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ST Bed Koramangala area, Is this rework of drainage-covering height increase needed?

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Have a look at these 2 photos, the footpaths over the drainage lines in ST Bed, Koramangala area.



I think, whatever done is very good, it may be right in some views, but at the same time I see no value additions of this rework when there was alreayd a little lower covering was already there. See the first photo, it has both kind of covering over the drainage, at both heights. What could be the reason for increasing the height and re-work all the drainage coverings? Instead that money may be spent on some other infra stuff in ST Bed area. Or this is just a money making stuff by the corporators or MLA or BBMP officials or whatever?


pathykv's picture


235 users have liked.

Hundreds of crores of tax payers money is being wasted/pocketed by constructing such useless foot paths, bus shelers etc. at unwanted locations, ignoring  the areas where these are actually required.

Such foot paths and bus shelters constructed without conforming to any norms or fulfilling the requirements of the actual users, i.e. pedestrians/ bus commuters etc. create only stumbling blocks inconveniencing the users,but are shown as 'developments'!


silkboard's picture

where all, how much money wasted?

201 users have liked.

Pathy sir, what's the point of non-specific gyaan:

Hundreds of crores of tax payers money is being wasted/pocketed by constructing such useless foot paths, ... at unwanted locations

Any idea how much money is being spent on footpaths in Bangalore today? I don't think it is enough. I thought we should ask for even mroe money to be spent. What is wasted and what is not wasted (right locations) are opinions of residents of that area, but if quality is not good (unwanted or wanted area), we should complain.

dvsquare's picture

In this ST Bed Area, I stay,

225 users have liked.

In this ST Bed Area, I stay, so I can very well say that the earlier footpaths were good enough and good drainage coverage as well, and they have done it recently only, not too old. I don't see a good reason for this rework. I don't know if there is some reason we are missing, but then what happened when they first developed this, a few months back, why didn't they think of this earlier? In any case its loss of taxpayer's money right?

One thing, I want to say is this, they have also done a little dug-up around the roots-stems of a few trees in the same area, I would also say that they haven't done it for all the trees, but atleast for some. I would appreciate their effort in that and request to do it for all trees to those can atleast breathe. Earlier their throats were congested with the cemented roads.


I want to do something here, will it be a good idea to ask somebody why is this rework being done? or any such relavant question? I am thinking of RTI, to whom do I need to send this, need some guidance on that.

Secondly, if I see all the trees are not given the space to breathe, can I make it happen for all the trees in the same area?


psaram42's picture

ST Bed / Bangalore Road Standards

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The first picture shows the empty site where the road has the foot path raised, with a clear demarcation from the drive way for safety of people using the foot path. However one can observe clearly a Hapzard ramp at the farther end of the foot path for vehicles to drive inside the apartment block parking lot. Many four storied apartments are visible on the other side of the road too. At the beginning of this raised foot path at the left hand side in picture-1, it is not clear why the vehicle demarcation is missing. It is normal practice to continue the vehicle demarcation slabs placed horizontally, for any existing drive ways.

When any building comes up in the empty site in pic-1 the foot path needs to be modified by whatever standard exists at that time. In many smaller residential locality roads of smaller width the normal practice is have open storm water drains. In fact even in 80’ road in Indiranagar some portions of the 15’ wide SWD’s are not covered.

It would be a good idea to start a project jointly with IISc Civil / CiSTUP departments on better, consistent, RWH compliant road standards for the city of Bangalore. Would there be any takers from praja besides me?  

murali772's picture

valid point

231 users have liked.

The point that Deepak (as also Mr Pathy) is making is that when the initial job was done, just over a year back, if it had been executed conforming to standards, this costly re-working, as also the inconvenience to public thereof, could have been avoided. And, the money saved could have been used for more needy purposes, including laying of the best of footpaths all across the city. These are basic fundamentals, and I don't think there can be any difference of opinion on them.

But, inspite of it all, when you see the endless re-working going on is when suspicions arise, and motives get questioned. And, very rightly, too.

Muralidhar Rao
idontspam's picture

road standards

197 users have liked.

