic jams will disappear". The media by and large is also guilty of spreading this myth.
Sujit Patwardhan, Parisar, Pune
not just HAL premises
Now its tree at a time..saw a huge one go down today at the junction where we move into Bagmane tech park..
There was precision in the cutting..a huge 6-7 ft dia trunk reduced to nothing in less than 4 hrs..no traces left! So its a matter of time the road will be barren..
Hope there is a plan to plant the trees back wen the road work is finished!
Btw the existing road is a concrete one..laid years ago by HAL..hope they continue with a concrete road itself..instead of the tar roads..
Who can be approached for it?
cutting of trees on Suranjan Das road
I am also pained by the sight of trees being cut on Siuranjan Das road, which I use daily, for road widening.
I feel that the root cause of all this, is the appearance of Bagmane Tech Park near LRDE; as a resident of DRDO, we were used to noise free, pollution free environment; further we could enjoy nice walks in the area where the Bangmane Tech Park has come up; I, as a resident of DRDO had written earlier, to the concerend authotities, to stall the the construction of Bagamane Tech Park, as it would spoil the serenity of life of DRDO residents; but it fell on deaf ears.
In my opinion, the only remedy for all these, would be
(1) to follow the policy of segregation of residential & commerial areas, stictly
(2) identify only select corridors for road widening, so the destruction of tree cover is minimal
(3) these select corridors should be made signal free
(4) the identification of select corridors, should be made on a global basis all over the city
(5) all these corridors should be interconnected
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Segregation & Mixed use
to follow the policy of segregation of residential & commerial areas, stictly
I do believe Bagmane is a good example of mixed use where all business activities are concentrated close to residential but still not intermixed with it. Intermixing is a misuse of the concept of mixed use. You cant banish business to the boon docks, next thing somebody will talk walk to work and build a huge apt block right next to it. So what then?
Bagmane is illegal..and bad!
I do believe Bagmane is a good example of mixed use where all business activities are concentrated close to residential but still not intermixed with it
Its built on a lake bed..its one of the worst examples of land grabbing..
Sorry to talk dirty but they prohibit flushing toilet papers even today in my office there because a proper drain system could not be built around it since its a lake bed!
It has also become the wost example for unplanned growth(residential) around it..where they have tried 'walk to work' and miserably failed..with narrow gullies instead of roads..no proper infrastructure etc!
And now they are widening a peaceful road with big trees just to make way for those dumb cars which get parked in those MLCP's at Bagmane..
Its built on a lake bed..its
Its built on a lake bed..its one of the worst examples of land grabbing
ISRO headquarters Antriksh Bhavan and RMV 2nd stage is built on the chikkamaranahalli lake bed. It was a live lake with water that they closed not even a dry one. I am not justifying encroachment.
work has picked up
more trees gone over the weekend, see some more work that suggests that a 4-6 lane road might be in the works. Tender seems to suggest that the plan includes shifting the existing railway line (that goes to BEML) a bit away from the road.
The objective of this widening may be to enhance connectivity to Byappanahalli Metro station from Old Airport Road side. I don't think its just for Bagmane Tech Park / CV Raman nager people.
Its very saddening
Its very saddening to all those huge trees being chopped off without leaving any trace of its .. existence and that too within 2 days.
Has the BBMP made public the details of this road-widening. They have cut down trees which were along the compound walls of BWSSB. I dont think BWSSB property would be acquired for widening the road. then why cut trees which are not obstructing.
Few of the BBMP road widening plans are absolutely ridiculous.
widening increases congestion?
utter foolishness to say widening, flyovers and underpasses increases congestion. widening may not be as efficient, but flyovers/underpasses improve situation a lot. in any case, widening does not increase congestion, even if it doesnt reduce congestion.
Latent demand and Generated traffic
In reply to Rackstar's comment that it is "utter foolishness to say widening, flyovers and underpasses increases congestion...." I would suggest he should read some basic literature on what causes road traffic congestion particularly the phenomenon called "latent demand" or "generated traffic".
