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Third CCRWA grievance meeting - Defense Colony, Indira Nagar. A report

This 3rd grievance meeting of CCRWA for Defense colony [DECORA] Indira nagar was held on Wednesday the 27th Mach 2013 at 16:30 hrs. Residents of other nearby RWAs also attended. From BBMP side John the Executive engineer and his team were present. This included Horticulture and sanitary departments.

Citizen's Charter of Demands for State Elections - 2013


It is 2013 and time for elections to Karnataka State Assembly. Certainly time has flown so fast that, the state elections of 2008 appears as if it happened yesterday. 2008 elections are history now and whether like it or not, 2013 state elections are around the corner.

Compare e-Bike (electric Bike) with other mode of transportation

Private transport

Submission: I repent for *not* having an electric bike back in 2009, when I relocated to Bangalore.

I am submitting because I realized the benefit so late. And I read this article only today. My experiement with e-bike is really successful against many goals I set.


We are organizing a conference / discussion on the election manifesto

We are organizing a conference / discussion on the election manifesto. Please see the details below:

Date: 30th of this month (this Saturday)

Time: 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

Venue:  Hotel Citadel, Sheshadri Road, Near Ananda Rao Circle.

Passenger friendly arrangements to board trains

Commuter Rail

This is for all passengers who would find it diffcult ot enter and exit  railway coaches  from the paltform. I  have seen  many passengers who would need help / assistance to negotiate the  steps to board or exit trains.

How to make Bangalore more clean - How to educate people to be clean?

Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India only in IT competing with other cities in the world. This is only in IT and not in any other terms such as Infrastructure, Governance and above all Cleanliness. 

One thing is the Government Authorities such as BBMP do not maintain the city clean, due to the kind of people who are ruling in BBMP.

Grievance Meeting with the Councilor, ward No. 80 and Officials from BBMP


Dear Members of the CCRWA.Indiranagar Associations.

JnNURM Funds

Karnataka state will receive more JnNURM funds.  Excerpts from the article:

Namma Railu gets Approval from State Government!

Commuter Rail


Namma Railu Proposal has been approved by GOK.........................

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