Read some first snippets about upcoming BBMP Budget in DNA.
More details: Palike's Biggest Budget Ever and 300 Parks for the City.
> Rs 4,200 cr outlay, 50% more than previous budget
> 2000 cr for Road Infrastructure - hope they don't waste it to cut trees and widen roads
> Post of Special Commissioner (Finance) who is supposed to prepare the budget is vacant since last year!
> 3rd BBMP budget without an elected council
> Development of 300 parks in the city - Very Welcome
> ABIDe gets priority
> Inner core ring road - is back
Well, this makes me wonder how much of the outlay is for sustainable development. Can't wait for the real budget to see what we get.
What is the legality of this budget?
With no legally elected local representatives in BBMP these days, what exactly is a BBMP budget?
Having said that, not bad
Only criticism would be, and a big one - there is no real thrust on public transport. Yes, there is talk of making BMRC agree on the mono proposals (must be a reference to Scomi-Geodesic plans I guess), but there is no promise in there to implement mono, or any other form of pub trans. Since BBMP's promises are aligned with Abide's diktats, in there somewhere, there would be plans for dedicated bus lanes at select stretches. Lets wait and watch.
There is talk of amenities (lakes, peds, parks). Road works are aligned with whatever is being talked about (perhaps this is a benefit of not having a real local semi-autonomous BBMP, it can be made to align with state government's plans).
Amongst all the goodies, I didn't find any new ideas or investments in the area of solid waste management. Growth means more production and more consumption, which in turn means more wastes to manage. 10% growth in GDP ~+ 10% growth in wastes too. So, it needs commensurate increased investments.
PubTrans Ignored
Absolutely. "Infrastructure" in this city only means "signal-free" roads, flyovers /ROBs /RUBs /Magic Boxes & does not include facilities for Public Transport, Solid waste management, Water, Power, etc.
A silver lining is that the neglect of pedestrians & their needs seem to have been recognized. Nothing for the bicyclists though !
Budget allocation
My take on the budget allocations as reported in the news media:
> Rs 148.49 cr for Greener Bangalore - Good
> Pedestrian Facilities (220 underpasses, 16 skywalks) - Good
> Bridges / underpasses @ Railway intersections - Welcome move
> Rs 6 cr per ward - Will benefit if citizens get their say on its use
> Mid term fiscal plan - Welcome move
> Road infrastructure - Signal free corridors - Not sure. Atleast a part of the allocation could be better spent on junction improvements and general quality of our road infrastructure. Things such as bus bays, uniform lane widths, foot paths, road drainage, signalling...
> ABIDe is the new king - Good and bad. It is good that people are listening to those outside their own organization. But just blindly following every recommendation one organization makes might not be a great idea. What happened to CTTP? What about BMLTA? Does BBMP also talk to BMTC, BTP, BCP and other stake holders?
Looking forward to the budget document and action taken report (for 2008-09) to be put up on BBMP website.
Missed out?