Bus Day - need an anchor from Praja side

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Praja related

Few members continue to work in their own ways to support BMTC on Bus Day. But after the first few Bus Days, we have missed an "anchor" from Praja community side who could spend time with BMTC (via phone, email or meetings) to get details on next Bus Day, as well as pass our feedback and suggestions.

Calling for a Bus Day anchor from Praja communtiy side. Job description and perks if you will:

  • Get to represent all of us (Praja members) at BMTC. Get a real opportunity to understand public transportation systems and issues.
  • If needed, speak to the media to convey summary of our discussions and suggestions here.
  • Get your own special "praja.in" email id.
  • Control and Manage the Bus Day corner on this web-site

This won't be a job for life or anything like that, can rotate between multiple people as well if groups of people want to do this on a shared basis.

Leave a comment here to reply (that's the true Praja way, open and public), or drop us an email (admin at praja dot in) if you would be interested.

Let us keep talking some and doing some :)



Apologies, but throwing in the hat!!

141 users have liked.

Apologies for my disappearance.. almost like the 'divine' ones in mythological films!! A new job meant newer schedules and routine..

June has been more kind...and i would like to throw my hat into the ring again.. Ofcourse, we need to plan for one more Praja anchor for BMTC..

Also, expect a few posts in the next couple of days on some of the Bus-related/Bus-Day-related issues we should discuss on Praja..(some already in draft stage)... In our next meeting with BMTC, we will move forward on our request for a new BMTC anchor to deal with Praja beyond the next couple of months..

-Srivatsava V


161 users have liked.

I volunteer


@srivatsava, @pathykv

145 users have liked.

Sri, Pathy,

Thanks a lot for volunteering for BMTC engagement. Count me in for any help.



149 users have liked.

Mr. Syed, Mr. Srivatsa,

Please let me know what is going on with BMTC (my e-mail <pathykv@gmail.com>).



129 users have liked.

Dear Srivatsa,

Can you set up the next meeting with BMTC?



Lets carry something!!

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BMTC has received a variety of feedback due to the Bus-Day events. As part of the further action items, Bus Route Numbering has been identified as a ‘high-priority’ focus area (for a near-term implementation), followed by Route Rationalistion as a secondary focus are for medium-term implementation.

So, the 'requirement' from BMTC for the Bus Route Numbering Scheme is to be independent  of any future route rationalistion. We need to make proposals here on Praja on both the topics, discuss them all over again (we havent discussed these topics after the branding experiences like Big10, KS, Big Circle routes, Volvos etc).

Lets build some concrete proposals and a meeting with BMTC can happen anytime. Sounds fair?


-Srivatsava V

Route numbering scheme

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Dear Srivastava,
You had wanted suggestions on Route numbering. I suggest as below-
1. Each Bus Terminus will have a three letter Code- e.g.  Indiranagar-INR,
Jayanagar-JNR, Banashankari-BSK, Majestic- MAJ or KBS and so on.
2. The Route identification will be of 6 letters e.g. INR-JNR, KBS-BSK and so on.
3. When there are different routes followed by buses between the same two termini
a number can be suffixed .e.g.
INR-BSK 1, JNR-KBS 2 and so on.
4. For routes which terminate short of the main Bus Station or go past the main Bus station the suffixed number may be different like INR-BSK 1C and INR-BSK 1E.

Further fine tuning can be done if this basic principle is accepted.


Cant understand why numbering

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Cant understand why numbering is such a pressing issue ahead of even route rationalization? BMTC pussy footing around real issues? Where are the timetables? The route information at bus stops, the proper stopping of buses at bus stops? etc

I dont know why route needs

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I dont know why route needs to be re-numbered. t is better as it is now-we are atleast able to remember it with numbers and direction based routes are prefixed with a letter-it is quite fine.

What needs to be done is the rtionalization of routes especially the volvo ones-it needs to be run on routes with more profits-also routes running on reduced traffic number of bsues must be cut down a bit and run on routes having heavier traffic-example 15E runs on lesser traffic route compared to route no.2. 


Today when I went to Vasanthapura I was surprised to see many 378's running which were quite full. About 2-3 210G's left to shivajinagar in span of 1/2 an hour-many areas in south bangalore do not have proper connectivity to Shivajinagar eg: 161D from BTM. Proper planning is required


People have had enough travelling by old routes-why should a bus from J.P.nagar to Vijayanagar go via Jayanagar,come to netkallappa circle and go to gandhi bazaar instead of taking the shorter route via Banashankari and K.R.Road. Similarly all shivajinagar bound buses from south go via Wilson garden-let the old route of 13 go an dnew long routes like 210G etc run via Double road so as to save time on hosur road


These are various issues that need to be solved to ensure many people go by bus. Route re-numbering is not a major issue as it is easier to remember route by numbers rather than the letters

Final Analysis!

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I agree with you and IDS. Route rationalization for better connectivity should have been the priority. Seems "Route Rationalization" is anathema at BMTC.

Now that 4 BDs have passed, it would be worthwhile to do an analysis on what existed prior to Feb 4th, what has changed since then and what still needs to  be done.

We can just take each corridor and put some data to it  and understand where are we (BMTC and commuters) now.

Anybody game for this?


BMTC Route Renumbering

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Substantial no. of feedbacks from bus days might have demanded this - though I agree that this re-numbering exercise c        sss  c  c could have waited,  especially since the arrival of Metro by 2013 might result in many route changes, additions /deletions, etc.