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Consumer Court experience

Given the choice, very few amongst the middle and upper classes in the country will ever want to have anything to do with the government or its agencies, plainly because they lack the basic 'technology' of handling them.

Accountability of our emergency helplines

Here's my experience with the Police emergency phone number, 100, that makes me pray that nobody ever has any emergency.

Last Saturday, I was returning by train from Thanjavur. While the train was waiting for a clearance to enter the railway station, I heard some commotion outside. Two guys, at least one of them very drunk, were fighting. The inebriated one was lying on the tracks (and hardly moving) and the other man was beating him up. This was at 4 AM and it was still pretty dark. Sensing danger to their lives if a train happened to approach on that track the passengers from my coach urged them to move away from the rails. Since they didn't pay heed, I decided to call the police helpline 100.

My first reaction when the lady answered the phone was surprise at the complete lack of urgency in her tone and voice. I explained the situation to her, and she asked me to call the railway police. There was no answer from that number so I dialed 100 again and got to speak to the same lady. This time she asked me to call the general railway helpline 197!

FW: Blr Autos - Have you been taken for a ride lately?

Forwarding will help for all of us ... FYI Bangaloreans.

You are in a hurry to catch the train. You pack all your stuff and frantically run out in the hope of catching an auto. You come out and see 5 autos standing at the corner. You thank God and ask them - "Majestic chaloge kya??” The Answer is "Rs 200 hoga!!”. "Kya?? It just cost Rs 100 till Majestic". "Bahut rush hai sir!!". You move on to the next auto, to try your luck and surprisingly, you have the same conversation "Bahut rush hai sir!!". Finally you give up and bargain the price to Rs 170 and hope you don't miss your train.

Sounds more than familiar??

Lokayukta, Praje and fear

I have heard him in a couple of public meetings, and have met him in a small group once. Note taken from those interactions with Lokayukta Santosh Hegde was that he has two battles to fight. One of them we know well enough, newspapers love covering how the government doesn't cooperate in prosecution or investigations.

The other battle for him - or any such toothless or draconian institution government could create - is to get real support from us, as in the citizens, people, praja. SMS campaigns, petitions etc (one petition from Loksatta party is still live on this website) is one thing, making full use of Lokayukta's office is another.

Commuter Rail Map - Need Metro, BMTC and HSRL Connection/Transit Point Information.

As IDS and others had mentioned, the Praja Demand Report for 'Namma Railu' (Bengalury Commuter Rail) is in finishing stages of realsing it to the GOK, GOI and Media agnecies. The release is planned for 1st week of July.

As a supplementary efforts, a commuter rail map is being developed and is in drafting stage. We are looking for following information:

  1. List of Metro Stations
  2. List of BMTC's Transit Centers (TTMC), Major Bus Depots/Stands
  3. List of HSRL stops apart from Parad Ground, Hebbal, and Yelahanka

Don't need to write the big list. Just web links to the pages or the websites would do.

Contact me for any question.




Proposal: Organise a Praja Blogathon

Myself and a few other folks have been thinking about innovative ways of marketing Praja. We want to create exciting content and bring new users on Praja. So how about we organize a Blogathon?

This event can be both on the ground as well as online. The basic idea is that we fix a theme/topics, a date and a venue. On the chosen date all of us get together and blog about the chosen theme. Obviously, we will open the event to anyone who is interested and will publicize it in a significant manner.

The best blog entries get an awesome prize-- think ipods, iphones etc. We will find sponsors who can cover the costs for the venue and prizes. Normally, such events are accompanied by free snacks and beer ;)

We can also have tie-ups with newspapers which will agree to print the best blog entries. If successful we can also try doing such events in other cities.

This idea is in its nascent stages and we wanted to present it to everyone for feedback and brainstorming.

So what do you guys think?



A few suggestions on Opendata

I had a few ideas and wanted to run it through you guys.

I think we should lay greater stress on partnerships. We will be able to make a greater impact and work on our strengths if we do that. When I say our strength what I essentially mean is our community and our analytical skills. While I realise what I am proposing is not really "OpenData" but it will be a very good start.

Some organisations I suggest we reach out to are -

1. Accountability Initiative - (check them out here:
I had reached out to the lady who runs it, Yamini Aiyer, for some other reasons. If you look at their home page they have a lot of mention of opendata. During our conversation she told me that they already have MIS data of 12 government ministries ( I dont ask the exact details) but they have not made them available yet. Maybe we can get our hands on that data and then start discussions on them and make that data available on our site.

Which monthly pass should i prefer... help me.

Hi all,

I have to travel daily from Kovempu Circle (near BEL Circle) to Rammurthy Nagar Signal (near K.R Puram tinfactory), now i want to take a monthly pass for this. I want to know that is in this route Black board pass valid or not? I have confusion in Black board pass and other pass. Should i take Black board pass or other pass?

Suggest me!!!

Unpleasant experience at RTO Koramangla

I sent out the following email to Ashwin Mahesh narrating my experience at the RTO recently. I am pissed about the whole experience. At moments like these it feels awesome to realise that I am a member of Praja:)


Road Widening in Bangalore - City convention on 4th July

Hi All,

"Save Bangalore committe" has taken up for a city convention about road widening in Bangalore.

Thought of sharing the information with all of you. Please go through the attachment for the details.



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