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Helping ourselves

392 users have liked.

Recently I was searching how we can help ourselves to understand and try to beat the traffic problems. I have found interesting Andriod Apps. While I neither working for these companies nor I want to promote these one, I think it is worthy for Prajagalu to have look at these apps.


1.  Waze Social GPS and Traffic  .(Click the left link to read more /install Andriod App)

This app actually reports traffic situation while you are move (hands-free, so safe). Traffic Speed and other data are uploaded automatically. Additionally accidents etc can be reported manually, if you are stuck. As the system is based on crowdsourcing, the more people get involved, the better the collaboration

More here


So I would request all Praja's who have Andriods and wish to participate.


2. DailyRoads Voyager.(Click the left link to read more /install Andriod App)


This is another nice/worthy Andriod app for all Praja's here. The features :

1) Automatically photos are taken and geotagged (location data attached to pics)

2) Optionally video is taken and geotagged.

3) Your travel speed also recorded

4) Optionally the photo can be uploaded automatically in real time to web site (

The records can be used in many ways : like a rememberance of your travel , in case of accidents etc.


Kindly comment your experience once you install/use  these apps. I am sure it will be of great help for all of us ! If you are sharing your user names, we can start working together right away for beating Bangalore Traffic !

Good luck to me and you :)









wgwwd's picture

Any one has downloaded and

198 users have liked.

Any one has downloaded and tried as of now?

- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first

psaram42's picture

some use full apps are in common use

190 users have liked.

Your information on Android apps Looks very interesting!

My son uses a google application for route to new destinations often. It guides so that we take the correct route to the destination, even when it is for the fist time.

With computers, accurate maps and online traffic info these applications are useful. Even then heavy traffic leading to grid locks are not that uncommon.

xs400's picture

Lyft and Uber ?

192 users have liked.

Lyft | On-demand ridesharing

Lyft is a friendly, safe, and affordable transportation option. Just tap a button and in minutes you’ll be riding in the front seat with a new friend. Our Lyft community drivers have been background checked and personality screened to offer the best ride experience in the city!

Lyft is available in San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, Washington, D.C., Indianapolis, St. Paul, and Atlanta and we’ll be coming to your neighborhood very soon.



Uber is your private driver in 35 cities and 14 countries. (Bengaluru is listed but expensive!).

- Request a ride using the app and get picked up within minutes. On-demand service means no reservations required and no waiting in taxi lines.

wgwwd's picture

Now, a road hump recorder..

197 users have liked.

This is one more app I am trying now. This would record road humps and upload it to internet. I am going to try this and post details soon for a Bangalore road.


Full details and download is here

Another alternative app is called "GoodRoads". More details are and download here. (Russian?)

Request to other Prajagalu to try and lets help ourselves as Prajas.


- Yatha Praja Tatha Raja

- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first

wgwwd's picture

Thanks xs400 for those app

204 users have liked.

Thanks xs400 for those app details.

So, is this thread gonna be repository for good POA(Praja Oriented Apps)? I wish so :)


- wgwwd : (w)e (g)et  (w)hat  (w)e (d) look at yourself first comment guidelines

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