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How would you rent a bicycle if made available at metro/bus stops?

hourly, Rs 10-30 /hr
29% (26 votes)
daily, Rs 50-150 /day
21% (19 votes)
monthly, Rs 400-1200 / month
11% (10 votes)
Prefer to carry my bicycle along on the bus/train
39% (35 votes)
Total votes: 90

Final version of BPS concept paper - any fresh ideas?

BusPublic Transport

Time to move past the draft stage, and finalize a first version of BPS concept paper. We can then resume the "advocacy exercise" with BMTC and BBMP. Starting this post to collect new ideas that would add to what we have already summarized in the draft version (see last project post).

2011 census - Karnataka population data


Vinay mailed these over, provisional data on Karnataka from 2011 Census. Thought it would be worth sharing at this data hungry portal.

Somethings that caught my eye

  • Population density of Bangalore district, 2001: 2985, NOW? 4378

Any correlation here?

Bangalore too high on road air pollution?


Delhi and Ahmedabad have already done it. Chandigarh too I beleive. But going purely by observations (can't find any published information from RTO), 40-50% of autorickshaws still seemed to be on petrol.

Towards more professionalism in governance


While the number of persons paying online may have doubled this year - from 32,000 to 71,000 - many more may have logged on, and then logged off in frustration. Property owners in several parts of the city were in for a shock, when the computer refused to accept their payment, saying they had not paid the previous year’s tax.

Bus Stop design

BusPublic Transport

DULT is on the lookout for suggestions on bus stop (shelter) design to suggest to relevant authorities. So please post as comments to this post & suggest what you wuld like to see in a bus stop shelter & also what additional features should a bus stop shelter have that will make it an attractive place.

Hat's off to BMTC conductor and Driver of Airport route in Bangalore

BusPublic Transport

I would like to sincerely Thank Conductor and Driver of the bus route No 9/8 Bus No. FA 1762 for their humanity and promptness in returning my bag that I forgot when I got down at Kammanahalli stop without collecting my bag which had my certificates and other valuables more than items my certificates was most important without which I would have struggled a lot.

Plan Approved by CMC but now BBMP only authority not CMC

Urban DevelopmentGovernance

Hi All

I am searching for a flat to buy. The one in question is near Bomanahalli and came under CMC when construction began.

It still is under construction

Builder is not showing any approvals from bbmp.

he shows bbmp encumberance certificate till dec 2010.

what are the essential things i need to verify before going to buy the flat.

Money spent by BBMP, but unused and not accessible to public?

 Here are 3 photos of a park in ST Bed, its near the exit towards Kormangala 1st block.

See, its locked, such a nice seating being done inside and good pavement.

about seo