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Right to response in English

From over a year now, the responses from GoK officials to queries under RTI, are being made out only in Kannada, even when raised in English, and even when specifically requested to respond in English.

Now, though I can speak Kannada fairly fluently; I can't read or write the language (Questions as to why people like me haven't bothered to learn to read and write the language can be the subject of another blog; but, please do not bring it up here). However, even true-blue Kannadiga's, to whom I have been referring these official responses, have been having difficulty figuring out the specific nuances pertaining to the issues involved.

As such, I feel this is a strategy being adopted by the babu's largely to obfuscate and prevaricate on issues. And, it is certainly having its effects - like from over a year, I have not filed a single query, though I used to be quite a regular before.

In the light of all these, on the 1st of this year, I filed a query as under:

Bangalore scene before computers

Note: This was published in Churumuri as once-upon a -time- before- computers- in Bangalore (http://churumuri.wordpres...)

Ban honking - proposal

Dear Honorable Authorities in power who can do something, You all are also victims of all these problems facing us 24/7. and you have the powers to make a difference.

Please DO.
Enclosed a request to Ban honking in Bangalore, submitted to prior authorities 3 years ago. without any perceptible results so far.

1) Honking: The problem has become extremely  acute because between then and now almost EIGHT LAKHS (800 per day x 1000 days) have been added in to the unchanged 4,500 kms roads of Bengaluru. These have added almost 1.5 MILLION TONS of pollutants (1500 tons/day) into the air around Bangalore.

Every honk disturbs 8000 individuals at the present rate of population density in Bangalore. Honking has been known to encourage reckless driving rather than being an index of careful driving. No accident has so far occurred due to proven failure to honk. Infact all accidents honking does happen but accidents still occur probably due to recklessness arising out of overconfidence in honking.

Are Bangaloreans losing their good nature and civic sense?

 This is about an incident that i witnessed in Bangalore few weeks ago.

I had been to a single screen theatre few weeks back to watch a Kannada movie. The theatre was crowded since it was a Sunday. The problem arised when the movie started. The "fans" of the movie hero, started chanting his name and shouting slogans of praise for him when the movie name was displayed. This never stopped till the end of the movie, not even for a minute! They might have watched the movie before, but how is it right to spoil the movie for the others?? They were so loud that we could not hear the dialogues properly, none of us could tell them anything lest they charge at us for being so un-fanly.. I am a fan of the star too, but shouting the slogans inside the movie hall and disturbing everyone really upset most of the other audience.

The other thing I generally notice is the habit of many people in Bangalore these days to spit on roads for no reason at all! They dont chew tobacco/pan, still they spit on roads, on pavements, from bus windows etc. There should be some strict legislation to curb such bad habits so that Bangalore stays a clean city.

Say no to widening of trees-lined Sankey Road Petition

The proposed six-lane corridor is expected to result in chopping of about 150 well-grown trees. The widening entails felling of about 150 trees on both sides of the stretch, besides occupying a good portion of the historic tank. It'll/It'd destroy the beauty of one of the posh localities of the City.

Pedestrians Right of Way

Bangalore is such a civilized city populated by the highly educated working class. But in most civilized cities around the world motorists, motorcyclists, scooterists ... give the right of way to pedestrians, but alas not in Bangalore. Why is this so?

To illustrate a point. I was recently in California, as an invitee to the Stanford University, Palo Alto. The morning walks required I cross the famous El Camino Real highway. Crossing an exit is a dangerous experience. But each time all manner of folks would stop their car and wave to me to cross over. What humility. And I am certain half these folks were not as educated as our gentile in Bangalore. Few  folks go to college in the US.

In Bangalore the abusive horns of our motorists seem to shout at high pitch, "move out, or be run over". What a shame.

I have aged and cannot move out fast. I am not angry, but I feel sad. My wife keeps reminding me to look out. And I even have to do so for cyclists.

New BDA layouts and Commuter Rail stations - Belandur Road, Karmelaram

0805201054508052010552Following up on post frpm IDS to detail out the Hebbal station, it is worth it to dig deep into possibilities for Belandur Road and Karmelaram Stations.

The case today

Look at the location of the station, and you can see that:

Report - Bangalore local train ride & meet

Ah! Ufff!. What an eye opener. Easily the best Praja meeting of all. I am so lost for words here. So would be IDS, Murali, Naveen and Manjari you bet. Otherwise, we would have logged in our reports yesterday itself.

Tale of Hebbal station

Hebbal SWR station located in ward 20 adjacent to the ring road services wards 19, 20, 21 on the inside & ward 8 on the outside. The demographics of these wards lend itself to heavy public transport usage. Let us look at this station from a CRS standpoint

The station itself is bare and clean. The reservation counters are empty but the station manager is helpful in printing tickets to those who ask. It has 2 platforms with tracks in the middle. Only the platform closest to the entrance is used by the YH1 CRS train. This is possibly to prevent crossing over from the other platform as you will have to walk on the tracks to cross over.

Hebbal station looking towards Yeshwantpur

The entrance to the station is on the Ring road side. 

Ring road west (towards Yeshwantpur) from station entrance

About Public Complaint Management Systems

I just happened to create a single link for  online complaint systems for Bangalore utilities. Just to make it at one place for me to start with. Even though it is not user friendly, it brings all complaint forms together. 

Request prajas to use if found suitable. I may put some more effort if someone wants improvements.With my trial complaints with BBMP I learned following: (I have indicated this in earlier posts somewhere, but I repeat)

about seo