Comprehensive studies made in different parts of the world conclusively prove that for every unit of increased roadspace created thorugh road widening or additional roads, there is a 90% of increase in traffic coming on these roads within a period of 3 to 5 years. This is in countries with high automobile ownership.
In developing countries like India where the potential growth in personal auto vehicles is much higher, this increase in number of personal auto vehicles on the widened roads is likely to happen be even sooner.
Instead of calling these observations "foolish" I suggest sceptics should do some reading on the subject available on the net and in published literature. A good place to start would be this link;-
Sujit Patwardhan,
Parisar, Pune
Agree with Sujit
A good road network with free flows works well only if traffic growth can also also be well controlled. For eg. Bangalore has built almost 50 flyovers & congestion levels are far worse now than before these were built.
Widening & flyovers may provide temporary relief, but it also attracts more traffic & automobile ownership, which in turn results in more vehicles on roads that lead to increased congestion not only at the spot where road widening took place or where the flyover was built, but elsewhere in the city too.
Permanent solution to reduce congestion is not to keep building /widening roads or go on increasing the number of flyovers wherever there apparently seems to be the need, but to simultaneously enforce methods to check the growth in the volume of vehicles through increasing costs for using private vehicles with measures such as high parking costs & congestion pricing besides improving public transport.
SB - Which tender suggests shifting the railway line ? The one quoted above does not.
Well said
but to simultaneously enforce methods to check the growth in the volume of vehicles through increasing costs for using private vehicles with measures such as high parking costs & congestion pricing besides improving public transport
The bottomline cant be summarized any better. The more people rally around the above the better off we will be
hey Mr rackstar
Mr rackstar, welcome to Praja. You are partly right in that uncivil comment of yours. Congestion does go away precisely at the point where you widen the road, or build a flyover. Just that you triple or quadruple it at the 3-4 signals or lane-merges around your construction (or lets say destruction) zone.
Leave alone talk of public transport etc (called out by Sujit. IDS above), much cheaper efforts like BTRAC (to better manage and control the traffic flow via signals and medians) help increase traffic throughput a lot better than efforts to widen the channels here and there.
Sorry to learn "foolishness" is unparliamentary or uncivil. i felt bad so many ppl agree underpasses are worse than traffic signals..
"Bangalore has built almost 50 flyovers & congestion levels are far worse now than before these were built." we will demolish those flyovers and see what happens.. demolishing is easy. people around world are fools to build flyovers and interchanges. we better go back to stone age when there was no traffic jam.. u think b'lore gdp remained same as before those flyovers built?
i agree in high parking fees, but congestion tax is invasion of individual freedom, ppl often undervalue freedom - a big mistake. same with forcing public transport instead of enticing.
"Widening & flyovers may provide temporary relief, but it also attracts more traffic & automobile ownership, which in turn results in more vehicles on roads that lead to increased congestion not only at the spot where road widening took place or where the flyover was built, but elsewhere in the city too." this is big myth. flyovers reduce much more congestion than they attract ownership/use of personal vehicles.
Where do you live?
And which is your favourite flyover!?
Except when planned in series along with other measures (consistene lane width etc) to give you a high density corridor, flyovers don't help, they only generate demand for more flyovers.
Analyze the maps and traffic to understand how the disease spreads, and persists until you get kilometers and kilometers elevated :) That costs a lot of money, with poor ROIs.
Ill-informed, misconceptions
Rackstar: people around world are fools to build flyovers and interchanges. we better go back to stone age when there was no traffic jam.. u think b'lore gdp remained same as before those flyovers built? ...congestion tax is invasion of individual freedom, ppl often undervalue freedom - a big mistake. same with forcing public transport instead of enticing ...flyovers reduce much more congestion than they attract ownership/use of personal vehicles.
Well, everybody here agrees that a good road system is desirable for any city, but the key question is how much of it ? Building or expanding road systems costs a lot of money. If traffic growth is not kept in check, within a few years, it will become insufficient & more flyovers /roads will be needed as traffic will have increased even further. Where does one stop ? Or should we go on building ? Well, the experiences around the world is that there will never be an end. Cities like LA & Bangkok now have several tiers of roads, & it's still proving insufficient.
