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March 2010

War Memorial OK - But not in my backyard, says Infosys HR Head

It seems the steam for opposition to War memorial is picking up. Apart from Justice Saldhana, now the ABIde member themselves are crying hoarse. But the circumstances seems to suggest something contrary to their public statements. It looked like, War memorial is OK, but not in my backyard.

Courtsey - Sights, Sound and Smell from Bangalore

"..The National Military Memorial was an idea originally mooted by the Agenda for Bangalore Infrastructure and Development Task Force (ABIde) headed by Rajeev Chandrashekar. But its own members are now coming out in protest against the proposed venue.
Mohan Das Pai, one of its key members who resides close to the park, said the idea of a war memorial for our heroes is indeed a fine one because their stories have to be told. “But the venue is certainly not acceptable to me.” ..."

For more read here

New navigation on Praja

We at the tech team are happy to announce new and improved navigation features on These will be launched today. We hope that the changes make it easier for our users to find, read and create relevant content on the site. Read on to know more about the new navigation.

Changed front page

The homepage of Praja ( now has a simplified look when you are not logged in. It has a small slideshow to tell what Praja is about and leads to creating or finding discussions. (We are currently working on improving the looks of the graphics and buttons on this page). This design is done keeping in mind the new users to the Praja community who want to understand what Praja is about.

When the users login, the front page will automatically change to a more personal version. This page is the centre of all the action on Praja for all the users.


BMTC audit by CAG

Recently CAG  had done a audit of BMTC , an article has been published on the same in business standard.


Some of important points in the report

1.For year-ended March 2009, the corporation has reported a 60.6 per cent drop in the net profit at Rs 55.18 crore, compared to the previous year.

2. an operating loss of Rs 20.6 crore compared to an operating profit of Rs 70.8 crore for 2008-09 as against the previous year.

3. The earnings per kilometre (KM) was Rs 24.63 and expended Rs 23.28 per KM during the year.

4.carried an average of 3.66 million passengers per day

5. the number of trips operated by the corporation increased to 25 million in 2008-09 from 16 million in 2004-05, the percentage of trips checked to the trips operated declined 1.17 per cent from 1.65 per cent in 2004-05


The dry leaves disposal problem.

As the spring season comes every year there is the dry leaves season preceding it. The street sweepers have hectic work gathering the dry leaves by sweeping them into big mounds. It is really funny that the regular garbage collectors are no way responsible for the leaves final disposal.

Work is on, June 2010 new date

Work is on, many have confirmed. June 2010 is being comunicated as the planned end date for remaining work. Residents or commuters of the area should post pictures here to keep tab on the work, so that all get to know if June 2010 date is realistic.

Given all the new information, there is no need for planning a protest right now, let us wait till end of May. Sounds good?

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