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A new "How To" feature on Praja - your suggestions

Dear readers, and supporters of Praja. We have started a new drive to better organize and present content contributed by users on this website. As part of that, we are planning a new "how to" self-help feature on Examples of "how to" would be things like - "how do I apply for khata", or "how to buy a BMTC monthly pass", or "how to complain about an overcharging auto", basicaly just about any experience that we can share around in dealing with govt or public agencies. Please provide your review and feedback to help tune this feature.

Quick Description:

Praja Blogathon 2011

Project number:3583
Opened by:deepakar
Opened on:Monday, 5 July 2010 - 4:02pm
Last modified:Friday, 8 July 2011 - 2:48pm
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Civic issue oriented Online blogging competition with great prizes and exposure for winning entries

This is the project group to organize Praja Blogathon, a Civic issue theme based online blogging competition.

Proposal: Organise a Praja Blogathon

Myself and a few other folks have been thinking about innovative ways of marketing Praja. We want to create exciting content and bring new users on Praja. So how about we organize a Blogathon?

This event can be both on the ground as well as online. The basic idea is that we fix a theme/topics, a date and a venue. On the chosen date all of us get together and blog about the chosen theme. Obviously, we will open the event to anyone who is interested and will publicize it in a significant manner.

The best blog entries get an awesome prize-- think ipods, iphones etc. We will find sponsors who can cover the costs for the venue and prizes. Normally, such events are accompanied by free snacks and beer ;)

We can also have tie-ups with newspapers which will agree to print the best blog entries. If successful we can also try doing such events in other cities.

This idea is in its nascent stages and we wanted to present it to everyone for feedback and brainstorming.

So what do you guys think?



Bus Day - need an anchor from Praja side

Few members continue to work in their own ways to support BMTC on Bus Day. But after the first few Bus Days, we have missed an "anchor" from Praja community side who could spend time with BMTC (via phone, email or meetings) to get details on next Bus Day, as well as pass our feedback and suggestions.

Calling for a Bus Day anchor from Praja communtiy side. Job description and perks if you will:

  • Get to represent all of us (Praja members) at BMTC. Get a real opportunity to understand public transportation systems and issues.
  • If needed, speak to the media to convey summary of our discussions and suggestions here.
  • Get your own special "" email id.
  • Control and Manage the Bus Day corner on this web-site

This won't be a job for life or anything like that, can rotate between multiple people as well if groups of people want to do this on a shared basis.

Leave a comment here to reply (that's the true Praja way, open and public), or drop us an email (admin at praja dot in) if you would be interested.

Tracking page for GIM

Going by the hype around it, and looking at sharp opinions within the activist community, fallouts of Global Investment Meet (aka GIM) need close tracking. Whether GIM will bring inclusive growth, or create more controversies around corporate greed and disrespect for natural resources depends on how much interest we take in monitoring the specific proposals and demanding transparency.

To make it easy for readers and contributors on this website, we have created a special tracking page for GIM:

New email notifications from Praja

 The Praja Tech team is happy to introduce new and improved email notifications system on Praja.


Praja users have the option of receiving email notifications when there is a comment on a post they are interested in. It can be a post authored by you, or a post you commented on. While the existing notification system was working, it was not perfect and we have now rolled out a new notification system.


The old notification system was restricted in terms of its functionality and scalability. As Praja grows, we wanted to have the ability to send notifications to a larger number of users, send notifications through SMS etc. We will now also have ways to make the notifications better formatted and more useful. In addition, with the new system, it will also be possible to receive notifications for any activity within a project group, which is a critical functionality for project teams.

RTI Club - 2010

Project number:3375
Opened by:silkboard
Opened on:Friday, 30 April 2010 - 6:25pm
Last modified:Sunday, 2 May 2010 - 1:14pm
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Group to provide RTI support to projects and campaigns hosted on

This is an attempt to "assembly line" the RTI filing process (expressed back here). Idea is to do a few things

  1. Provide support to projects and campaigns hosted on Praja in a cause-agnostic way. Projects can create an "RTI request", and the club will help file them.
  2. Provide a relatively easy avenue to those who want to "do things" beyond discussions, but don't have easy outlets for their enthusiasm. An "assembly-lined" RTI filing process will create a few easily-doable roles, some of them may be 100% online as well
  3. File RTIs as a group, which cold be helpful when individuals may be "afraid" to file the applications in individual capacity

The Club will put some measures in place to prevent misuse of the convenience on offer here. Rules will be built as we go, though be sure that RTI requests from projects & campaigns hosted on Praja will be preferred over individual requests without enough context.

How about an RTI Club on Praja?

Wanted to float a suggestion, just to check on feasibility and response from other users on this e-community. Many discussions, as well as projects here get into a situation where we need official records or status from local government or public agencies. In few cases, we get such information by just asking for it (email to BMTC, BMRCL etc). But in many cases, we end up with needs for RTI (Right to Information) applications. Almost every project here on Praja too needs support in terms of RTI filings.

How about we create an RTI Club here on Praja? Members of this club would basically "assembly line" the RTI filing process in domain neutral way. Let me list the mechanics:

Monthly Praja Meet - Apr 2010

10 Apr 2010 07:30
10 Apr 2010 08:30

These meetings haven't been as regular of late. How about reviving our second Saturday early am meeting tradition? Pls leave a note here if you wish to attend. All are welcome.

Agenda: Discuss projects (Ongoing & Planned) & other Praja activities. Feel free to stay back for an open forum right after.

Venue: Open to your suggestions.

My office has moved out of Cunningham road; I can host it in my current location @ BTM Layout instead.

New navigation on Praja

We at the tech team are happy to announce new and improved navigation features on These will be launched today. We hope that the changes make it easier for our users to find, read and create relevant content on the site. Read on to know more about the new navigation.

Changed front page

The homepage of Praja ( now has a simplified look when you are not logged in. It has a small slideshow to tell what Praja is about and leads to creating or finding discussions. (We are currently working on improving the looks of the graphics and buttons on this page). This design is done keeping in mind the new users to the Praja community who want to understand what Praja is about.

When the users login, the front page will automatically change to a more personal version. This page is the centre of all the action on Praja for all the users.

PrajaBytes comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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