Creating new infrastructure generally takes the spotlight. Maintaining it is not, but it is as important. When properly cared for, things live long and strong.
Mysore Road Flyover - Maintenace gone all wrong
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Guess what... Traffic Police seem to have some stroke after all (see the Hindu article in the previous post). Yesterday evening I noticed that the joint was repaired, albeit very poorly. At least it was cared for, properly or not!
They filled the joint with........ asphalt. Whoever fixed it seem to somehow know a technology where asphalt acts as an expansion joint. And this morning I saw more asphalt filling on the opposite side of the flyover. Is it so hard to procure and install these expansion joints? I'll try to reach L&T today and see if they have anything to say.
height of irresponsibility!
Good Lord! How much more irresponsible can the BBMP get!
Muralidhar Rao
Once the brilliant engineers
Sent this mail to L&T.... No answers yet.