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October 2014

High Level Feedback on Draft Road Transport and Safety Bill 2014

This blog is for some high level feedback on the draft transportation and safety law 2014.  While the tone of this blog will be critical on focus on the improvements, there are certainly many good features in the draft law.  The brief and critical focus is to keep our eyes on the suggested improvements.

Feedback on Public Passenger Transport - Chapter VII

Thissection is an attempt to change public transport by bus.and other vehicles. However, an overarching vision is lacking.  Many new categories are introduced in the place of existing categories, but it is not clear that the existing problems of the sector are fully addressed.

Sewage Treatment Plants in BBMP area, where does 800 - 900 MLD of water goes daily in Bangalore ???

800 -  900 LD of water pupmed to Bangalore from Caveri river and transported over 100 Kms along with other water sources of 250 MLD apart from the borewell run with tankers. 

This is apart fro what Bangalore  receives rain all 12 months which no other Big city in India receives.

Road Transport and Safety bill

Project number:6718
Opened by:idontspam
Opened on:Monday, 27 October 2014 - 7:25pm
Last modified:Monday, 27 October 2014 - 7:25pm
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Project to discuss the draft Road Transport and Safety Bill proposed by GoI

A draft road transport and safety bill is posted on the MORTH website.

Should the BBMP be split into 2-3 smaller entities?

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