Pwe this 21/Oct item 'Palike to upload civic works info online' DH reports a laudable effort by BBMP.
Once it is done (I'd really hope that it will), info on all road related projects will be on GIS Maps, up on their website.
...These GIS maps will have details of the works carried out on a particular road.
...The details will show how many times the road was asphalted, when the pavements were laid or repaired or when the underpass or the fly-over was constructed. The details will also include the amount of money spent on the work, the date of commencement and the deadline of the work and the name of the contractors....
Look at the above paragraph. Wow... Just dream of the day when it goes online.
Now can we follow up to make sure this really happens?
How will they keep it current?
Assuming we have the GIS maps online today, how can we ensure that it is kept updated? It is important for BBMP not just to get something implemented (as is typical of our projects), but to keep it updated at least once every quarter.
Already posted ...
... here. The article mentioned something about getting updates from the ward engineers.