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Route Search is available on BMTC Website

Happened to visit the BMTC website to check if anything has changed. Got a surprise to find that its link for 'Route Search' is active and it did allows route search.

Searched few routes and seems to the results presented were correct and useful. here is the link for BMTC route Search

Vinod,s8, srivatsava, manish, could you all pls check this out and report if this feature reports the correct routes and people can rely on the results for planning their travel in Bengaluru.


Water Index parameters

Participants: Vishwanath Sir, Jenny, Rajesh Shah, Neha Dar, Rithesh, Shekhar, Srivatsva, Swati Dandekar

We met today at Alliance Francaise to define the scope of the water index and chalk out our next steps.

The scope of the index has been divided into 5 categories. The following is an initial list of parameters we came up with during the meeting. This list will continue to be built incrementally before we finalise a stable index.

1. Pipe Water

    a. Hours of Supply

    b. Coverage - Percentage of households having a bwssb connection.

    c. Unaccounted for Water- Calculated by measuring the amount of water that BWSSB bills to the amount of water that it supplies.

    d. Slum Coverage - Percentage coverage in slums. BWSSB mandates that every household in a slum must be given a water connection.

Census 2011 - Our Census, Our Future

Here is an interesting media report on Census 2011. It gives a sneak preview of what is being done in census. It seems an important exercize before India embarks on UAID project implementation.

Courtsey -

"...What is census? How is it useful?

Mysore Road - Choke Point 1 - Guddadahalli Junction

The BBMP has propsed that the stretch from Sirsi Circle to Gali Anjaneya Temple on Mysore Road be widened. This involves chopping trees all along the stretch. These are already well-known plans from the news reports and praja discussions. There are a couple of estimates on the number of trees to be chopped some saying 50 and some 100+. But, lets not be get into the numbers. Whats important is to find ways to solve the bottleneck without chopping the trees, if any available.

Mysore Road starts from KR Market. Vehicles zip across from Town hall on the flyover for about 2.5 kms, pass over the Sirsi Circle, and get struck at the ramp of the flyover. Why ? There is a choke point immediately after the flyover (about 150mts away).

As-Is road plan at Mysore Rd - Guddahalli Junction

“Learn your way” awareness campaign

The students of CSIM, Bangalore, are organizing “Learn your way”, an awareness campaign for encouraging Open Schooling in Bangalore. This is an event to sensitize parents, teachers, children and adolescents towards the open schooling concept for a stress free education.

For years now, it has been widely recognized that the mainstream education system in our country is producing more dropouts every year than successful candidates, for various reasons. The recent spate of student suicides in the metro cities has jolted us and made us painfully aware that it is time for the citizens to wake up and act.

And there do exist solutions to these problems. One of them is a parallel system, fully recognized by the Government of India, which caters to the varying levels of intelligence and needs of a child. Through the National Open Schooling system, the largest system of alternate education anywhere in the world, a child can complete education at his/her own pace, with subjects of his/her own choice.

Bangalore Master Plan 2015 - Where is this headed?

I have read the Bangalore Master Plan 2015 for the first time.

I am happy to see the recommendations made after a structured study. ( Though I would have expected this to have more meat)

Can Bangalore ban motorcycles ?

At some stage soon, auto-rickshaws & motorcycles will have to be banned or atleast, confined to city's outskirts to streamline traffic within the congested CBDs of Indian cities. Bangalore, with it's relatively richer citizens can perhaps lead the way in this!

A case study report, full of good explanatory maps & photos by Karl Fjellstrom, ITDP (dtd 15-Sep-2008) about how motorcycles were banned in a span of about 16 years can be downloaded from this link on filesanywhere.

Excerpts from this report are worth looking at (especially, the section "Lessons from Guangzhou’s successful motorcycle ban") in relation to our own future needs :

Gradual implementation

Christ College Bus Stop Nightmares at Dairy Circle

Christ college bus stop immediately after Nandini dairy is becoming a hell day by day.

Narrow road, with two lanes (will say single lane after getting congested) fully occupied by autos and private buses stops happily for hours, on top of that BMTC buses will stop next to next on road, they will drive on competition basis giving night mares to the people driving behind.

There is no signal and if you see at the peak times, you will see the traffic jam up to dairy circle, with minimum of 200-300 vehicles got struck behind these mangoos arrogant drivers. And to cross just that bus stop will take 10-15mins in peak time.

What a great planning of Brurth Bangalore Mahanaga Palike (will say exactly as bakwaasss for bruhath). What a thought of these officials, should give the award of most complicated officials on earth. Their minds will work like mercury for money, not for the future of citizens and their comfort. And these guys should mind that they are also victims of the same?

On narrow roads, making bus stops, no planning for bus stops, did these planning guys have minds, how to implement bus stops. What a pathetic stage we are in?

BMTC Issues - From RCA perspective - 3

Few of the points mentioned in the survey  (in second set) is about bus stands/stops. 

1) Dirty and sad bus stands, do not like waiting there

2) Very hard to walk to and from the Bus Stands

We shall through some light on these items from RCA perspective.

Effect : Do not like waiting there. 


1) No adequate shelter(sad bus stands)

      - Damaged roofing

      - No roofing

 2) Poor furniture

   - Demolishing in progress

   - Repair

   - Damaged or vandalized

   - Unclean and not usable

   - Sharp edges or broken edges

   - Very old

   - No disabled friendly furnitures/path


3) Not Clean due to

     - Spitting (Pan and simple)

the train and civil society analogy

The train and civil society –an analogy

In a slightly lighter frame of mind, let me put down an analogy of civil society’s possible available methods to bring about change; and will try not to put down too many value judgments or pretend that this posting is of great academic and philosophical importance.This also comes from some frustrations ,seeing how some civil societies tussle for space.

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