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Number and Type of Violations

Data on traffic violations, by type - comparative statement: M.V. ACT  Cases booked for years 2006 TO 2010 in Bangalore City:


Number of vehicles registered in Bangalore

Number of Motor Vehicles registered & kept for use in Bangalore city, 1976 to 2009 (UPTO 31.12.2009)


Bangalore - Traffic

Traffic is probably the most popular subject of discussion in Bengaluru. Language of rage, frustration, surprises and disappointments is universal, but attempts to collect menanigful information and data and analyze them are far and few.

Data from Bangalore Traffic Police

A gyan page to hold together posts that carry statistics and data received from Bangalore Traffic Police. Bangalore Traffic Police collects and maintains detailed statistics on

New green belt projects from BDA?

On the eprocurement website, spotted two interesting tenders from BDA for work in the green belt zone.

Seeds for raising plantation in green belt

Procurement of approximately one lakh quality seedlings for Raising plantations in BDA Layouts, Government lands, Streams, Lakes, Nallas etc., of green belt area Bangalore

Praja for city of Chennai !!

Dear members, wanted to share an update. We will soon be adding Chennai as a focus city on We are in the process of make technical changes and upgrades to have city specific landing page, and few more features.

Kar-nataka live!

Independent MLA and Sports and Textile Minister Goolihatti Shekhar threatened to commit suicide if dropped from the Cabinet. Sagar MLA Belur Gopalakrishna, who claims to have the support of over 20 MLAs, threatened that they will resign en masse if he is not made minister.

OMR & CMH Roads - Amenities

'Two-Way delight?' (Ref.TOI report dt. 18th Sept).

Corrupt corporator - What a farce!

I scratch your back and you scratch mine! This corporator's suspension is withdrawn.... as

Today's DH

BBMP's bike lanes on tree lines

Now BBMP wants to lay a 5.15-km-long bike lane which, it believes, jauntily pedalling commuters would use to merrily ride to work and cycle enthusiasts would find their path to recreation for which the civic body also wants to fell over 850 trees in the name of road widening around the outer perimeter of Bangalore’s historic Palace Ground.

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