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Rate what you read to control what appears here! - whats ahead?

A "whats next" type discussion has been pending for sometime now, how about we start one. To kick it off, here are the two broad thoughts what got us started in the first place:

=> Need for a platform to enable citizens to be activists in their areas of concern and interest. Platform as in enable and equip, with information, pointers, complaint numbers, contacts of relevant people, success/failure stories and alike.
=> Try to utilize the power of Internet to build a big and strong community. We realize that if easy and online ways of activism are made available, there will be better participation because the reality of present times is - most of us are not willing to give these things serious personal effort and time.

Its a Shrinking World

Even as working mothers at EC complain of not being able to spend time with their new borns, KA Govt's incessant, relentless attack on BMIC, gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "its a shrinking world".

If last week it was Global Infrastructure Consortium and its monorail, this week its, I'm kidding you not, Asian Infrastructure Consortium, headed by a Malaysian monorail company! Even before you can say Swiss Challenge, within one week, HDK's KA govt has come up with a whole new proposal and a whole new petition.

What's so awfully wrong with Bangalore Metro design ?

The basic problem with Bangalore Metro Rail design, which is a "carbon copy" of the Delhi Metro Rail design is: i. its failure to define a catchment area and ii. design for seamless integration of feeder services and metro rail system (with seamless ticketing and intermodal synchronization) - RIGHT AT THE INCEPTION.

Whitefield and connectivity

When Marathahalli bridge construction work was in full swing (it still is), and we were struggling to cross the run-down work site, I was thinking about connectivity problems of this east-of-Bangalore suburb. When I say Whitefield, I mean the whole Mahadevpura, Hoody, ITPL, Whitefield, RG Halli, Brookfields, Kundalahalli region.

MG Road station a sneak peek

Yes, some more excitement! The artist's impressions of the metro station on MG road is out!! Check this image out. [Update: More images] 

Image courtesy: Deccan Herald

Mono too much to handle for BMRC

We had recently heard about BMRC trying to finalise the bids for Mono project. But surprisingly BMRC realised that Mono will be too much to handle with its plate already being full with Metro. It has hence submitted a plea to Govt. asking the Mono to be handled by some other agency. Looks like the Gove will oblige.

Banerghatta Road to Hosur - shortcut?

We all know how bad the area round 19th main intersection is. (marker #1 in the map below). So it is not a surprise, that a shortcut to get to Hosur Road is getting pretty popular. I am guessing markers #2 and #3 are it. Or is it a set of roads further south, someone correct or confirm please.
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Murphy’s Laws of Bangalore Traffic

1. A stopped bus suddenly starts cutting into your lane when you have crossed it halfway 2. The passenger at the window seat in a bus decides to spit ONLY when your car is next to it 3. An Auto on your left at a traffic light will always move across to the right once the light turns green 4. If a passenger in an Auto is giving signals, then the Auto will move in the opposite direction

Bangalore Metro round-up July 18

This week seemed like a low PR activity week for Namma Metro.

Bangalore Master Plan 2015

You must be reading about the Bangalore Master Plan in newspapers everyday. Land use regulations, new areas open for development, new FAR ratios etc etc.

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