It would be a good idea to start a project jointly with IISc Civil / CiSTUP departments on better, consistent, RWH compliant road standards for the city of Bangalore

Some work is being done by DULT, road standards manual or some such thing. Dont know what is the scope of work though. Dont know also if it will be mandatory or just a guideline.

Also, I have asked BBMP before in a different context & I believe, any money that will be sunk in the future also will not involve resizing the sidewalk width to make it usable and will only be the same work that was done in this example. This I think is because the "road" & its engineering is going to be done independently of the "sidewalk". Different budgets different plans. Garunteed to have similar end results.

1 meter I think is the maximum width of those drain covers & thats all will be the width of the sidewalk. This is another way of getting more "road" (read asphalt) space. But this is not the way it is in varthur areas. The sidewalk is quite good with adequate space for walking. Same BBMP but different outcomes. Wonder why?

There is going to be a lot more money sunk in all across town for this"beautification" which may or may not yeild the benefits of walkability that we desire even thought they may look well formed. It may be time to go in & ask for detailed plan on what is being planned in the name of sidewalk. Try to engage else it has to be RTI led.

dvsquare's picture

Whom to ask details about this rework

220 users have liked.

I am willing to file an RTI asking, what has prompted them to rework the same sidewalks being done recently?


idontspam's picture


210 users have liked.

It may be a part of a larger work order. Check here

In the particular example above, which is repeated all across town, making the sidewalk walkable will involve cannibalising some roadspace. Is everybody in the area okay with the "loss" in roadspace? Clearly half the people in my locality feel they need wider & wider asphalt, the prosperity of the place is measured by how wide the "road" (read asphalt) is. Not how easy it is to walk, cycle, drive around. Its an attitude thing. 

murali772's picture

Kudos to BBMP

227 users have liked.

One thing, I want to say is this, they have also done a little dug-up around the roots-stems of a few trees in the same area, I would also say that they haven't done it for all the trees, but atleast for some. I would appreciate their effort in that and request to do it for all trees to those can atleast breathe. Earlier their throats were congested with the cemented roads.

BBMP appears to have now got into a tree nurturing mode - check this


Muralidhar Rao
psaram42's picture

Bangalore Specific RWH complaint Road standards

218 users have liked.



Here are the DULT Objectives and Functions for a ready reference

The key objective of the DULT is to ensure integration and coordination of land-use planning and development of transport related infrastructure in urban areas.

On the lines of National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), 2006 and recommendation of National Working Group on Urban Transport for 11th Plan Govt. of Karnataka has constituted the Directorate of Urban Land transport (DULT).

As indicated in Government Order following are the functions of the DULT.

  • Periodic assessment of travel demand
  • Determination of the level of public transport required in different corridors and the type of transport systems required
  • Assessment & recommendation of the new investments needed creation of infrastructure
  • Procurement of public transport service from private operators
  • Policy guidelines for development of total network in urban areas/ new layouts
  • Designing and developing integrated policies and plans for city level transportation

As seen from the above required funds for creating necessary standards for the city road network of BBMP area can perhaps be justified under the broad head of “Assessment & recommendation of the new investments needed creation of infrastructure”

It is likely that road standard especially RWH complaint are non existent with them.

However it is likely that Civil and CiSTUP departments of IISc are handling / planning similar projects at MTech and Phd level

idontspam's picture

As seen from the above

222 users have liked.

As seen from the above required funds for creating necessary standards for the city road network of BBMP area can perhaps be justified under the broad head of “Assessment & recommendation of the new investments needed creation of infrastructure”

Not about funds, they have enough, or their department responsibilities, but specifically they are making a road design standards document. I dont know how different it will be from IRC and what it addresses, the last time I spoke they mentioned work is on in this regard. I dont know how complete it is & if we can take a look or give suggestions.

pathykv's picture

Road/Footpath Norms

212 users have liked.


The wide roads (100ft Rd., 80ft.Rd.etc) of Indiranagar were provided with pavements only couple of years back at a cost of crores. 12th Main also was provided and the CMH road damaged for Metro work is yet to be covered fully. In spite of the citizens repeatedly asking the agencies- BBMP, Land Army etc. to construct these pavements conforming to some Norms, no such thing was done or is being done. The result is that the pedestrians cannot walk even a dozen steps on the pavements without their hitting some stumbling block, parked vehicles, cut in the pavement where you have to climb up and down or get down on the road itself exposing yourself to the racing two-wheelers and other vehicles. Many agencies like CISTUP, City Connect etc. are supposed to be working on new Norms,but no one knows when these will be finalised and implemented.


idontspam's picture


205 users have liked.

