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March 2010

Online Store of GOK Unrepealed Acts

Found this online store, linking soft-copies of un-repealed acts of GOK. Yes, I did rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

Not sure where to post it, category or Tags to use. Admins, feel free to classify this post as you deem fit.

For the record, got to this website thru' 'Acts & Rules' link on GOK-UDD Home Page

Can Bangalore ban motorcycles ?

At some stage soon, auto-rickshaws & motorcycles will have to be banned or atleast, confined to city's outskirts to streamline traffic within the congested CBDs of Indian cities. Bangalore, with it's relatively richer citizens can perhaps lead the way in this!

A case study report, full of good explanatory maps & photos by Karl Fjellstrom, ITDP (dtd 15-Sep-2008) about how motorcycles were banned in a span of about 16 years can be downloaded from this link on filesanywhere.

Excerpts from this report are worth looking at (especially, the section "Lessons from Guangzhou’s successful motorcycle ban") in relation to our own future needs :

Gradual implementation

Proposal to increase fares

Following the recent increase in fuel prices,BMTC is planning to increase the fares.The same was published in the bangalore mirror newspaper of yesterday. Owing to BBMP elections and results the bus fares will be mostly increased once the poll results come out.

Bangalore Master Plan 2015 - Where is this headed?

I have read the Bangalore Master Plan 2015 for the first time.

I am happy to see the recommendations made after a structured study. ( Though I would have expected this to have more meat)

The upcoming BMR bill - draft

Continuing from the mention of two clear asks post BBMP elections, here is a regional governance reform proposal being prepared by Abide. The close to final draft of Bangalore Metropolitan Regional governance act is attached. Here are some mention worthy points. Detailed review will be very much appreciated by those who may be looking for them. Talk sense and less-rhetoric as much as possible please.

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