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Money spent by BBMP, but unused and not accessible to public?

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 Here are 3 photos of a park in ST Bed, its near the exit towards Kormangala 1st block.

See, its locked, such a nice seating being done inside and good pavement.

Please tell me, what's being written on the board there? All the data please?

I have seen a few months back when it was getting built and developed with all the good trees/plants and painting done, also the ncie seats being kept there. But after that I saw that the park has always been locked and not at all given access to public. The state of this right now is - you can see in the picture, all the weeds and wild herbs have come up there, and still its locked.

I don't understand the purpose behind all the money spent (waste) in this effort?

- Was that only on paper, and they did something eating away a lot of money in process?

- After completing of work, its under some dispute and hence not open for public?

Not at all sure, what was that for, what is the purpose it is serving? Whom does it belong to? Whose money being spent there?

Prajagalu's, please help me also reading what's being written in the kannada in the name-board put up there in picture.



rackstar's picture


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Possibly that land might have been denotified. Some private party will take this place on one fine day. If public allowed then it will be difficult for him to reclaim "his" land.

On that board it is written Park in big letters, then ward 148, and 2 names which i could read properly some Ramalingareddy and Veerappa.

dvsquare's picture

You mean its private property?

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Do you mean, its a private property? Is that so? And if yes, then I would like to find out who has spent so much money for the beautification of the park, the good pavements and the seats? (May be i need to write to BBMP or file RTI)


rackstar's picture

land acquisition

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I think you dont know about denotification scams. The land would have been acquired many years back through notification, and it became govt property. A park was developed as it is govt property. But say now in 2010 that is denotified and it becomes private property who originally owned it long  back. Generally such denotifications are followed by transfer of land from one owner to another private party.

So, now after the denotification that private guy wants to use that land and build something. Then locals around will start protesting. To avoid this first they lockout, then build opaque compound wall, and such other tactics

dvsquare's picture

I know of denotification

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I know of denotification scams, but not sure the details though.

For this particular land/park, I have seen the beautification being done a few months back only, may be this year 2011 only. Now, who has got done the work? Who has spent the money?

You mean, the person who owned this land a long back, has done the work done there? And if that land belongs to him, why would one protest about it? And why would he make a park there, he could have silently got it back and build something.

Sorry, if I am missing something out here.


murali772's picture


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I just went over to the park to make a check myself.

Facing the main entry (on the West side), there's a board, apparently made out on the order of the BBMP Commissioner, listing out among other things, the timings when it's open to the public - from 5AM to 10 AM, and from 4PM to 8PM. There's a watchman living in the premises with family (in the quarter provided to him in one corner of the park) who implements this. And, since the local residents don't have an issue with this, I guess, the whole matter is a non-issue.

Here's another instance where the originator of the blog should perhaps have done a bit more study before going public.


Muralidhar Rao
dvsquare's picture

I haven't blamed, trying to get some info

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@Murali Sir,

I haven't blamed anybody, I was trying to get info and didn't put wrong things in public.

I just made some questions about the park. I have been seeing that park being developed from quite sometime but haven't seen anybody there using it anytime. Otherwise how would you justify the wild herbs and weeds coming up in the lawn area of the park? I didn;t even understand why is that timing specific in that park?

Basically, I am really upset abouth the money being spent in ST Bed in many ununsed things -

(1) ST Bed footpaths , which I talked in another post, they are kind of waste, because nobody uses them, literaly no body uses them, actually noone can use them, because of cars parked, trees and other encroachments on those. Also, those being done only on the main road, and inside roads aer like that only.

(2) Nobody has looked about the trees yet, only a few trees on the main road are being given a small space around them to collect water and get some breathe, all the other trees are still choking and one day will die in some monsoon rain.

(3) Here also, whatever money is being spent in this park, which I felt nobody is using, could have been used in other things in ST Bed like, doing something about big drainages running parallel. Specifically the drainage near the Oasis mall, I saw that particular few meter strech is escaped from any type of footpath, but that is the major area where we need footpath and people will use that also.

So, my main intention was to find out, why we are not using the money wisely, because otherwise another day you get a BBMP news that BBMP is cash crunch and not going to complete the projects it is supposed to do.


dvsquare's picture

It was closed at mornin 9:30 AM also

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@Murali Sir,

I was there for a few minutes and I saw the lock at 9:30 AM in the morning at the park main gate. Just had a look inside, I could feel that noone has entered there for a long long time. I don't think, they anytime open it.

My main concern is that, when locals doesn't worry about or have no issue about it, then why BBMP made it a park at all, that too near a drainage. They would have easily made out a parking space there, a PAID parking space, which could have helped mess in that road atleast, otherwise you also how people park on that road on both sides leaving no space for the running traffic.


dvsquare's picture

A different scene altogether today morning

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Today morning around 09:45 AM, I have seen a different scene altogether in this park. All the wild bush and shrub are removed, and place was looking relatively clean. I could also be able to see a few dustbins inside the park, not sure whether they are newly placed or become visible after the cleaning done.

I am not sure how did that take place, but yes something happened, but it was still locked at that time.


murali772's picture

strange location for a park

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@ Deepak

lock at 9:30 AM

You can't expect a BBMP gardner to follow exact timings, can you? Besides, in the mornings, people have more important things to do than sit in parks, I guess. And, in the evenings, it's fairly well patronised, I have noticed.

why BBMP made it a park at all, that too near a drainage. They would have easily made out a parking space there, a PAID parking space.

I am not quite for building more parking car parking spaces, generally - check this.

Well, if at all a car park should have been constructed in place of a park, it could possibly have been along the storm-water drain, adjacent to the bridge leading to the Nirguna Mandir layout - see the pictures below. I doubt anybody will want to hang around a park that overlooks a stinking drain. The only purpose it presently serves perhaps is the prevention of encroachment of the space.

Muralidhar Rao
dvsquare's picture

More about no-use of park

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@Murali Sir,

The pictures you have posted, and the pictures I have posted weeks before, compare them, you will be able to notice a difference in them. In my pictures, you will see all the wild grass, weeds, wild plantations have come up and even the beautiful seating and dust-bins are not visible, but same are so clear in photos in your post. Even I had clicked a few more last week, haven't uploaded them yet, but anyways your pics have served the purpose.

I mean, my point is that, regardless of timing, regardless of morning or evening, earlier it was not in a shape to be used by anybody at any point of time in the day. Now, I don't know it worked, I have seen cleaning up of the park, washing of the pavements being doen 2 weeks back and I have been seeing it unlocked also from last few days at the prescribed timings. So, I was not against anything, I just wanted that if some money being spent, it should be atleast used, atleast not left for wild plantations. You can just speculate how much BBMP must have spent in those beautiful seatings and dust-bins, isn't it? and then left for nothing.

About the parking suggestion:

There is a reason why suggested that, because there are lot of shops around in that area and people (even the very educated ones, actually only the educated ones), they just park their luxurious sedan's in the middle of the road, yes in the middle of the road and thus creating jam in that small lane as well, so I suggested that it could have been a parking and that too a paid so that people should be forced not to park in front of shops for free flow of traffic and also allows more walking up to the shops to buy stuff instead of private vehicles parking in middle of road.

@murali sir, You remember, cliking couple of photos of a car on the same road to be uploaded on APAD thread, yes, that is a regular scenario.

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