Venue : Remodeled Vittal Mallya Road
Date : 12 June 2010
Start: 8:00 AM
End: 9:00 AM
Venue : Remodeled Vittal Mallya Road
Date : 12 June 2010
Start: 8:00 AM
End: 9:00 AM
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Primary City
Is there way to "accept" this meeting?
I was searching the button to "Accept" button. Am I missing something?
June 12 meet
I accept.
The missing "Accept" button
An accept button would make life easier, I was told.
I remember to have seen a RSVP a short for “…..” in an invitation to a function soliciting the gracious presence of the invitee. The event announcement is just an announcement of a proposed Praja business event. The agenda of this particular meet is a face to face meeting on whatever burning issues Praja is discussing currently on the web site. Generally praja is expected to comment about their attending or other wise what they would like to be discussed by those attending. Being early morning timing of this particular proposed meeting one would like to have a community B/F too.
If you mean to say that this event is not acceptable to you and it should be cancelled, that is a separate issue. ->)
accept button is a good idea
Should explore if we can add one to the meeting buttons.
I am out of town this weekend on work, so will not be able to join myself. Would have loved to come see you PSA sir in particular, as it has been 2 months now since we met.
Pictures of Vittal mallya road?
Can you please take some pics of the meeting and the pictures of the remodelled road and post them here? Thanks in advance!
no coffee place..
Guess there are no coffee places around mallya road..maybe we can try the one in cubbon park near the MS bldg..
Meeting at Mallya Road.
Let us decide the initial meeting location, one of the Bus shelters close by?
Any near by location easily locatable ok
I am not familiar with the place. Kindly suggest and let us all agree to it. Pathys suggestion is OK with me.
12th June meet
I suggest the Bus stop opp. to India Garage on St. Marks road.
After reaching we may contact each other, if reqd.
My phone- 93421 79182
Interesting discussions with Mr. Vivek Menon
Mr. Vivek R Menon the principle architect behind the Vittal Mallya road remodeling project was contacted over the telephone to get a brief input for the important design drivers of this particular project. Mr. Menon was kind enough to spare the time. Thank you Indeed sir!
The main points are summarized below:-
Rain Water Management
The following document was the Reference which provided the guide lines.
“Storm Sewer Design Applications for the City of Houston, Texas, Capital Improvement Plan Projects October 19, 2005 “
Main RoadParameters:
Storm Water Drains
Various Ducts
The Raja Kaluve was also refurbished to which the roads storm water is discharged.
June meet
I am not finding 'forward' button for this posting.
I will also join
My number - 9886132410
Photos of the Re-modelled Mallya road
PSRam Sir and Pathy Sir, I was there at 8..and waited till 8.30 and left after taking some pics..probably u folks came in then..
The above pic is a view towards the kasturba road jn..the storm water drain on the road is seen here..need to see how these take the monsoon..
Lane markings are made everywhere..however these look faded for a week old road..this needs to be changed to the plastic/polymer markings which are used on major highways..also notice that the road above is maintained well..atleast for now..I cud see atleast 10 ppl cleaning it in the morn!
This pic shows one more type of drain..this is flush on the footpath..about 4 ft in width..with grill covering it to prevent debris..
Please notice the granite bollard on the foot path..these look elegant and shd be cost effective too..even concrete ones in similar shape shd do..if cheaper..
Overall the concept is good and BBMP probably do a PPP for all roads in CBD to make them like this..
There were many manholes on the road with steel covers..but no indications to what they were..guess these are carrying the cables/sewer/water lines..
A sight for sore-eyes
Sorry - could not make it. But what a lovely sight to see and what a contrast to the rest of the roads which are essentially tar coatings.
Just imagine if all the arterial roads looked like this. It is obvious that BBMP's sense of aesthetics will never measure up to Mr.Mallya's. At least they let him do a good job.
The pedestrians still stroll on the roads!!! Do they think they will get punished for walking on those footpaths?
Drive safe. It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.