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Effect of Metro stations on adjacent roads

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Metro RailPublic Transport

The metro work is underway on main roads in most part of Bangalore. The metro stations that are to be constructed are significantly wider than the main track. Will this not create bottlenecks on adjacent roads? For example, there is a metro station being constructed on Old Madras Road near the 80ft road junction. The Old Madras road which is wider on either side of the station suddenly becomes very narrow leading to frequent traffic jams here. Even after the construction of the station, the road width isn't going to change and this can be a serious problem later on. 

Consider the Vijaynagar main road. If the Metro station is constructed near the Bunts Sangha, it will almost be as wide as the road today. How can  the width of the roads be made uniform throughout?

Is this something that BMRCL is thinking of? In addition, the presence of a station will require rickshaw stands and bus stops nearby which means the roads have to be wider in these places. On the contrary, the station makes the road narrower. This is definitely a double whammy. 


SB_YPR's picture

Not much of an adverse effect

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I don't think the Metro stations will cause much obstruction to road traffic, primarily because they are elevated (with the road level containing only supporting piers). What this mean is that vehicular traffic will still be able to move under the station structure (which will have passenger entrances from the sides - presumably opening out to a footpath or open land acquired by the side of the road).

Specifically, in the case of SV Road station, I think traffic towards KR Puram will be given free clearance to proceed straight (under the station building), while vehicles turning right to 80' Road will have to to use the area to the south of the station. Similarly, at Vijayanagar, vehicular traffic will continue to move below the station (since supporting piers will come up only on the median and the sides of Chord Road).

As to auto/feeder bus stands, I think they will be located off the main road, rather than on it. In case of SV Road station, these are planned, along with a parking lot, on the vacant land of the TB Hospital opposite the station (adjoining the 80' Road junction). Similarly, at Vijayanagar, these will probably be located either on the service road or the park (adjoining RPC Layout). It has also been proposed to withdraw BMTC services on routes parallel to the Metro lines, so ordinary bus stops shouldn't be a problem either.



Naveen's picture

Stns & Conflicts

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I think the reference was with regard to support piers for stations that might obstruct streets. Though spaces below elevated stations will generally be utilized for road lane/s, they are still likely to pose hurdles in some instances.

At SV rd stn on OMR, the 80-ft rd junction could have posed serious obstacles, but for some pre-planning with areas allocated for bus bays & parking. I'm not sure if the TB Hospital land will be used for buses /parking since BMRC has acquired sufficient land in way of the SV rd station itself (on North side). Thus, conflicts between buses stopping, other through traffic & parking issues might be resolved easily here in the direction towards KR Puram, as also for right turning traffic into 80-ft rd.

However, there might still be hurdles for buses & traffic bound for city from KR Puram unless some land from TB Hospital is used for left turning traffic, with bus bays positioned on the right (ie. North side). Buses moving out from bus stops will then merge more easily with through traffic. If the bus bay is on the left (ie. TB Hospital land), there will be conflicts as they will need to move to the right immediately upon exiting, further complicated with left turning traffic.

Another example is Indiranagar stn: Where are buses going to stop other than the street lanes below the station, also being used by through traffic ? Commuter access to this station also appears to be from only one side, unless BMRC has resolved issues with CMH traders, specifically those with shops adjacent Arya Samaj compound.

There are other examples - stns at Lalbagh, Southend & Jayanagar. All these are close to or adjacent road intersections, & bus bays might not easily resolve conflicts. The only option is to add speed breakers where such conflict points exist & pray & hope that things remain safe, as has been the procedure till now !

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Court hurdles cleared for Metro

211 users have liked.

PILs filed by CMH Road Shop Owners and Plaza theatre rejected.

Click here for the report.

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