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RTO - A functional database

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Public Transport

This TOI article reports progress in computerization efforts at the RTO. Database is already available to everyone, send an SMS to get your details.

...Transport commissioner Bhaskar Rao said details of 16 lakh vehicles are already documented in their system. ...(RTO) completed documentation of all vehicles registered in the past five years. It may take another eight months to get information of all existing vehicles in the state

Once this programme is complete and all vehicles' details are available, the department will start replacing driving licences and registration certificates with smart cards. These will have chips inserted, containing data about the vehicle owner or licence holder. .... "The data can also be updated periodically. This will act as a citizen database for the government. Even other departments like those of police and forest can make use of this bank," Rao said.

"Data 'can' also be updated... Other govt depts can make use of this data"  - Commendable effort and great beginning Mr Rao, but I'd have loved to hear RTO replace these 'can' phrases with something like - "data will be continuousely updated, and is being integrated with data bases from other departments".

Check your vehicle details - send an SMS to 56006. My vehicle registration details all matched up well.

...for example, KA01-M-1111, message should read RTO KA-01-M-1111.

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