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BMLTA - Need support?

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Public Transport

I was looking at Singapore LTA website. Couldn't help dream of a similar authority for B'lore. To my surprise, google found BMLTA. Guys, there is a land transport authority in Bangalore, atleast on paper and GOK rolls!!.

With current scenario in Bangalore, BMLTA should have been celebrated and embraced by everyone. But seems like this has no impact in the happenings of the city. In the last 6 months or so of my following the developments in Bangalore, I didn't even know it existed. Sad.

The website doesn't seem much help. There seems to be something called DULT, HLTF and a number of subcommittees.  Functions / goals listed are certainly worthy, but to me seems too ambigous.

The members list includes our favourite government (and quasi govt) bodies. But I see that since Apr '07, they have met only 5 times!. Page read counters towards end of the pages indicate just a few hundread hits.

I don't see much excitement here on Praja either. A search returned few posts here, here and here.

Is this venture so broken that it is not worth pursuing? How can we somehow get the best out of such an umbrella body? There is a need for all of is to understand their madate, potential, influence, capacity & authority.




silkboard's picture

welcome Ravi :)

165 users have liked.

We have discussed BMLTA, in fact some of us have even met Mr Gaurav Gupta who was running it (probably is still the Member Convener). But I am told that BMLTA is still a small and literally powerless organization. It is supposed to get some teeth, hopefully soon, though that process is most likely clubbed with acceptance of the recommendations of Kasturirangan Committe report.

I could be wrong in what I said above. But thats why I have posted this comment. Wanted to know what others know on the subject.

BTW, check past Praja posts tagged BMLTA by going to this URL:

It should not be much effort to organize a Praja meeting with Mr Gaurav Gupta. Do you want to anchor one?

Ravi_D's picture

Meeting with BMLTA

149 users have liked.

I'd be happy to  organize such a meeting. Intereted members - pls post your comments and availability here.

I'm limited in my reach, so any help from Praja members with better connections is welcome! I'll try to reach them next week...

Points of discussion I can foresee:

> Their role in the current state of affairs, mandate and authority

> Future plans & timeline for the plans

> Major projects they are currently focused on, and their interest and influence in Namma Metro / BMTC / recent flyovers / majic boxes

> Current status of the 'Master Plan for Transport Infrastructure' (a part of their mission)

> Praja's thoughts on what is expected of such a body

> What Praja can do...



Ravi_D's picture

Meeting with BMLTA - Update

136 users have liked.

Called BMLTA offices today (80-22373780). I am told one Mr Sudhir is the Transport Specialist. He will be back from vacation on Thursday, and we should try to reach him first.

Stopped short of sending them an email. Not sure if there is a Praja protocol of sorts. SB / Murali Sir: Any suggestions?

Email: convener (at) bmlta (dot) org




silkboard's picture

We know Sudhira

144 users have liked.

We have his contacts, he is a good friend and know that he is out on a very important personal event. Will be good to meet him as well as the convener (Mr Gaurav Gupta).

Agenda for the meeting? I suggest we keep this to "learn about them", basically a one way meeting to know what their plans and jusrisdictions are. We are still in learning mode, still drawing a picture of how all this planning and execution works, right?

Rithesh's picture

Nice Initiative Ravi

165 users have liked.

I am in. Hopefully you will plan the meeting on a Saturday.


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