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GoK's social sector work - Healthcare?

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Syed attempted to start a deeper look at Karnataka's programs in healthcare sector. Wanted to check if some online voluteers (search 'warriors') are interested to join in to dig out data and details on how state is doing in this important social sector.

For starters, there are three broad headings under which state is spending money in this sector

  • NRHM - Centrally assisted program, Karnataka got Rs 436 crores from center in 2009, 2010 data and spend plans digging TBD
  • KSHDRP - As per ( total cost of project is ! Rs 900 crores, appx 600 cr loan from World Bank. Year wise spend and plan digging TBD
  • State Health Ministry's plans outside of above two.

There seems to be enough data on public websites. Pointers

Also of interest: CAG's report on Karnataka's finances:

We can do some analysis together if 3-4 more folks want to help in digging data from above sources. Why would we do it? Performance of government's programs in welfare sectors like healthcare and education is generally assumed to be not good. One would think that to be the case because these aren't tracked that well.


naveen_blr's picture

True to some extent

186 users have liked.

We have been getting bad remarks from various agencies about Healthcare in Bangalore/Karnataka. Although we see lot of hospitals around i still feel there is a lack of facilities.

In towns like Bijapur and people do seem to travel to Miraz /Solapur to get treatment for any complicated ailment.

I appreciate 108 it has done wonders to reach the needy.


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