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A new "How To" feature on Praja - your suggestions

321 users have liked.
Praja related

Dear readers, and supporters of Praja. We have started a new drive to better organize and present content contributed by users on this website. As part of that, we are planning a new "how to" self-help feature on Examples of "how to" would be things like - "how do I apply for khata", or "how to buy a BMTC monthly pass", or "how to complain about an overcharging auto", basicaly just about any experience that we can share around in dealing with govt or public agencies. Please provide your review and feedback to help tune this feature.

Quick Description:

  • Users will be able to create a new type of post called "how to".
  • Volunteers will be categorizing and organizing the "how to" posts inside the wiki/books (a powerful, but not much publicized feature on praja, wiki is a type of post that can be edited by anyone)
  • A special search will be available to look through just the "how to" posts.
  • We are also thinking of a feature where users can request for a "how to", sort of like a question, to which another user can post a "how to" as an answer.

We feel that this is a good way for all of us to join hands in creating a powerful citizen self-help repository for Bangalore, and other cities later as and when we decide to expand.

Please respond with your suggestions, and we will do our best to do as much as we can in the first roll out. Thank you all for your continued support for this virtually social experiment called :)


Praja Techs and Admins.


Srivatsava's picture

For Bangalore? Or for Praja?

174 users have liked.


If I have understood this right, this is NOT building help pages for using Praja site, but rather  a "How to" feature for many civic body processes in Bangalore. So, we will have pages like "How to get a DL?", "How to get a International Driving permit?", "How to get your DL renewed?", "How to pay property tax online?", "How to add yourself into the voters list?" etc. Then this will be the wiki documentation of the all processes related to the Bangalore civic/adminstartive bodies. Am I right?

If it is, should we restrict people from posting their personal experiences as comments. From some such posts on Praja, I sense that the discussion/comparison of personal experiences gets mixed up with comments about the process. May be user experience can be marked seprately - that may mean that comments are also tagged/classified, just like we classify posts while drafting them.

Sounds correct?

-Srivatsava V

silkboard's picture

Should be editable by all

168 users have liked.

Right Srivatsava, anyone should be able to edit a "how to", so it should be like a wiki. And personal experiences can be present as comments to the how-to.

To start this off, I think some of us will have to lead this off with 1-2 how-tos each (seed a dozen how-tos), and then invite people to update them, or write their experiences as comments so that readers can know whether the how-to is right or not.

Practically speaking, how-tos will get edited based on comments they receive.

n's picture

Is this different from the

181 users have liked.

Is this different from the (not-easily-traceable) gyan?

tech's picture

bringing back gyan

190 users have liked.

Trying to restore the local wiki idea (where good stuff from discussions etc can go to a separate page).

Brought back gyan index page of old, click here (gyan/home)

Had discontinued work on gyan as usage was low (yes, the feature was not easily visible as well). comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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