Here is some dope on whats in the works on Road standards

psaram42's picture

Dream Come true

206 users have liked.


Every urban resident has been witness to a newly-laid road ruthlessly cut up to add a network line, or fix a water leak. “Tender SURE” addresses the design specifications of two commonly ignored aspects of the road.

  1. Buried below the road,
  2. Erected above the road.

The design of the four utilities - drains, water & sewage lines, power, and ICT lines - have been included in Tender SURE, so that road cuttings can become a tale of the past.

I had given a presentation to Eshwaran Subramanian Director and staff scientists at CStep. some time ago. 

dvsquare's picture

RTI filed

232 users have liked.

RTI filed for the same, asking the questions about the money spent 2 yrs back and money spent in the re-work.

Lets wait for the RTI info.

But, another question comes here is - what is the reason for those re-work in only few places, and why other areas are neglected, the road between the smart shop to the oasis mall (inside st bed layout), that road also getting footpath rework done, but then I right now see no hope of the same thing being done at the oasis mall end, there no footpath exists anyways, and the other side a big drain is there, where footpath is far thing, there was not even bushes cleaning also, walking there is a big headache, and even worse in the night. I will try to take a few snaps and post that too.


dvsquare's picture

Palike Freezes 1,280 Spillover Works Due To Funds Crunch

222 users have liked.

Read this - Palike Freezes 1,280 Spillover Works Due To Funds Crunch.

Now what do BBMP have to say about this? Why so much of fund wasted for just rework.

I know, making good footpaths, colorful footpath is a good work, but then what, nobody walks on those, remove the encroachments first, also, make sure that you don't bury trees while reworking those footpaths, and also make sure that prioritize the works to be done and not spend money without planning.

They have done the footpath rework in the ST Bedlayout, but I don't see them doing any bit of the footpath work in the same layout on the road which comes from the side of Oasis mall, just near that huge drainage. No footpath there, where you need it the most. No fencing or proper boundary for the drainage, and too much of problems there, BBMP overlooking that.


dvsquare's picture

No response to RTI yet, 1 month over

238 users have liked.

I haven't got RTI response on the budget allocated for the footpath reword done as well as footpath work done 2 years back from BBMP yet, already the 30 days over after filing the RTI.

Also, as another issue which I want to raise regarding the same area and related to same footpath, I have written a mail to the RWA head of ST Bed who is very much praising the work being done in ST Bed, irrespective of its use or not. I am pasting the email here as well -

Hello Mr. Rajendra Babu.
As I have discussed and pointed out the ST Bed footpath rework being done in detail here at

As I have appreciated the work, but the question posed are mainly due to lack of planning and wastage of public money.
If the same could have been done 2 years back, we would have saved a lot of money in this rework.
Ok, but lets keep this debate aside, I had posted a few more concerns on the same post and raising here again.
First of all, footpaths are there in ST Bed, but I don't see anybody using it because of many reasons like lack of lighting, or trees on the footpath, or vehicles parked on the footpath. I am not complaining any thing but what I am saying is that those colorful footpath didn't bring any good usefulness to the footpaths or whole of STBed layout in any sense, not at all. If you wish to disagree with me, you can have a visit in the whole of ST Bed layout.
Secondly, the place its needed, where people could have used the footpaths, no footpaths made there, only the colorful boundaries are developed, with a RB Hospitality board near it. I am talking about the narrow lane from the oasis mall side to the ST Bed Entrance (by the side of the big drainage). With lots of vehicles (all types) coming in there, pedestrians really feel a lot of difficulty walking on that narrow lane (just entrance to the ST Bed area), if the BBMP (or whoever done this work) would have also cleaned up the garbage by the side of the drainage, and could have developed a small footpath, it would have been great use to pedestrians walking over there.

Attached is the snap from the google maps showing that strech where its needed and not done.

