First hearing in the High Court - June 3

301 users have liked.
3 Jun 2013 09:30

Just marking the date. June 3. First hearing in the High Court on this PIL.

We are not sure how many people can actually join in at the court. Need to check with the lawyer if 10-12 of us can join in. But if you are interested to attend, please do leave a comment here. One of us will respond on how many can come.

Watch this post for more details on this first hearing.

We are also checking with our lawyer on how much of all this we can put in public domain ... just in case, there are any type of concern there from legal or precedural angle.


Have the IRC documents

157 users have liked.

Have the IRC documents Regaring this as well as a small presentation (mine) detailing graphically what needs to be done.


If it is of use to somebody, I can give it. Please return the IRC once you are done




Time 10.30 am

151 users have liked.

So all set for tomorrow. Bunking work to be there. Will see if I can tweet live while there.

Any updates from court?

149 users have liked.

Anybody who had been to court, any updates on this hearing?

Updates from the court

134 users have liked.

The first hearing did not happen as planned because the court summons to BDA and KSRDC was not accepted or delivered. So we asked for the noitces to be physically delivered, to which the judge agreed. But he prefers to hear the arguments when all agencies are summoned and present.

So we will be given a new date, most likely next week.

High court summon

138 users have liked.

Any update on this thread? Did the court hear all parties? Thanks

Senthilr14, Bangalore

No new update on this

131 users have liked.

Will check with Jenny and share current status on this PIL.


150 users have liked.

thanks.  typically used to car or bike while travelling. recently started taking the bus and realized the pedestrian is practically not a consideration in roads....


Senthilr14, Bangalore