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Meeting with Adviser to the CM on road-widening issues

The meeting was convened by Dr A Ravindra, advisor to the CM on urban issues, at the instance of the Bangalore Environment Trust (BET), on the matter of 'road-widening', on 23rd June, at the Vikas Soudha. Along with Dr Ravindra was his deputy Dr Ashwin Mahesh. Though the Commissioner had apparently been requested by Dr Ravindra to be present, along with some of his top officials, only a Superintending Engineer turned up, that too some half way through the meeting.

There were about 20 invitees, largely from Civil Society groups, including Capt Prabhala, Mr Govardhan, Mr Nityananda, Mr Devare from BET, Ms Kathyayini Chamaraj from Civic, Dr Harini Nagendra, a Doctor who is spear-heading the 'Sankey road widening opposition' movement, apart from yours truly representing Praja and Koramangala Initiative.

It started with Mr Nityananda of BET making a presentation, making out a case for widening, where need be, in a more tree-friendly way, citing examples of some specific roads.

Give prosecution & suo motu powers to Lokayukta - Petition

This petition’s been created to request those concerned to

01) Appoint the Upa Lokayukta at the earliest.

02) Give prosecution and suo motu powers to the Lokayukta.

(If the Lokayukta has suo motu powers, it can speedily take up investigations on its own without waiting for someone to file a complaint.)

03) Dismiss the corrupt government officials from service.

04) Retain Justice Mr. Santosh Hegde after accepting his demands/requests.

Justice Santosh Hedge's requests to the government as soon as he'd taken over as the Lokayukta chief

01) Give power of suspending and revoking suspension of corrupt officials.

02) Amend Section 36 of CrPC to confer police power on the Lokayukta.

03) Give suo motu powers to investigate Class I officials as well as politicians, who come under the Lokayukta purview.


Using IT methods to control traffic and enforcement of traffic rules

Hi All,

may be its time we used the IT infrastructure and the already available infrastructure to get people learn some traffic rules

My opinion would be to outsource technology, infrastructure and marshaling to high end cameras and monitoring systems to take care of traffic rule violations and imposing of fines and make the process devoid of traffic police interference and in the process take the big burden off the heads of the Traffic police and let them stick to their more important job of managing the traffic  -

using technology would let the TP (traffic police) make a note of repeated offenders and would help in auto collection of fines through third party system,

The above may be well known to all- but the reason to mention it out here is that - it needs to be at least tried out in a pilot way to find its effectivity -

BBMP Elected Corporator's Roles and Responsibilities

BBMP Elected Corporators celebrating their victories big way. Corporator in our area opened a new office and celebrated his birthday and new office inauguration on same day. With big posters around, loud music and huge tent, blocking the traffic on a road for one full day. No one complained. including me.. why? There is a fear that something may wrong with me/family if I complain... and nothing will happen to them.

Wonder what gives them this power.

While talking to my maid about the corporator, she said, Ma - they spend so much money on all this even part of it, if given to all those homeless people sitting near bus stop will save their life.. but who cares? It hurts and pains a lot inside... why are we "ordinary" and educated people just ignore this "Tamasha" happening around us? Can nothing be done? Isn't it time to wake up and check this out? Aren't Corporators responsible for helping the community instead of creating inconvenience to it? Where does this money come from? Who gave them rights to use Tax payer's money and "aam janata's" road? When this will stop? Will it ever?

Forced into jay-walking

Today, I had this strange experience. I had been invited to this meeting convened by Mr A Ravindra, advisor to the CM on urban issues, at the instance of the Bangalore Environment Trust, on the matter of 'road-widening', at 3.30 PM at the Vikas Soudha (On what transpired at the meeting, I will post separately - nothing too earth-shaking, though).

I reached well ahead of time, parked my car in the paid parking lot in the Cubbon park, near the library, and walked upto the Vikas Soudha main-gate. But, to reach the main gate, I had to cross the busy Vidhan Veedhi. There was a convenient pedestrian crossing, with signal lights, though the zebra markings had mostly got obliterated. The signal was showing red as I reached it, and the law-abiding citizen that I like to be seen to be, I waited for it to turn green, even as many people were crossing all over, darting through the speeding traffic. After some patient waiting, it suddenly occurred to me that a whole new cycle had started, even as the pedestrian signal had remained red right through.

traffic signal violations- need info


m new here, don't know whether this is the proper section to post this,

two days back my friend was riding his 2 wheeler in jayanagar 4th block area. he crossed the signal when it was green but after a second or so it turned red.. Two traffic police were standing on the road side but he managed to speed up and run away as there were other vehicle the traffic police was attending to... the police keeps yelling and possibly note down the reg. number. Now he's worried what kind of charges he might face... he didn't stop the vehicle(after signal jump) coz  he was in a hurry moreover he doesn't have cash at that time to pay for the spot fine which the police would have demanded..

now he's worried as they note down the his number.. what kind of charges/fines he would face.

plz give some ideas or suggestions in this matter.


JUSCO & 24x7 Water Supply

There have been discussions here on JUSCO getting the Mysore contract. 24x7 supply has been noted as a major change that this contract will achieve. Now, JUSCO has been managing the water supply in Jamshedpur. Jamshedpur is also known as just "Tata", which is not surprising since the city was founded around the Tata Iron and Steel Works factory there.

Rethinking road-widening - Tunnels?

One of the core infrastructural issues we are facing is an inability of our arterial roads and highways to provide rapid cross-town access. Globally, city and highway planners recognize and create different infrastructure for highways and city roads. See Dr. Joglekar’s posts here for a succinct description of this problem plaguing most Indian cities. A simple schematic (full size image here)and an inventory of city highways reveals the problem.

Thru Highways:

  1. NH7 (in blue)
  2. NH4 (in red)

Terminal Highways:

Presentation describing Open Data pilot

Here is a presentation describing the Open Data pilot proposal. Credits to IDS, Shekhar, Rithesh and Sreeram. We have been speaking with a few government officials for their participation in the pilot and expect to 1-3 confirmations ASAP.

Personally, I find the proposal very exciting. There are parallels from UK/US to borrow from, but our government systems are not as digitized yet and not everyone is used to talking transparency using real data (citizens, media or governments), so the work involved should be unique and interesting.

BWSSB Ultrosonic Flow meters What can they do?

I saw this leak presumably Cauvery water, during my usual morning walk to day at about 6:15 AM. Instead of picking up a telephone and putting in my complaint at some BBMP  ward office I thought of putting a blog entry on Praja. The BWSSB has installed Ultrasonic flow meters all around Bangalore  for detecting pilferage and or leakages.

   Picture 1. The Ultrosonic Flow meter installed at 80 ft Road

I am not sure whether these kinds of leakages can be detected let alone the exact location identified.

Picture 2. The Drinking Water Pipe on 80 Ft Road Indiranagar Laid beneath the foot path in front of the BSNL Telephone Exchange

Picture 3. The Water gushing at the 12th main 100 ft road Junction at Indiranagar


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