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Elitist infra projects - BETL

Being elitist may never payoff and more so if you you have an elitist attitude towards Infrastructure projects

On August 23, 2010, I was driving back from Madurai and took the Elevated Road that links E City to Silk board jn. Envisioned and supported by IT giants.

NO-PARKING zone violations

Too many violations of the No-parking zone can be seen all over the City, and 95 times out of 100, it will be private cars that violate this rule.  Jayanagar, probably tops this list.  Few observations -

Vehicle to People ratio in Bangalore

ABIDe's working group on Right To Education Act

Got a press release from Abide office. Title: "ABIDe forms working group to review implementation of Right To Education Act and make recommendation to Government".


Press Release

Bangalore Police - performance data

So, how much do you know about Police's performance. Policing is on part of infrastructure that doesn't get 'reviewed' as such. And thanks to movies and what not, our take on police is mostly based on misconpcetions, and not data.

GoK's social sector work - Healthcare?

Syed attempted to start a deeper look at Karnataka's programs in healthcare sector. Wanted to check if some online voluteers (search 'warriors') are interested to join in to dig out data and details on how state is doing in this important social sector.

For starters, there are three broad headings under which state is spending money in this sector

Parking/Congestion charging proposals for CBD

Project number:3781
Opened by:Naveen
Opened on:Sunday, 26 September 2010 - 6:52pm
Last modified:Friday, 15 July 2011 - 8:37am
Operations:add Case | view all project cases
Restraining traffic growth via Parking enforcement, congestion charges or cordon pricing in central areas of Bengaluru city
Praja RAAG

This is a project to develop and propose a workable approach for re-introducing parking regulations in the city. A further long-term objective is to detail solutions for introducing congestion charge or cordon pricing in the central area of the city (CBD).

The project aims to prepare proposals that will provide benefits like:

about seo