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March 2010

Effect of Metro stations on adjacent roads

The metro work is underway on main roads in most part of Bangalore. The metro stations that are to be constructed are significantly wider than the main track. Will this not create bottlenecks on adjacent roads? For example, there is a metro station being constructed on Old Madras Road near the 80ft road junction. The Old Madras road which is wider on either side of the station suddenly becomes very narrow leading to frequent traffic jams here. Even after the construction of the station, the road width isn't going to change and this can be a serious problem later on. 

Consider the Vijaynagar main road. If the Metro station is constructed near the Bunts Sangha, it will almost be as wide as the road today. How can  the width of the roads be made uniform throughout?

Is this something that BMRCL is thinking of? In addition, the presence of a station will require rickshaw stands and bus stops nearby which means the roads have to be wider in these places. On the contrary, the station makes the road narrower. This is definitely a double whammy. 

Electoral Photo Identification Card for BBMP election

Hello All,

I am a new voter and want to vote in upcoming BBMP elections. I dont have a voters ID card yet.

has any one here recently got their Voter ID cards? Can you please guide me on how to get one?

I think this will be ideal time to get one as elections are fast approaching.





DCE- DTU Controversy - An Alumnus' Perspective

It has turned into a fortress. From the looks of it more than 300 cops have been deployed. In its almost 60 year history, that too in the middle of the internal examinations, for the first time  Delhi College of Engineering is witnessing a student strike!

Ordeal ... I went through

Today evening while returning from Marathalli,  while I was driving along with my friend, a guy on Yamaha takes a left cut in front of me. It was such an extreme cut, I somehow saved the guy and in return screamed and asked to drive properly. The guy and pillion riders stare at me, but I continued on my way.

After a while, they overtake me and ask to stop. I stopped and they started screaming. I started explaining that what he had done was wrong. In no mood to listen, they both start landing blows on me. And they thunder," you come to our area and scream at us, how dare you?". They beat me black and blue and you know what all the people in crowd around were saying, "Yeh , they speak hindi. They cant scream at them. and all started murmuring against us"

Seeing the crowd support for them, I continually said "Sorry" while both were landing blows on me and my friend as well. No one from the crowd even mediated. Some how when they saw blood on my face, they left after hitting me badly in my stomach.

49-O : option to vote for nobody

every one who is grieving about the civic problems not addressed in your area . take action. this is the only cahnce in four years you get to address the problem.

read this article.

about seo