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A (P)resident's blog. Part 1(Out of Many): Intro

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First and foremost : About the title

A (P)residents blog : I am and have been resident of a specific location in south bangalore and president of RWA of that location. In both roles as resident and president I have many experiences and thoghts. So I combined both resident and president as (P) resident.

I would be recollecting my experiences in past as both a resident and president adding my personal views and opniions. I hope to see lots of differences for sure. But idea is bring many "hidden" things from a citizen' perspective. Time and again, I have found that "we get what we deserve" (my user name :is wgwwd which is nothing but short form of above) A simple disclaimair : This series is not intended to hurt anyone in person, though many opinions of other (P)residents might have hurted me.

I am taking anonymity to "feel free" to express myself :)

A Single FAQ : Why this blog? Answer: Simply a rant and document the feelings (other way of venting out the hard feelings)

Let me just go through some history. The area is which I reside is a layout developed by a small private developer company in Koramangala. Company belongs to a community of Andhra origin, which is commion in Bangalore. I have no intention to target that community, just for info. The area has around 150 sites covered by BDA all the 3 sides and a private property belonging a "big" landlord on remaining side. Having completed the lay-out by around 2003, layout was "maintained" by this developer "well" till 2013. Fair ! But the story begins once he "handed over" layout to RWA.

I have relocated to this layout around 2012. It has been a pleasurable experience in overall to every resident of this layout. But also it has been a learning ground for me as a resident and president. The result of learning is this blog. Keep watching my blog in parts.


Next part coming up shortly : A (P)resident's blog. Part 2(Out of Many): Towards Clean Green Community comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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