In India, we have got used to many things for free - road /flyover use is not being charged for, unlike in most places abroad & people have taken things for granted, even demanding it.
Thus it's not surprising to hear you terming congestion tax as "invasion of individual freedom". Well, you can have the freedom to use the roads & flyovers provided you are ready to pay for it's use since a lot of investment & effort goes into creating it. Why do we have tolls for the newer NICE road or the elevated roads such as the one to electronic city ? You pay there without questioning, isn't it ? Would you term this also "invasion of individual freedom" ?
B'lore gdp may have been even better if long-term, sustainable solutions such as a metro route or exclusive bus lanes had been planned to electronic city rather than building an elevated tollway since it can handle far more commuters than those that travel by cars. It is for this reason that a metro route is also being planned there now to prevent further tiers of roads being built.
Likewise, making provision for better public transport systems that can carry huge volumes of people in far lesser road space is preferable since it not only reduces the need to keep building more & more flyovers & road widening, but is also environment friendly, in the long-term.
blame economy
Dont blame poor flyovers for increase in traffic on marathalli side. More jobs came to bangalore, more ppl need to go to work! Traffic increases every year and flyovers are last reason for this.
I agree too many roads nees not be widened after enough roads widened all around city, but domlur like full interchanges solve problem for good in high traffic places like silk board. Few loops to be added there, not km's of elevated. But thanks to madiwala underpass, now u can go past madiwala without even stopping once when coming from el city.
Automobile culture
More jobs came to bangalore, more ppl need to go to work! Traffic increases every year
We chose to use private vehicles to make people go to work. We have the choice to use mass transport (bus & rail) to do the same. Following link should be mandatory reading to see our future.
Somebody told me recently. With our population roads will remain crowded but we have a choice on what we crowd them with, Private vehicles or Mass transit? Which will serve people more efficiently?
My own take: The bridge between destruction and sustainability is attitude of the public. You cant make it to the other side without fixing the peoples attitude towards mobility.
Like all of you, I too feel horrible witnessing this mass destruction. My heart literally bleeds.
Lots of discussions and strong words, but what do we do to bring a difference? Can we come together and plant trees along the extended roadline? Let us at least try to give back the road its serene green canopy, if not today but tomorrow. Shall we?
trees can be planted..
yes we can plan to get the trees back on this road once the construction completes..will try to get to the authorities on this..
Probably a campaign at Bagmane tech park cos should raise enough resources for this..
Thanks srinidhi for the support. I myself am working in one of the companies in Bagmane and I am sure we can bring together the people associated with the tech park to raise resources. I know so many of my colleagues and friends who are concerned about it and will give their support.
As you have mentioned we need to discuss with the authorities about their plan and the feasible places where the trees can be planted. Also, we need to provide adequate protection to the newly planted saplings. I think there is a rule that for every tree cut , two are to be planted. Wonder what plan the authority has regarding this.
Hopefully the road constrcution work is as swift as the promtness with which the trees have been felled. We need to have a plan by then and get into action.
Speak to Bagmane admins?
Srinidhi, Aparna, I just moved out of Bagmane Tech Park (changed jobs), but will join in for a lunch meeting at BTP food court if you plan to take this up. You should be able to reach to BTP admins through your company HR or facilities people.
Thanks silkboard. Yes we can talk to BTP authorities, raise resources through the concerned employees. We can meet at our convenience to chalk out our course of action.
However, my opinion is first we need to talk to the BBMP authority about their plan (I mean to what extent the road is being widened) so that the place where we plant new trees do not come under the axe again. We need to identify places of tree planting such that they provide shade to the pedestrians as was earlier. Probably if there are pavements being constructed, we might think of planting them along these pavements. Also we need to enquire what is BBMP's plan of tree replacement.
I do not have much idea how and whom to contact in the BBMP in this regard. Probably someone can guide us better in this?
Any second thoughts? Any better plan?
[offtopic comment, moved. please respect volunteering moderators time, use your judgement to keep to the topic, you can always create new blogs to share your wisdom]
I also work at BTP, I will
I also work at BTP, I will join in this effort.
