All Stake holders meet was held at freedom Park on Saturday, February 02, 2013, to discuss WM for the city. It started at 15:00 hrs at the ground level convention hall. The slogan was
“Wake up clean up”
I hope this applies to both the citizens as well as the city Fathers. The panelists on the Dias included
- BBMP commissioner Siddaiah
- Mayor
- Pollution control Board Chairman Dr. Acharya
- Kalpana Kar x Batf
- FKCCI Chairman
- Credai
- City Connect
- Vinita Bali Britannia CEO
- Kiran Mazumdar shaw Biocon
- and others
On all 7 days experts and public will engage in the finer points on efficient garbage management.
Picture -1 Diana Barucha with Almitra Patel the expert on Garbage Management
Picture - 2 the experts with BBMP Commissioner Sidhaiya on the Dias
Picture 3 A parks Bench made of recycled plastics.
To be continued as further comments
BBMP Commissioner Mr. Sidhaiya's advice
BBMP Commissioner Mr. Siddaiah spoke about the 7 day programme to encourage the citizens of Bangalore to participate in the cities efforts to come out of the current garbage crisis. He felt that the corporation has been successful bye and large in making the Hoteliers adhere to segregation at source. However the cities house holds are sending the mixed garbage which is responsible for the current crisis.
His advice to the citizens was thus not to mix up garbage, but keep the wet garbage separate. This will help the corporation to collect the same on wet garbage collection days of the week. The goal was to
The strategy suggested by Mr. Siddaiah thus was
However the commissioner was silent about enforcement.