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Sewage Treatment Plants in BBMP area, where does 800 - 900 MLD of water goes daily in Bangalore ???

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800 -  900 LD of water pupmed to Bangalore from Caveri river and transported over 100 Kms along with other water sources of 250 MLD apart from the borewell run with tankers. 

This is apart fro what Bangalore  receives rain all 12 months which no other Big city in India receives.

Presently city has 14  Sewage Treamtent plants to treat the water by BWSSB  with installed  capacity of  720 MLD with operating at just arround 300 MLD level. 

Out of these 5 are located in North Bangalore :

Yelahanka, Hebbal, Jakkur, Raja Canal STP, Nagasanndra.

City center has only two STP  : Cubbon Park, Lalbagh

East Bangalore has only two : KR Puram and Kadabeesanhallai,  west Bangalore hardly any thing.

South Bangalore is slightly  better.

Looking at  how ground water is going down to even 1000 ft is very shocking in Bangalore.  Sae time we have floods on the roads and ore then 4000 tankers are  playing.

So with individual citizens who has  more then 2400 Sq Ft  to impleent rain water harvesting with apartent,  where does the gove buildings, factories, big complexes fit in doing rain water harvesting.

So when apartment complexes are doing their own STP, where does BWSSB fits in not  taking care of complet sweage water treatment ???

why does the lakes in Bangalore are drying up with 800 MLD water beeing puped ???

If things are done in good intention in Bangalore,  I feel all lakes in Bangalore can be filled with recycled water in just 10 - 20  days  of time,  this can be possible only if the drain  along Mysore road does not receive even single  drop of sewage  water.

Why is GOK is sleeping in not establishing more STP plants and ake existing efficient.  Then we will not see any flooding on roads in Bangalore if these are done.





Sanjeev's picture

STP guide book by KSPCB

163 users have liked.

Book published by Karnataka State  Pollution Control Board

Good informative book for any  one to understand in easy step.

Sanjeev's picture

Six New Plants to Treat Bengaluru Sewage

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The discharge of sewage directly into lakes will be curtailed in a big way in the future as the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) has chalked out plans to ensure all the sewage generated in the city gets treated.

In connection with this, it has now proposed the setting up of six new Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). This will be an addition to the 10 STPs for which work is going on presently.

Speaking to Express, BWSSB chairperson Anjum Parwez said that the six STPs will have the capacity to treat 500 Million Litres Per Day (MLD) of sewage water. “The setting up of two of these plants at Hebbal and Vrishabhavati Valley have been okayed in the latest Board meeting,” he said.

The final Detailed Project Report is being readied for the other four plants. This is likely to be okayed in the next Board meeting, Parwez said. “It will take us three years to complete all of them. So, by June 2018, these STPs will become functional,” the Chairperson said.

Work on 10 other STPs, construction of which began in various months between 2010 and 2011, will be completed by end of 2015, he said. “When completed, they will be able to handle 339 MLD of sewage water,” he added.

An estimated 1,500 MLD of sewage is being discharged by residents of Bengaluru daily. “The total capacity of existing STPs of the water supply board is only 721 MLD,” he said.


These 6 STP  are planned at :

1. Koramangala    2.  Bangalore University     3.   Challagahtata Valley

4. Doddabalele     5.  Hebbal Valley                  6.  Virshabawathy Valley

Total Estimated cost is RS 1500 to 1600 Crore with planned completion by 2017.


Can any one update on ongoing STP works which were taken up in 2012  for 7 nubers :

Tenders called for to set up plants on PPP model

The State government has proposed to set up seven sewage treatment plants in Bangalore to meet the city's industrial water requirement.

Minister for Medium and Large Industries Murugesh Nirani told mediapersons here on Monday that tenders had been called for to set up sewage water recycling plants on private-public partnership (PPP) model in the city.

Triveni Engineering and Industries Limited, Pune, and Thermax Limited, Pune, have shown interest in setting up the plants.

The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board has set up one such plant near Kengeri on Bangalore-Mysore Road.

In year 2009 then GOK had planned for 20 STPs when Katta was minister.

Karnataka Government has decided to set up 20 more Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in the city at a cost of Rs 800 crore, Minister for Information and Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) Katta said today.

The city has currently eleven and out of them three were under repair, he told reporters here.

The government has plans to treat 700 MLD (Million Litres Daily) sewage and supply it for non-domestic purposes at 50 per cent rates of drinking water, he said. The work on the projects was expected to start by this month end. Another Rs 300 crore project to replace old drinking water supply pipelines will be also taken up shortly.

Bangalore City required 1250 MLD of drinking water and now gets only 850 MLD. On allocation of 18 TMC ft by the Cauvery Tribunal to meet the drinking water needs, Naidu said the City needed at least 50 tmc ft allocation.

This has been pointed out in the SLP filed by Karnataka before the Supreme Court,he said.


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CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD  direction to all State Govt regarding  treatment and utilization with new standrs ,  Karnataka State  Pollution Control Board  which is responsible for this implementation.  Order dated 21st April 2015.

