Task - special landing page for DDC

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Some of us are thinking about doing a special landing page for Disciplined Driver's Club (DDC) campaign. Think of a page like praja.in/ddc (warning, the page isn't there yet). The page will have a pledge form, and more features like upload pictures, forward the pledge etc. Starting this post more as a task to track this DDC landing page. DDC vehicle stickers should mention the URL of this DDC landing page.

Ideas so far

  • Upload pics of traffic violations
  • Donation feature (to support printing and mailing of stickers beyond the first few hundred that are 'free')
  • Link to share DDC/pledge on Facebook/Twitter
  • Links for easy emailing of complaints suggestions to traffic police.

Only note of caution is, depending on tech limitations, all suggestions may not make it.



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A Picture A Day (APAD) should be one of the campaigns of DDC. Just take one picture of a violation you see on the roads and post on Praja. We can have the people visiting the site guess what is the mistake being made and how it can be avioded. Pictures have impact and it will be a learning experience on the mistakes we make on the road. Maybe even the RTO people & Traffic constabulary will see it and take notes. I bet BBMPs mistakes on road engineering will show up in most pictures.

DDC landing page is here

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Work in progress, so don't take the pledges yet: http://praja.in/ddc

Santosh - if you read this, we will need this URL on the bumper sticker.

IDS - can add the APAD feature to ddc page, on the left hand side of the pledge form.

IDS, santosh - help needed

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Need two things for the WIP ddc landing page (http://praja.in/ddc)

- a special banner image for the ddc landing page, and also for this project. same width as the header image on top of this page, keep height a bit less.

- On the pledge form, image for item #8 as "$150" on it. Need something with rupee symbol. check if any other images need to be replaced.

DDC with APAD, implementation ideas

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Some ways to improve on what IDS has temporarily started via a separate blog (APAD):

  1. One blog post which will only take comments after moderation. Each comment must have a pic. All picture comments will be shown via slideshow on the ddc landing page. (praja.in/ddc)
  2. Do via flickr. All pictures tagged Praja and DDC will be linked on the website, and show via slideshow on DDC
  3. A special project called APAD. It will support a new type of post called PrajaPics. This will be like a picture blog, one has to upload an image, and there will be provision for 3-4 line comments to describe the pic.
  4. Instead of DDC landing page, have a new project called "DDC Pledge Club". This project will have PrajaPics support. Members can post APAD, or any other blogs, posts, events etc. All posts of type PrajaPics will be available on ddc landing page via a slideshow.

I have listed the quickly doable (based on present capabilities of Praja website backend) ideas that I can think of. More alternatives are welcome.

Updates on DDC landing page.

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Will spruce up the DDC landing page, and make it prominent on the site front page. May be we should "formally" launch DDC on Jan 1, with front page changes, and starting to mail stickers?

Photo Blogs to support the excellent APAD idea - will take a a bit more time.

DDC Pledge cub mentione in last comment is perhaps an overkill. this project itself could do (double up), and then landing page would be the face of DDC.

 Photo Blogs to support the

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 Photo Blogs to support the excellent APAD idea - will take a a bit more time.

We need more participants for APAD else I would suggest we make do with what we have

photo blog will help

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IDS, I think a photo blog will boost usage of APAD and similar campaigns. Worth a shot for sure. DDC page (praja.in/ddc) can have a slideshow of all APAD pics, each photo can have discussion around it.