Bus Day - Website features/Requirements

180 users have liked.
BusPublic Transport

While the event webpage will surely be used to park and convey lot of publicity and information amterial about the event, what are the other features that need to be incorporated in the webpage? Provide your thoughts here.

[PS: Also, if you have ideas, or want to help BMTC organize this event, join the Bus Day project on this website]



Feedback/Suggestion gathering

171 users have liked.

One of the objectives of the Bus day event is to collect feedback from the PT daily-users and event-day users.

The webpage need to have to have a good survey tool to gather feedback from people. Post the event, we need to continue work on this direction and gather feedback from more and more users.

Lets figure out if we can work out any survey tool within the Praja site ( i am game for any tech job in this end) or if we need to leverage external survey tools like surveymonkey.

-Srivatsava V

Survey is a must, I will prepare one

162 users have liked.

Yes sir, a survey is a must. Let us run a big online survey to take feedback fron those who don't consider the buses for their commute.

We have good data from past discussions and polls here. Let me take up this task of preparing this online survey.

Created a separate task for survey

167 users have liked.

Sri - I have created a separate task to track the survey work. As I said, I will create the online survey. Lets discuss rest of the event/campaign website work here.

List of News articles

170 users have liked.

I am sure we are going to have lots of newsprint on Bus day event.
I see from the article that BMTC MD Syed Zameer Pasha is going to announce more details on the event on Tuesday(today!!).
So, I was wondering that it will be good for us to collate all these news articles and provide these links on the busday page. Anyday, the public trusts 'repetative' news artices over a publicity website. Also, that the BMTC bigwigs are involved gives a sesnse that BMTC will be putting in some effort on this direction.



-Srivatsava V