Detailed Directions :

In view of the above stated facts and realizing that rivers and water Water bodies have been polluted and to prevent further deterioration ofsurface, sub-surface and coastalWaters, it is essential to issue following directions under section 18(1)(b) of the Water(Preventionand Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. The following directions are hereby issued for compliance;

1. State Pollution Control Board shall make mandatory for local/urban bodies to set up a sewerege system for sewage collection, underground conveyance, treatment and its disposals to cover the entire local/urban area to bridge the widening treatment gap along with enforcement of consent management in line with standards for sewagetreatment (Annexure-I).

2. SPCB/PCC shall issue directions to all municipalities and other concerned authoritiesin the State/UT responsible for treatment and disposal of sewage to the followingeffect

( I ) The existing STPs which are being operated before issuance of these directions shal meet the standards within two years from the date of issuance of these directions.

( II ) All the local bodies shall seek consent under Water (Prevention and Control of Poll ution)Act, 1974 from the SPCB/Committee within a period of 60 Days.

( III )Secondary treated sewage should be mandatorily sold for use for non potablepurposes such as industrial process, railways & bus cleaning, flushing of toilets through dual piping, horticulture and irrigation. No potable water to be allowed for such activities.They will also digest methane for captive power generation to further improve viability of STPs.

( IV) Dual piping system should be enforced in new housing constructions for use of treated sewage for flushing propose.

( V )Each municipal authority and the concerned authority shall submit a time bound action plan for setting up sewerage system covering proper collection, treatment and disposal ofsewage generated in the local/urban area and such plan shall be submitted by themunicipal authority to the State Board within a period of 90-120 Days.

( VI ) In case of disposal of effluents on land or river or any water body including coastal water/creek or a drain, the treated effluents shall meet the suggested standards annexed to these direction.

( VII ) The new sewage treatment plants which will come in existence after the issuance of these directions shall be designed to treat and achieve standards as per the suggested standards.

3. The State Board shall acknowledge the receipt of this direction within 10 days and shall communicate the status on the actions taken to achieve before 30 September2015 informing the status of consents along with the action plan for treatment and disposal of sewage

What action KPSCB has taken  ???  WHen will KPSCB  act ???

murali772's picture

Why not do away with STP's altogether?

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When 85 per cent of the city’s existing 2,000 sewage treatment plants (STPs) aren’t functional, why is the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) insisting that the city’s apartment complexes construct more? That is the main contention of environmental consultant Ananth S Kodavasal. - - - When STPs are poorly designed, they pose a bigger health hazard. With maintenance being expensive and time-consuming, most housing complexes don’t operate them full time, and instead discharge raw sewage out, which pollutes lakes and water bodies. “They become cesspools, attract mosquitoes and emit a foul smell,” he explains.

For the full text of the report in the Bangalore Mirror, click here.

Simultaneously, however, Dr Sunita Narain, Director General, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, makes a suggestion for doing with the STP altogether. Following are the excerpts (emphasis added by me) from her column, on the subject, in the ToI (for the full text, click here).

Instead of waiting for the underground sewage network to be built, which is expensive, unaffordable and, given the economics of municipalities, frankly unviable – there is another route for excreta to flow. Today, a large share of Indian households with access to sanitation are connected to septic tanks – 40% of urban India, according to the Census 2011. In this case the household flush or pour latrine is connected to a septic tank, which, if it is well constructed, will retain the sludge and discharge the liquid through a soak pit. The faecal sludge can be emptied and conveyed for treatment.

The fact is that this sludge is nutrient-rich. Today, the global nitrogen cycle is being destroyed because we take human excreta, which is rich in nutrients, and dispose it in water. In this case, we can return the human excreta back to land, use it as fertiliser and reverse the sanitation cycle. The faecal sludge, after treatment, can be given to farmers and used as organic compost. Or, it can be treated and mixed with other organic waste – like kitchen waste – and used for biogas, or to manufacture fuel pellets or ethanol.

And it is happening. Governments are beginning to realise that yesterday’s system can be re-engineered to work for today and tomorrow. They now recognize the fact that septic tanks are decentralised waste collection systems. Instead of thinking of building an underground sewerage network – that is never built or never completed – it would be best to think of these systems as the future of urban sanitation. After all, we have gone to mobile telephony without the landline. Individual septic tanks could be the way to achieve full sanitation solutions.

So, cities’ sanitation plans are beginning to recognize that these systems exist and plan to incorporate them for future improvements. The key is to provide oversight to the building of these systems – the codes exist, but they need to be implemented and structures certified. The most important factor is to provide minimal regulation for the collection and transportation of faecal sludge businesses, so that waste is taken for treatment and not dumped somewhere. And decentralized treatment facilities need to be created by municipalities so that the desludgers have a designated spot to decant in.

This system of waste management is more affordable and sustainable. It provides employment in the business of cleaning waste. It provides sustainable solutions so that waste is not waste – it is a resource. This is our win-win. Our future’s solution.

Does seem to make sense, alright.

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