Hi guys,
Any updates on the road widening work? I haven't passed the HAL division for quite some time so I have no idea what is going on there. Near the turn to BTP, I do not find any work going on.
I am wondering what is going on? Has the BBMP into some random tree felling? And then simply disappeared? Or (how I wish) there has been some stay order on tree felling in that area? If all these was for road construction, I see no sign of it. WIth how much promptness the trees have already been felled, and now no action?
We got to have all information about BBMP's action. We simply cannot sit and watch BBMP's random destructive plan. It is our right to know and our duty to protect our environment.
BWSSB work..
I am trying to get that info..however there is BWSSB work happening now where they are laying 4ft water pipes..the road works will happend only after that I suppose..
Lets wait for that..
Article in Deccan Herald
There was an article in Deccan Herald regarding this
The bottleneck on this road are
They should be widening the road near these 3 junctions ONLY and not the entire stretch.
how far from junction?
If they should widen only near junctions, upto how much distance they should widen? 100m? 200m?
4 lane needed..
as the current road starts from OMR..it is 4 lanes till HAL engine div..with a divider (400 mts distance) and becomes 2 lanes after that..
So I guess the plan to make it 4 lane all the way to HAL apt road is not really bad..its just that how its executed which needs to be questioned..
I vehemently oposed tree cutting of any type..but looking at the need of the hour..some roads cannot do away without trees being cut..
But getting the trees back after the road is made is the best thing to be doing!
service roads instead of tree cutting
instead of cutting trees for 4 laning, service roads can be made to other side of trees. this will save trees, but more land needs to be acquired.
widening officially inagurated today
MLA Raghu is officially kicking off this road widening from today...saw banners and lot of govt officials on site..
The stable concrete road will go! -sigh-
Trees have anyways gone..
Btw now we know a point contact to work for getting back the trees on this road..does anyone know Raghu?
signal free suranjan das road
now that the road widening is in full swing, nothing much can be done to prevent this; at least we can plan to make it signal free so that the purpose of road wideing is useful
one option would be as follows
- to have a major underpass (fit for buses and heavy trucks besides cars) at Thippasandra entrance
- another small underpass for cars / police vans / ambulances at Jeevan Bhima Nagar entrance
- another small underpass for cars / police vans / ambulances at junction of suranjan das road and side road (leading to Michael Palya / Indiranagar) along ADE compund wall
- another idea of providing unhindered passage to Bagmane Tech park should be thought
- a small pedestrian underpass near Jeevan Bhima Nagar entrance for school children of SACRED HEARTS
can we (myself / ksnandan / aparna / silkboard / srinidhi) meet on this issue at te earliest
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
suranjan das road widening
all of you may be aware that the Suranjan Das Road widening work has started ; road being widened to 4 lanes;
it is time for us at Praja to interevene so that appropriate underapsses are made and the road widening work serves its purpose of traffic jam free ride
once again I request that like minded Praja members, members who are especially near Suranjan Das road area get together discuss, arrive at a consensus and meet Mr. S Raghu MLA so that the purpose of road wideining is served.
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Turn lanes not underpasses
Even after the deed is done all it needs is turn lanes at the junctions to buffer turning traffic & rationalization of junctions. Readjustment of turns at Thippasandra/BEML gate jn to avoid people turning into the wide bus stand, introduction of a traffic signals at the jeevanbhimanagar & bagmane turn off on both ends. Phase adjustment during peak hours to accomodate Bagmane traffic will be sufficient. THere is no drainage happening right now, especially near ADE
I think it will be wise to ask for the detailed drawings. I dont think BBMP gets into cross section drawings for these road widening schemes.
ssheragu what are turn
what are turn lanes; can idintspam explain;
further can both of us meet, discuss and then meet Mr. S Raghu MLA who has an office in Thippasndra
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Below is a turn
Below is a turn lane
Benefits are here. It will be good if you can ask for & get a copy of the design drawings. I am sure there is no turn lane included.
