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Bangalore Master Plan 2015

165 users have liked.
You must be reading about the Bangalore Master Plan in newspapers everyday. Land use regulations, new areas open for development, new FAR ratios etc etc. In case you didn't know, old version of the 2015 master plan has been up on BDA website for some time now. Yes, we would be trying to read and decipher some of it as well, hopefully soon.


Clarification: That Masterplan 2015 page on BDA website still doesn't have the latest documents, though BDA's news page sort of says they have uploaded the updated master plan.


[image sourced from BDA website]


shas3n's picture

What is being sold?

158 users have liked.
I recently read that BDA outsold copies of Master plan. Are they selling the same PDF that is available on that page or is it something different? Just curious. If anyone know whats being sold at BDA office, can you please comment here?


Visitor's picture

outdated document

145 users have liked.
that thingie on the website has been around for atleast 1.5 years. the new revised and more pertinent version is not available online and was only released after a lot of people with monies invested began making noise. admin: captcha is not working.
silkboard's picture

They claim to have uploaded ...

161 users have liked.

The latest document. See this "news" page on BDA site. Clicking on the news item about Master Plan upload doesn't bring up anything. Any idea how to find a file named "Master Plan-2015 for Bangalore cleared.pdf" on BDA site?


Have written to them asking for a link to this doc they claim to have uploaded on June 16.

Visitor's picture

last time i had to do a

162 users have liked.
last time i had to do a pseudo-hack to get to the then relevant document.. ;)
shas3n's picture

Tried for the PDF

161 users have liked.
Tried with google advance search for that PDF and also by going to the PDF directory. Not there. May be our hacker friend (above) might be of some help ;)


silkboard's picture

BDA's reply to my query

137 users have liked.

I did hear back after leaving that query. They have sent over a phone number and another email id to talk to. Will call/email today to see what they say.


------------ (from


You can please approach the Town Planner Member on 23443206 & e-mail id is in this regard.

With Regards,

Public Relations Officer, Bangalore Development Authority,



Sir, where exactly do I find the latest approved Master Plan 2015? The news page on your website says it was uploaded on June 16. But where exactly is the PDF file and how to download it? The masterplan page still has the old documents. thanks, Pranav


shas3n's picture

Master plan

149 users have liked.

Did you hear back from them at all?

I see a lot of search engine traffic to this site is coming due to the master plan. Might be good to have it handy.



silkboard's picture

Haven't heard back yet

152 users have liked.
No reply from that tpm email id so far. comment guidelines

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