Smt Sumitra Vijaykumar is our corporater for Ward # 58. The newly formed ward # 58 has the old ward 74 area including 9th main HAL III stage, where our house # 1669 is situated. Smt Sumitra is proactively working for the designated ward. She has organized a regular monthly meeting with the ward residents to take forward the well being of the ward as a whole.
Mr. Vijay Kumar the corporater’s husband kindly accepted my request for a discussion on compliance of RWH by residents in ward 58. I found Sri Vijaykumar genuinely receptive to problems faced by us residents.
I apprised Mr. Vijaykumar of what I have implemented at my house towards using the entire rainfall received at my 60x40 site for ground water charging, using a pre existing well. He inspected my premises in detail along with his gang. All were appraised in detail of what was done at my place.
My actual agenda was in fact extending the RWH clause to BBMP. Mr. Vijaykumar was quick to see my point. Here is what I tried to explain:-
- The Open Storm Water Drain concept has served its purpose.
- Rain water being 99% pure and potable by god’s will should be handled only by closed pipes as in the case of Drinking (Cauvery) water. [Open SWDs hardly meet the bill]
- It is futile to keep on cleaning SWDs periodically [The way this job is done is at best slipshod as of now]
- There is no point in trying to lead the rain water all the way to the lakes, in big and bigger SWDs, invariably Polluted by Sewage water
- The major SWDS are polluted by sewarge any way
- P Ramamurthy, chairman BWSSB has told categorically, that it is not possible to make SWDs sewerage free, at many public platforms.
- When all the residents are not letting their share of rain water into existing SWDs, there will only the road area rainwater that these swds need to address.
- The best Architects of Bangalore need to think of appropriating this road rain water efficiently to:-
- Charge the ground water
- And or Harvest
- The SWDs can be exclusively used for Sewerage water as is the case any way.
It was our MLA’s birth day to day
When I went to meet Mr. Vijaykumar at our MLA’s office I found a big gathering to wish our MLA Mr. Raghu for his birth day. I was able to personally wish him too. Mr. Raghu requested Mr. vijay kumar to help us in ward 58 as RWH was a crucial part of developing Bangalore. He was enthusiastic of the idea of harvesting Road Rain water too. He did agree with me and shared the same with Mr. Vijaykumar.
Rainwater harvesting
Great work. If each ward draws up its own rainwater harvesting plan we can prevent urban flooding, increase groundwater table and provide supplemental water for the city's use.
Meeting each Corporator is great work indeed.
A valuable suggestion indeed
It is a valuable suggestion that zenrainman sir has made in his comment above. We need to put the same in practice. It would be appropriate that we in MLA Raghus constituency join hands to set up a meeting with the MLA and all his ward corporaters. Mr. Pathy sir would you like to join hands with me?
Rainwater harvesting- wardwise
Involving the local BWSSB Engineer would also help in identifying the homes that have to do rainwater harvesting...and those who will volunteer...
I would definitely like to join the efforts.
rainwater harvesting
We the residents of ward No. 195 inspite of several reminders and follow up , we still do not have any works done.such as roads manholes storm water drains. Now when I follow up for these things I will put a word for recharging the rain water to the earth.
The flip side of my roads not being done, may be they are going to do the rain water harvesting also thats why they are delaying the works.
(LIVING with great hopes of solution at one shot)