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Face to Face Grievance Meet

442 users have liked.
10 Aug 2013 16:00

Jagaran City plus in association with the Coordinating Committee of Resident Welfare Associations of Indira nagar (CCRWA) is organizing a Face to Face Grievance Meet with

  1. Sri S Raghu MLA (CV Raman Nagar)
  2. Sri Venkateshappa, KAS (Joint commissioner,)  BBMP (East) and
  3. Concerned BBMP  Officials

Date:  -10th August 2013

Day:    - Saturday

Time:  - 4:00 PM

Venue: -New Horizon Public School, 100’ Road, Indira nagar

Subject:  -discuss and resolve issues like

  1. Roads
  2. foot paths
  3. Storm water Drains
  4. unauthorized building Construction
  5. commercial building license
  6. Garbage

Residents are requested to share the problems faced by them in a few words with the Joint Commissioner (East) and City-plus by post or e-mail

Email: - Bangalorecityplus

Sd/- G. Ramamurthy.

Secretary, CCRWA


psaram42's picture

Dr. Ravindra sets the ball rolloing

188 users have liked.
  1.  Dr. Ravindra,   Principle secretary to the government 0f Karnataka Rtd. welcomed the audience.
  2. It was a long week end. May be this was enough reason for the BBMP officials to absent themselves.
  3. However MLA Raghu presence was refreshing, Dr. Ravindra felt.
  4. Road and drainage covering works are in progress.

Some of the problems as summed up by Dr. Ravindra were:-

  • Car parking on 100ft road foot paths, should be discouraged 
  • Absence of parking lot provision is the sore point. 
  • Garbage is thoroughly mismanaged
  • Segregation not done / or being mixed up
  • Commercial buildings in residential areas
  • etc

This was a refreshing start for the days discussions

MLA Mr. Raghu, Dr. Ravindra and Mr. Ramamurthy on the Dais


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Thippasandra Main road

186 users have liked.
  1. After becomming a one way, It has become a blessing for push cart venders.
  2. The left side curb is occupied by many push cart venders near the market area.
  3. There are violations of the one way rule, by many two wheelers near Ganesha temple.
  4. Car parking along the road is possible and hence a blessing
  5. Vidya Menon of HAL III Stage felt that Anjneya Temple wall area is some times grid locked.
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Illegal Claiming of road works

196 users have liked.

Mechale palya residents have a suspision that instances of  "fictious repairs" claims being made are there.

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Garbage segregation and composting

186 users have liked.

Mr. Mani of HAL III stage claimed sucess in segrigation of garbage and composting of wet garbage. However we need to involve all residents to spread the awareness in the community, as a whole!.

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Indiranagar I stage co co nut Garden

192 users have liked.

Night time Vehicles parking was reported by Mr. N Rangaraj of BM Kaval area.. 

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OLD Air Port Road Fly over

195 users have liked.

Mr. Mohan Manganani of New horizon public School felt the absence of foot paths in the OLD Airport road Fly over is disastrous. This has been a discussion point earlier in PRAJA.

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MLA Raghu at his best as ever!

207 users have liked.

Mr. Raghu spared no effort to assure the residents that he will continue his good work in his third term as well.

This event was perhaps not the proper venue. He is calling for a meet on 24th August with all the stake holders. He revealed that MLA funds have not been utilised, and will be well spent!

pathykv's picture

Coordination between depts.

185 users have liked.

(Duplication removed)

pathykv's picture

Coordination between depts.

178 users have liked.

I had given the following suggestions in advance. I was called upon to elaborate, which I did. The MLA responded by agrreing to the same by promptly calling for the next meet with all dept. reps on 24th Aug. at 10-00 a.m. at the same venue.

"1. A mechanism should be put in place to continuously monitor the

grievances being submitted to the officials in such periodical meets.
2. Such reviews should be done in a Coordination meeting with the
Citizens Representatives including the Corporator concerned.'
3. All the departments - BBMP, BWSSB, BESCOM,BTP, HEALTH, POLICE (Law
& Order) should participate.
4. At present WARD 88 Citizens Forum is conducting such meetings on
the third Friday (4-00 p.m.) of every month in the office of the AE
(BBMP). Other Depts should send their representatives.
5. Other Wards also can hold similar meetings once a month.
6. The Traffic Police also are holding such meets on third Saturday
(11-00 a.m.) every month. This can be combined with the third Friday
meeting to avoid duplication.'


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Agenda for meetings in itself is not the goal

207 users have liked.

As far as Garbage issue is concerned, segregation at source is the key. Effective steps towards zero dumping are not that hard. There is a need to take all Residents along by a helping hand.

  • There should be no dumping of any type of unwanted items by the residents.
  • Once the authorities have a plan and implement the same, dumping will automatically stop
  • The Garbage contractors need to collect each type of garbage on different days.
  • Alternately separate contracts for each type may be thought of if advantageous.
  • Steps for Composting of Wet garbage need to be deliberated and implemented ward wise.
  • Plastics need to be recycled
  • Look at the poor who scavenge at the garbage dumps
  • There is a need to be organized for getting our city clean and the envy of other cities.
  • The city of Surat in Gujarat was a dirty hole once upon a time. It was transformed one fine day when a determined government called it a day! comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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