I have just pointed out the use-cases, we don't have the footpath where we need it the most for the safety of pedestrians, and where noone is walking, there we have all the colorful footpaths. I feel that is not the right.
I have written this mail not complaining anything, but giving my perspective and my views on what I see daily in ST Bed, what I feel would be great as a common citizen and a pedestrian.


dvsquare's picture

Update on ST Bed issue

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(1) I haven't got any reply on my RTI yet, around 40 days after I sent the application through registered post.
I am not thinking of appealing right now, as I have got the information after talking to Mr. Rajendra Babu as I mentioned in previous post.

(2) I got a response from Mr. Rajendra Babu (President, RWA, ST Bed) about the issue> i also called him up and had a good discussion, and he told that they have gone behind the chief engg and others to get the work done. Also, they told that issues are under consideration and they will be taken-up one by one. As I have raised the issue of the footpath just near the oasis mall (entry to ST Bed), there is no footpath as well as no boundary to drainage going by side. He told that building a wall by the drainage is being pending from last one year, but now they have gone behind the people and the work will be going to start in few days. I have also raised the issue of trees being choked again in the new footpath work and also about a few trees left from giving some space at the base, he told it will also be taken care of. I will also try to take a few pics of such scenes and let him know so that trees can be given breathe.


murali772's picture

Should this be a priority?

217 users have liked.

As Dr Ashwin Mahesh stated at a meeting of RWA's convened by the Namma Bengaluru Foundation last Saturday, BBMP takes up works not for the benefit of the citizens (pedestrians in this case), but to keep the contractors busy. And as Deepak has been repeatedly saying, this may not help the pedestrians much either, with many of the other things listed by him remaining unattended, and the stretches where it could help being left out. But, it must be said that it gives the road where it is done a neater look. The cost-benefit comparison is what the issue is all about.

Again, as Dr Ashwin Mahesh mentioned at the meet, for the first time in the history of BBMP, he had, in the last year budget, managed to push through a Rs 20 cr allocation exclusively for footpath upgradation. The more influential of the MLA's (who still hold sway in Corporation matters) have got the monies distributed amongst their wards, and have in turn taken up the jobs pertaining to their preferred wards, and preferred roads within the wards, since obviously there's not enough allocation to cover all the wards or even an entire ward.  

Muralidhar Rao
murali772's picture

keeping contractors busy

223 users have liked.

He (BBMP Commissioner, Mr Siddiah) took this decision after he got a report from Technical Vigilance Committee under Commissioner (TVCC) which said all 1,970 works that were about to be executed were either unnecessary or repeat works or those which needn't be taken up immediately. "The report is based on thorough verification by TVCC officials after inspecting the spot. TVCC has taken signatures from the executive engineer of these works. We decided to take up works which were of immediate concern and leave the rest. BBMP has pending bills of Rs 1360 crore. We have 13,550 spillover works amounting to Rs 3,229 crore," said special commissioner KR Niranjan.

For the full report in the ToI, click here

S T Bed layout, where I reside, is full examples of repeat works. The picture below shows one such work (there are many similar jobs being undertaken in the layout), which became necessary since the road concreting work done (carelessly), five years back, closed up the cross-drains also, leading to water logging.

But, the problem persists, as the picture below shows clearly.

So, time now for the next contract - if Siddiah comes in the way, just transfer him. The neta's commitment is to the contractor.

Muralidhar Rao
srinidhi's picture

Siddiah's. term ending

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Siddiah's term is ending by end of this month..that is another week..hes retiring after that and the full fledged goonda raaj will take over the city unless the congress govt does something to improve its name..

Its total anarachy as of now in the BBMP council..some one needs to bell the cat!

dvsquare's picture

BBMP Chief who headed vigilance team quit and opted VRS

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A day after 198 corporators condemned the BBMP's decision to freeze 1,970 civic works worth Rs 530 crore based on the report given by the vigilance team, the man behind the investigation tendered his registration and opted for VRS.

Obviously there is so much of taxpayer's money is involved here, a lot of re-work is being carried all over the city, as Murali Sir rightly pointed out in ST Bed photos. But the most needed storm water drain near the Naveen Terraces, besides the Oasis Mall in koramangala, is going at the slowest speed, that too after a lot of citizen's push to make it happen. comment guidelines

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