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March 2010

Fixing the great mistake

"Fixing the Great Mistake" is a new Streetfilms series that examines what went wrong in the early part of the 20th Century, when our cities began catering to the automobile, and how those decisions continue to affect our lives today.

Pedestrian skywalk at KR Puram Ring Road chaos, finally

I am not a fan of skywalks (prefer regular ped-signals, or underpass), but the chaos that this place is - Outer Ring Road/Old Madras Road junction near Tin Factory, K R Puram - a pedestrian skywalk to cross 8 lanes of thick traffic should help. After our last round of complaints etc, the pedestrian signals had been operating for some time, they still are - either the light turns red, or cops stop traffic to let pedestrians cross. The skywalk (such a late arrival) is perhaps part of signal-free ORR project.


Learn Kannada. One Word at a time.

Padakali ( and @padakali on twitter) is an attempt to teach Kannada one word at a time. It began as a daily discussion between two colleagues, one of whom, for all practical purposes, murdered Kannada every time he attempted to speak the language. The other tried his best to help him while struggling to keep his sanity.

KR Puram bus bhelter is getting ready

I would like to share a Good News. THe BMTC Bus Shelter is getting ready & feel in the next 1 week it should be ready. Thanks a lot to the BMTC authorities it comes as a boom for public in this blazing summer season. Also would like to thank the Praja team in this inititave to help the public of Bangalore lead a little comfortable life.

Taking Mobilicity Forward

Writing in a request to Mobilicity project members to take the concept forward via series of small events, or otherwise. To some extent Bus Day itself came out of Mobilicity efforts, the concept was seeded during Mobilicity meetings.

Jenny and others have a few ideas

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