PS: All this data is from right side driving countries, switch left & right for India.
suranjan das road widening
from what I understand these turning lanes would still cause traffic jams since, the drivers in India are still not as disciplined as in developed countries
further can we meet and discuss, before we proceed to get the drawings and meet Mr. S Raghu, MLA
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
these turning lanes would
these turning lanes would still cause traffic jams since, the drivers in India are still not as disciplined as in developed countries
No they can be physically seperated so you cant turn if you are not in the turn lane. In the below pic the hatched area can be a physical barrier
Even with an underpass today we have jams, see any flyover or underpass & its mouth will be jammed with pure indiscipline. An exit ramp (slip road) at a flyover or an underpass is nothing but a turn lane, its just placed at the far corner instead of the near corner. An underpass or flyover doesnt prevent jams they only let you not wait for your turn to cross.
Secondly a signal is not a jam it is just an organized way of taking turns to cross which we would not otherwise allow because of our selfishness. We cause real jams only when we merge or turn in unsignalized intersections. We dont have mature rules like stop signs which allow us to cross in a orderly FCFS fashion. First world vehicles are driving on infrastructure being built for 3rd world horse carriages.
Turn lane easier on Suranjan Das road as there are quite a few T junctions especially near Bagmane turn offs. The length+width of the turn lane should be proportional to the number of cars that will buffer during the red phase. For this you will need traffic numbers which are turning in that direction which again I am sure BBMP does not have. This is in all probabilities a completely pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey-blindfolded widening scheme. Even if you put a magic box in one direction you will still need a buffer lane to prevent a merge/turn induced jam.
Am travelling till wednesday. Lets meet Thu/Fri at Bagmane during lunch time, I will explain more. Meanwhile find a way to lay your hands on the design.
ssheragu idontspam will
idontspam will have to explain me still about turning lanes
anyhow can we meet over this long weekend and clarify ourselves and sort out and plan to meet S Raghu later; incidentally I live in DRDO Phase I
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
I am yet to hear from idontspam;
I would like to meet you & discuss
Many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Srinath, sorry we (srinidhi,
Srinath, sorry we (srinidhi, SB & myself) met at short notice for Lunch at Bagmane today. I didnt have you number, can you PM it?
suranjan das road widening
I saw your message only today
my office # is 80 25230438
many thanks
Srinath Heragu
Is this project shelved?
There has been absolutely no progress on the road widening. Except that, BBMP has planted saplings along the entire stretch.
BWSSB work still on!
They were fast in cutting the trees but nothing much has happened after that..BWSSB is doing some water pipe work and this has slowed down the progress..thats the last I heard..
They have moved mounds of soil to the road side today and this has burried the newly planted saplings..wonder why they went ahead with the saplings this early..
suranjan das road widening
I am given to understand that onlythat part of the road from Thipasandra is to 4 lane as HAL is not allowing any of their areas to be taken over for road widening
can anyone clarify if this is correct
if it is so, then the very idea of 4 lane only from Thippasandra was flawed, as this part of the road widening will not serve any purpose;
perhaps we can approach BDA and ask them the details so that we can give suggestions to make it signal freel; then this exercise in road widening would be useful
Many thanks
Srinath Heragu
case of missing tree guard..
As we know, BBMP started the Suranjan Das road widening with great pomp..but nothing much has happened in the many months now..they cut all the trees..probably its furniture in some ones home now..
Then as a saving grace, BBMP planted sapplings late last year..and also put metal tree guards for them..the idea sounded stupid as they were planting these tree sapling right next to where the tall siver oaks were..ok..thought still ok as they were planting something atleast..
Suddenly on monday..a semi came with few workers and they started pulling out the guards and loading it into their vehicle..probably for the thought to re-purpose them for a sappling plantation drive elsewhere..meanwhile many of the sapplings on suranjan das road have died since then..
So the thought in the first place was never to grow trees there!!
suranjan das road widening
again coming back to my old question, for which I want a clarification
Is only that part of the road from Thipasandra is 4 lane as, presumably, HAL is not allowing any of their areas to be taken over for road widening
further what are the present BBMP plans regarding road widening & tree planting; maybe we should approach S Raghu, MLA and seek clarifications
Many thanks
Srinath Heragu